Hampton News

Miss Dorothy Barker is spending her vacation at West Rindge with her sister.

The Congregational picnic was held in Leavitt’s grove, North Beach last Friday. Sixty-five children and adults attended and enjoyed the day.

A baby clinic will be held in the Centre school next Monday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Everybody is invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I. Gale are pleasantly installed in their apartments over the new garage just built on Lafayette Road. They have three rooms and a bath, attractively finished, with a fine view in various directions. It makes a very pleasant as well as convenient home for Mr. Gale, and his many friends wish him much success in his business.

Mrs. Teague’s lawn will be the scene of a lawn party on Monday night, August 10, from 6:00 to 9:00. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church are conducting it, with candy, ice cream, domestic articles, home cooked food and aprons for sale.

Monday afternoon little Barbara Colt entertained eight little friends at the Colt cottage, as it was her 5th birthday. The little youngsters spent a wonderful afternoon playing games and having a general good time. They all were given fancy crepe caps which they wore while enjoying the ice cream and birthday cake. Little Barbara received many lovely birthday remembrances.

Tuesday afternoon the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church held a most successful summer sale on the lawn of the parsonage. Aprons, mysteries, cake, candy, ice cream and fancy articles were on sale. The pleasant day brought a large number of beach people and a large sum was realized on the sales. At 5:30 over 100 people were served a splendid salad and cold meat supper in the vestry of the church. The Committee in charge, Mrs. Keene, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Towle wish to thank everyone who so kindly helped to make it such a success.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King started on Saturday for a trip to Richmond, Maine, taking their sister, Miss Olive King, who has been a visitor with them, for the past two months, home.

Miss Martha T. Chipman is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Ward, coming down over the road with her sister Mrs. John Chipman.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pratt of Lynn, Mass., and their two children, with friends motored from Lynn on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Addie Brown.

Mrs. Marion Gates with her aunt, Mrs. Jennie French, and cousin, Mrs. Bates spent three days with relatives in Pittsfield, N. H. One day they took the trip around Lake Winnepesaukee and the next took a delightful motor trip around Newfound lake.

Wednesday afternoon the Women’s Missionary Society of the Congregational church held its regular meeting at Mrs. Howard Lane’s cottage, North Beach, with nearly fifty members. The President, Miss Annie Akerman, had charge of the program on the work of different missionaries. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Lane served a very delicious clam chowder supper.

Mrs. Wilson Olney, Miss Adeline C. Marston, Mrs. Herbert Marston, Miss Ruth Brooks, Miss Martha Chipman, Mrs. John Chipman, Mrs. Marion Gates, Mr. John Creighton, Dr. and Mrs. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt, being disappointed on their plans for a supper on the beach with the wonderful August moon for a background, had an indoors supper at Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt’s, grilling their frankforts, bacon and marshmallows over the fireplace coals. The evening passed very enjoyably playing “I Doubt It” and “Pit.”

Miss Ruth Barker has been elected to the faculty of the State University of New Jersey, at New Brunswick.

Mrs. Barker has just returned from a two weeks’ stay with her daughter, Mrs. Hammond at West Rindge.

The estate of Dr. Pickering at North Beach, near Little Boar’s Head, recently has been sold by Charles P. Buck, the popular real estate dealer at Hampton Beach.

Mrs. Edgar Howe returned to her home on Monday, after a delightful two weeks spent with a cousin at White Horse Beach, Manomet, Mass. She enjoyed the visits to Plymouth, Duxbury and Kingston, seeing all the relics and memorials of the Pilgrims.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huntington of Haverhill, Mass, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paulson for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson of New York City, with their little three months’ old daughter Alice arrived on Saturday to spend a short vacation with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson.

Miss Elizabeth Philbrick has recently had the interior of her home remodeled. An unused chamber was converted into a spacious bath room, a new stairway and hall were built, new wall paper on the walls and electric lights installed. One of the features of the wallpaper is the reproduction of the design in an old house in Salem, Mass. Miss Philbrick’s house, just over the bridge on the Exeter road, is one of the most attractive in town with its deep shades and well kept grounds.

Mrs. Mary E. Scales has her home at Hampton Falls, as guest the following: Mrs. Horrocks and Miss Elsie Horrocks of Woonsocket, R.I.; Miss Edna Murphy of Pawtucket, R. I.; William Moulton of Revere, Mass.; Miss Hurt of Newton, Mass.

A much needed improvement has just been completed at the Congregational church. The old stairway to the church kitchen and dining room has also been a source of inconvenience to those who made use of it. It has therefore been closed up and a new one built of broad concrete steps and side walls with the top entrance leading from the hall between church and chapel with double doors which can be swung back out of the way when the dining room is open for service. The concrete steps lead to a wide hall occupying all the open space between the church and chapel, which has been roofed in. Doors from this hall lead to the kitchen and dining room on one side and to the chapel basement on the other. The concrete work was done by William Gilpatrick and the carpenter work by H. I. Noyes’ men.

A Frederick Currie of Belmont was fined $5 and costs amounting to $7.70 in the Hampton municipal court here Friday morning by Judge Howell M. Lamprey for speeding. It was alleged that Currie pulled out of line and past several cars at 30 miles per hour during heavy traffic hours on the Beach boulevard.

A covered Ford truck operated by William Stenstream and a Franklin touring car owned and operated by Howard T. Ross, proprietor of Janvrin’s café at Hampton beach, were in collision Wednesday evening at the corner of High street and Highland avenue, near the shoe shop. Both cars were wrecked, but the occupants miraculously escaped with slight bruises and cuts.

The accident happened about 6:30 o’clock. Two of Stenstream’s trucks were coming up High street toward town. The forward one was operated by William Teague, and the second one by William Stenstream. With Stenstream in the covered truck was Roger Moore. Both of the Stenstream trucks were coming at a pretty good clip. Howard Ross in his Franklin was coming in the opposite direction and was crossing over from the south side of High street to go up Highland avenue on the opposite side. Teague’s car passed by Ross’ all right but Stenstream, close behind, had no time to turn aside. He set his emergency brakes, as marks on the road showed, but struck with such force as to drive the Franklin car against a tree in the corner and Ross escaped with very slight injuries. But if Stenstream had been a little later in setting his brakes Ross would have been crushed to death.

The Ford truck, when it struck the Franklin, was turned completely around, and both Stenstream and Moore were shot out through the windshield, breaking the steering wheel as they went and landing clear across the street. Neither seemed badly hurt at the time. Stenstream had a cut in each side of his forehead and Moore one on his wrist.

A large crowd gathered quickly around the scene of the accident. Police officer Marvin Young was early at the scene and later Carr of the state patrol arrived, but no summonses were issued. Wrecking cars soon arrived and took away the damaged machines. Brook’s garage took the Ford and the Work-Rite garage took the Franklin. The crash of the collision was heard a long distance. This is the first accident to occur on this street.

Hampton Beach:

Directors Joseph S. Dudley, John E. Cuddy, Jr., Robert Ring, and Secretary Leon S. McCombe of the Hampton Beach board of trade with several other business men and boosters of the beach are particularly keen that the Massachusetts N. E. railroad give reduced rates excursions to the beaches on the days that these people can travel. This point has been brought up simultaneously with the news that the same trolley concern would increase its rate. The question as to rates is now before the Public Utilities Commission. The argument put forth by these members of the local board of trade has been made all the more sound due to the fact that the Boston & Maine ran an excursion, following the solicitation of J. Frank James, to Hampton last Sunday despite the heavy rain, 250 took advantage of it. The same railroad will run another such excursion on Sunday, August 9. The board of trade officials believe that should the trolley company run excursions at reduced rates from cities in the Merrimac Valley on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays that thousands of people would have the benefit of a holiday at the beaches. Several prominent merchants at Salisbury Beach, including Walter Coulson of the Salisbury Beach associates, President George H. Dodge of the Chamber of Commerce, Leon S. Willey, William B. Cross, A. C. Sawyer and Ablin Shaheen, have expressed favor in the plan and it is expected that a committee will be appointed to work with the Hampton Beach committee to interview General Manager Ralph D. Hood of the street railway company.

Hampton Beach was thronged Sunday with the greatest crowd of the season. It was estimated that upwards of 30,000 people in motor cars either passed through or stopped during the day. No rooms were available over the weekend. No serious mishaps, due to the heavy traffic, have been reported.

Mrs. Leon A. Provandie and Miss Sylvia Cushman of the Ashworth were the guests of Count and Countess Erich von Nordenwald of Vienna, at the Farragut House, Rye, on Sunday.

Mrs. M. F. Cutler, accompanied by Dr. Joseph Roy and family of Webster, Mass., are spending a few weeks at the Esther cottage, on Concord street.

Last Thursday evening, Miss Madelyn Stott, of Exeter, entertained a large audience at the Casino ballroom. Miss Stott’s dancing was so well appreciated and there were applauding hands of so many that she was forced to give several encores. Miss Stott was wanted by New York promoter two years ago to study up for a musical review, but being so young her parents would not permit. She now has her parents’ consent and will leave for New York in the fall to join the review. She will be escorted by her mother.

More than 100 members of the Manchester, Concord and Rochester Kiwanis clubs held their annual outing here Wednesday with headquarters at the Casino. The committee in charge consisted of William H. Shea Hoyt, Concord, chairman, Daniel Shea, Concord, Thomas Morton, Concord, Freeman Corson, Rochester, and Richard Durrell, Manchester. The members drifted in during the morning by automobile and practically all enjoyed a dip before the shore dinner at the Casino. During the dinner the party was entertained by the Cappuccio trio of Boston, with songs and musical selections. After dinner some of the group went to the Abenaqui Country club at Rye, for golf and others to the tennis courts, but the main portion of the Concord and Rochester delegations went to the Casino alleys to root for their favorite in the bowling match. The match was won by Concord by 150 pins.

Upwards of 80 members and guests of Laurel Hill lodge, O. E. S., of Newburyport held their annual outing and banquet at the Hotel Ashworth here Wednesday. Both the afternoon and evening were given over to games of various sorts. Esther Poor won the first prize at whist with Josephine Abrams, second, and Mabel Safford, third. The peanut game was won by Fred Chase with Mrs. Ivy Philbrook, second.

Joseph Gravelin of 161 Boutwell street, Manchester, was arraigned in the Hampton municipal court Wednesday morning before Judge Howell M. Lamprey on a charge of illegal possession. He was fined $100 and costs amounting to $21.30 together with a 60 day suspended sentence in the county jail.

The Gravelin cottage on P Street was raided late last Tuesday evening by a party of local police which included Chief Harry D. Munsey and Officers Oscar Steard and William Stickney. Upwards of $150 worth of liquor was seized as was a quantity of pint and half pint bottles.

Batchelder Reunion at Hampton Falls:

More than 50 descendents of Rev. Stephen Batchelder of Hampton met here Wednesday in the town hall for the 27th annual Batchelder family reunion. Following a luncheon prepared by the local members of the family these officers were elected for the coming year:

Frank Greene, Hampton Falls, president; H. H. Bailey, Andover, Mass., vice president; Miss Mary Greene, Hampton Falls, Secretary; Howard Moulton, Hampton Falls, treasurer; Mrs. Florence Batchelder, Mrs. Mae Bushley and Mrs. Paul Batchelder, all of Hampton Falls, executive committee.

Mrs. Sarah Fogg of Hampton Falls read a paper tracing the history of the family from the time of Rev. Stephen Batchelder, and Frank S. Greene read an original poem.