Hampton News

The many friends of Mrs. Maude Sprague were glad to see her in town again. She has been spending a few days with Mrs. Fred E. Perkins.

Mrs. Etta Glidden spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Bernice Palmer.

Mrs. Charlotte Dowse of Sherborn, Mass., is a guest in the family of her brother, C. F. Adams.

Miss Maybelle Perkins is spending a few days in Boston, and Cambridge, Mass.

Miss Addie S. Folsom of Laconia is visiting Mrs. Fred E. Perkins.

Warren Clark offers for sale his house lot on Highland avenue. This is one of the best lots in this desirable location and should find a ready customer.

Six of the young ladies of Mrs. John Cummings’s class in the Congregational Sunday School were taken by their teacher on a trip to the Isles of Shoals Wednesday. It was an ideal day for this trip and was greatly enjoyed by all. Those in the party were Mrs. John Cummings, Caroline Philbrook, Wilma Toppan, Isabelle Hobbs, Constance Adams, Eva Carlson, Elise Paulson.

Miss Ida Steward of Newburyport, Mass., was a visitor in town this week.

Miss Marjory Graves of Hampton Falls was the guest of Miss Constance Adams last Tuesday.

Mrs. Benjamin Colvin, of Harrison, New York arrived in town on Tuesday of last week. She spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Beecher Yeaton, and until after the wedding of her niece, Miss Eloise Lane, will be a guest of her sister, Mrs. George Philbrook.

Thursday afternoon Miss Adeline Marston entertained at tea for her sister Mrs. Herbert Marston. It was to have been a porch party but because of the stormy weather was held indoors. Mrs. Marion Gates, Mrs. I. S. Jones, Mrs. Frank Dennett, Miss Martha Chipman, Mrs. Arthur Ward and Mrs. Russell Leavitt were the guests for the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bateman of Newburyport, Mass., are visiting with their sister Mrs. Richard Shelton.

Miss Isabelle Thompson is spending a few weeks with her friend Miss Elizabeth Irish at Buckfield, Me.

Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Arthur Ward entertained twelve of her friends at a tea for her sister, Miss Chipman. It also proved to be a surprise stork shower for Mrs. Marvin Young.

David F. Colt has purchased an electrical pop corn machine for his restaurant in Depot yard.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church held a very successful lawn party on Monday night at Mrs. Teague’s. The piazza was gaily decorated with red, white and blue crepe paper and Japanese lanterns were hung between the trees, making a very festive scene. The large crowd gathered at the square on account of the band concert appreciated the opportunity to purchase the candy, ice cream and household articles that were on sale.

John W. R. Brooks has just returned from a ten day auto trip which took in the White Mountains, the Green Mountains, Montreal, Quebec and New Brunswick.

While on their way home Kueken Philip of Kittery, Me., accompanied by two other boy friends took a tire off a wrecked car, at Gale’s garage and were making their get away. Mr. Gale came out just in time to read the number plates on the car. Mr. Gale immediately notified the Portsmouth police and in a short time the boys were caught while entering that city. Officer Marvin Young was notified and brought the boys back to Hampton Police Headquarters where a summons was issued against Kueken Philip to appear in Municipal court. On Monday morning Kueken Philip appeared before Judge Howell Lamprey, and pleaded guilty to the charge. He paid a fine of $25 and costs.

A Ford sedan owned and driven by Redmond L. McGrath, M.D., of 11 June street, Lowell, Mass., was in collision Monday evening with a motorcycle owned and driven by Arnold F. Perry, of Portsmouth. Riding with Mr. Perry was Percy Fernald, who received injuries about the body. Mr. Fernald was immediately taken to the Exeter hospital. The accident occurred at about 11:00 o’clock, at Mace’s corner. Mr. Fernald was the only person injured.

Early Saturday morning a truck load of somewhat 30 members of the Bath, Me., Fire Department, en route to Brockton, Mass., where a Fireman’s Muster was to be held were delayed here for several hours due to engine trouble. After a wait of a few hours a truck was sent from Boston, Mass., and the equipment which they carried with them for the muster was transferred from the big Mack truck to another, and were on their way. The Mack truck is property of the J.R. Longley Transporting Co., of Lewiston, Maine.

A Dodge touring car owned and operated by Joseph Morien of 110 Elm street, Amesbury, Mass., and a Ford owned by John Edward Hart, of 857 Middle street, Bath, Me., and operated by John Arsnalt, also of Bath, Me., were in collision early Sunday morning, on the Lafayette road, near Gale’s garage.

One of the passengers of the Ford was J.E. Everad, of Bath, Me., who at the time of the collision was thrown through the windshield from the front seat, and landing out on the road head first. He was quickly picked up by a passing auto and rushed to Dr. Ward’s office where he was treated for his injuries. 15 stitches were taken about the sides of his face and head. The other four members of the party escaped uninjured.

Police officer Marvin Young quickly arrived at the scene and issued a summons for John Arsnalt, for driving an automobile without a license and Joseph Morien, who operated the Dodge, for driving as to endanger the lives of the public. John Arsnalt was released on bail while Joseph Morien was held at the Police Headquarters. The Ford was completely wrecked while the Dodge escaped with a broken wheel. The accident happened about 2:00 o’clock.

Hampton Beach:

The contestants having the highest vote at the recent Movie Ball, which was held at the Dance Carnival, Hampton Beach, were A. J. Tick of this office, and Miss Madelyn Stott of Exeter, each receiving a loving cup on Tuesday evening as King and Queen of the ball.

The Noval Baptie-Gladys Lamb Co., from the Hippodrome, New York City, exhibited their ice skating act here on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Dance Carnival. This act is classed as one of the finest skating acts in the country; in fact it is the only skating act of its kind.

The big feature of the Carnival at Hampton Beach is now under way. That event is the contest for Queen of the Carnival. As usual a large number of popular girls have entered the race and leading all other entrants in total number of votes is Miss Abbie Rowell, better known as “Bobbie” and formerly of Pleasant street, North Andover, Mass. Miss Rowell is an employee of the Mason Dry Goods Co. of Hampton.

A bus owned by J.D. McGonagle of 28 Waverly avenue, Everett, Mass., and driven by Timothy F. Cronin of 191 Broadway, Everett, with 20 passengers, struck the toll house on the Seabrook end of the Hampton mile bridge Sunday afternoon and knocked the house, containing a portion of the receipts of the day, into the Hampton river. Melville Taylor of 49 Mt. Vernon street, Haverhill, who was standing in the door of the house making collections from passing automobiles jumped on hearing the crash and did not fall into the water. Taylor was struck by a timber and knocked unconscious for a short time. Officials of the Massachusetts, Northeastern Street railway, which owns the bridge, secured a portion of the money, such as bills and checks which were floating on the surface of the river. It was not known this evening how much money was lost, but on a busy Sunday the toll bridge is said to bring the railway upward of $1,500 in receipts.