Hampton News

The sympathy of the Community goes out to Mr. Stanley and six little ones at this time of their bereavement. Mrs. Stanley was badly burned on Tuesday and was taken to the Exeter Hospital where she passed away Wednesday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward with Mrs. Drew Bernard motored to Wolfboro on Tuesday at attend the Commencement Exercises of Brewster Academy, as their brother, Mr. Robert Chipman was a member of the graduating class.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garland of Somerville, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garland of Ipswich, Mass., were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young.

Mrs. Christopher Toppan with her son, Grafton, on Thursday started for a motor trip with Mrs. Toppan’s brother to Albany, New York, where they will spend a short vacation.

The last meeting of this season of the Mother’s Circle will be held Wednesaday evening, June 17th at the home of Mrs. Warren Hobbs.

The Congregational Sunday school will have their Children’s Concert on Sunday, June 21st.

Mr. Charles Higgins, who for nineteen years was band leader at Hampton Beach has purchased two house lots in “The Greenlands.” He will immediately build on one, holding the other for investment.

Mrs. Augustus Locke is entertaining her two daughters, Mrs. Dewey and Mrs. Drew, with their children this week.

Little Louise H. Yeaton has been very seriously ill during the past week, having a very high temperature, but is better at present writing.

The genial presence of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Skiviett of East Boston, Mass., will be greatly missed by the many patrons of Page’s store and barbecue, they having been called home on important business. All hope to see them back soon.

Recent arrivals at the Celeno House are Mr. and Mrs. Lared of Waltham, Mass., [and] Miss Mollie Parker of Hillsboro, N. H.

Mrs. Jere Rowe and Mrs. Ed Rush motored to Middleton on Friday to visit Mrs. Rush’s husband.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas of Lawrence, Mass., visited at E. A. Page’s last Wednesday.

Leo La Pointe and Edward Miller of Springfield, Mass., arrived in Hampton river Wednesday noon by motor boat, making the trip in a week, visiting all the principal harbors on the way.

Pre-school conference will be held at the Centre school June 17, 1925, at 2 P. M. The conference will be conducted by Miss Hardy, State Infant Welfare Nurse, assisted by the District Nurse, Miss Eldridge. This conference is for the benefit of children who are not in school. A complete physical examination will be given, and those entering in September will have time to have their defects corrected. Do not forget the date.

The lawn party which was of necessity held indoors at the Centre school on Monday afternoon was pronounced a great success especially by the children who attended in large numbers. This success was due to the cooperation of the members and the generosity of the friends of the Parent-Teachers’ Association, among them Mr. Dudley, who presented the balloons that added so much to the gaiety of the occasion; and to Mr. Ring who furnished the pop corn, always a feature at such an affair. Thanks are due too, to Mr. Cummings and Mrs. Hutchings as well as to all the committees in charge of the different tables. The amount cleared was $35.68, a good start for the Parent-Teachers’ Association next season.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Durant are receiving congratulations on the birth of a baby girl last Thursday.

Mrs. Vestal and two children and Mrs. Blake of North Carolina are spending the summer at the beach.

Mr. Louis J. Beaudoin of Q Street is the proud owner of two thoroughbred German police dogs, four weeks old.

In this era of striving after execution, technique, tone production, etc., is was refreshing to find the soloist at the Baccalaureate exercises last Sunday at the Congregational church had the idea of wanting the audience to know what she was singing about. Her enunciation was fine and the expression artistic.

A genuine surprise arranged by Mrs. Toppan and Mrs. Ross in the form of a kitchen shower was given Miss Eloise Lane by sixty-three friends Friday evening. The ladies gathered in the home of Mrs. Thompson and at eight o’clock, marched to the residence of Mr. H. G. Lane and rang the bell. Miss Lane answered the ring and was completely surprised to see the porch and walk filled with friends. While completely surprised she at once welcomed the guests and invited them into the home. The gifts were placed on the table and much merriment flowed as Miss Lane unwrapped the useful and pretty gifts interspersing the unwrapping with thanks and felicitous remarks. A pleasing program had been prepared, which was opened by each one asking conundrums arranged by Mrs. Addie James. Mrs. Hutchings read a cute original poem and Mrs. Perkins sang a solo very sweetly accompanied by Mrs. Palmer. Very dainty refreshments of ice cream with strawberry and pineapple sherbet, various kinds of cake and fancy crackers were served. At eleven o’clock the friends began to depart wishing Miss Lane every happiness in the new life, into which she is about to enter.

The body of Sarah Lois Quimby, wife of Fred L. Quimby, was borne, on Monday, to its last resting place. The immediate relatives to mourn her loss are her husband, Fred L. Quimby of Hampton; a brother, Stephen Jacobs of Rochester; and several nephews and nieces, among whom are Dr. Leon Jacobs, a prosperous young dentist of Exeter, and Miss Viola Jacobs, training for the profession of nurse in the Exeter Hospital.

The funeral was held at her late little home among the pines and shrubbery, which she loved. She was surrounded by a profusion of flowers, such as is seldom seen at the funeral of one not in a public official position. She lay apparently in peaceful slumber, in a perfect bed of beautiful roses, while Rev. Mr. Cummings, of the Congregational church of Hampton, conducted an earnest and impressive service.

Mrs. Quimby was born in Rochester, fifty-two years ago, on a farm, where she probably learned that love of Nature, which remained with her to the end.

She was fond of life, of people, and of activity, during the years when her health permitted. Her kindly disposition and attractive personality gained her many friends, whose confidence and affection she retained.

She was a member of the Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge of Hampton; of the Women’s Relief Corps; and of the Missionary Society of the Congregational church. Although for several years her ill health has not permitted her to take any active part in the affairs of these organizations, her interest in their welfare and in community life, was as keen, perhaps, as during the years of her more active participation.

She maintained, even to her last day, the same kindly, cheerful disposition which had characterized her whole life, and ability to sense the humorous lightened the burdens of even the last afternoon she lived. Although she was a woman perhaps unusually strong in her friendships, and unchanging in her loyalty to those for whom she especially cared, her attachment to her home and husband was the most pronounced feature of her life. She loved animals, her flowers, her trees, and the birds which came to sing to her and delight her with their sprightly motions and their beautiful plumage. It might well be said that the words in Thanatopsis applied to her:

“To him, who in the love of Nature seeks communion with her visible forms,

She speaks a various language.”

Who shall say that a live lived in such love of Nature is not nearest to Nature’s God?