Hampton News

Save the dates. What dates?

Mrs. Harry A. Penniman and son, Wallace are week-end guests of Mrs. Sara E. Rose at Rose cottage.

Among the list of stones that are set in Memorial park, the name of Godfrey was omitted. Among the first settlers was Dea. William Godfrey, he lived just below Christopher Toppan’s and was one of the first deacons of the church and remained so till his death.

Mrs. Herbert B. Marston was called to Boston, by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Leonora B. Wing. Her other daughter, Eleanor, has returned to her duties as art instructor in the C. V. L. Normal school in Penn.

Miss Annie Isabel Colwell and Mr. Robert O. Elliot were married in Hyde Park, Mass., the home of the bride, last Friday, September 4. Only the two immediate families were present at the double ring ceremony.

On Wednesday the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Congregational church was entertained by Mr. J. Q. Bennett at her residence on Exeter road. It was a well attended meeting and much enjoyed. The program closed with the nice supper, which Mrs. Bennett always serves the Society at the September meeting.

Among the visitors at Shady Lawn this week are Mr. William O’Neill and Mr. Joseph Little of Cambridge, Mass. Mr. O’Neill is a well known horseman and has had some very pleasant rides along the roads here. He met with a slight toss up Wednesday evening, and damaged a pair of light trousers considerably to say nothing of his disposition. Mr. Little is getting practice for the barnyard golf tournament to be held in Cambridge, Mass., October 12. Thus far he has had “little” luck. However the folks at Shady Lawn look forward to their future success.

Save the afternoon and evening of October 16.

Save the afternoon and evening of October 17.

The last of the series of band concerts in Depot square was held last Thursday evening and drew as large an attendance as on any previous occasion. After the concert the members were given a banquet in Odd Fellows’ hall. The appreciation of the public for the concerts which this fine band has given here, which culminated in the banquet at the close of the series, has been highly appreciated by the members, as well as by band master MacDonald. The small group of men who started the movement for these concerts and carried it through to such a successful end, are worthy of this commendation.

Save the afternoon and evening of October 19.

Clarence Leavitt of New Bedford, Mass., was a recent visitor in town, brought here by his work on a Leavitt genealogy. He visited Hampton Beach and was shown through the new fire department station there, and also attended a service in the new Community church. While in Hampton, Mr. Leavitt was the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gilman.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Hobbs have returned to Westwood, N. J. after spending a very pleasant vacation in her home in Hampton. Mr. Hobbs has taught 3 years in Westwood, and is a very popular teacher there.

Mr. Walter Goodwin has been spending a week with his brother, Oliver Hobbs.

Miss Sylvia Cushman of the Ashworth is sailing for Germany on October 3rd, to spend winter in Berlin, Dresden and Vienna. This is Miss Cushman’s fourth trip to Germany and she is seriously considering settling there permanently. She owns a place in Dresdeu.

Mrs. Sara E. Rose, Beach road, has returned from a five-day automobile trip through the Adirondack Mountains, Green and White mountains. Mrs. Rose was a guest of Mrs. Harry A. Penniman and her son, Harry Jr., of Cambridge, Mass. Miss MacKinzie of Boston, was also a guest. The trip was enjoyed by all; as roads and weather were all that could be desired.

The breaking of a steering gear Tuesday afternoon near Applecrest farm, caused the motor car driven by Clifford R. Clark of 47 Wentworth street, Portsmouth, and containing also Robley Swanton of 270 South street, Portsmouth, to crash into a tree. Both boys had just been hired to pick apples here for Walter Farmer. They were taken to the Portsmouth hospital in a passing machine. It was found that Clark had sustained fractures of both legs together with multiple bruises. Swanton was injured about the head and also suffered lacerations of the leg.

Did you know that the children of this community are to have a great treat on Saturday afternoon, October 17?

Miss Maybelle Perkins left on Monday for Melrose, Mass., where she is to teach in the Gooch School the coming winter.

We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs is able to sit up after a long severe illness.

Rev. A. B. Thompson of Hampton will preach in the Baptist church, Sunday morning and evening.

Miss Ruth Gilman was a recent visitor in town. While here she took her father, John S. Gilman, to Kittery, Me., where they attended a clambake, and on August 24th they attended the G. A. R. convention at the Weirs.

Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hall of Montclair, N. J., are announcing the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Hall, to Mr. Laurence G. Leavitt of Hampton, N. H. Miss Hall is a member of the Vassar class of 1925. Mr. Leavitt is the son of Frank E. Leavitt, and recently received the highest honors which Dartmouth College could bestow.

John S. Gilman has just returned from a motor trip to Malden and Boston, Mass., and through New York State. Mr. Gilman was accompanied by his son, J. Stephen Gilman of Exeter.

Mrs. Lena Day, regent of the Exeter Chapter, D. A. R., was a guest at the Beach on Sunday and was quite pleased to see that every flag on the beach was hung properly and not draped in any way. It is the greatest step in the Americanization movement to see that the proper respect is shown the flag.

The first meeting of the Mother’s Circle will be held Wednesday evening, September 17th, with the Camp Fire Girls at their rooms in the G. A. R. hall. The Circle wishes to sponsor the Camp Fire this year and it is hoped that every member will try and be at the first meeting. Miss Annie Connor of Exeter, head of the Exeter district for Camp Fires is to be the speaker of the evening.

Mrs. Marcia York of Kensington is visiting with her sister and brothers in town. Wednesday she took a trip to Somerville, Mass., and spent the night with her sister, Mrs. Mary Chipman.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kershaw and family of Fall River, Mass., spent the week with Mr. Kershaw’s sister, Mrs. William Gilpatrick. Mr. Remington Merrill of Providence, R. I., arrived on Monday and made a party of ten which motored to Lebanon, Me., by way of the beaches, and spent the night with Mr. Gilpatrick’s sister. It was Mr. Kershaw’s birthday, while here and a pleasant evening was spent playing games and dainty refreshments were served. Mr. Kershaw was presented with a beautiful hound dog.

October 16, 17 and 19 are to be red letter days in the Hamptons and Seabrook.

An Interesting Letter:

As indication of the interest which is being taken in the Memorial park to be dedicated October 14, this following letter recently received by Rev. I. S. Jones is most pleasing:

Laconia, N. H., Sept. 8, 1925 Rev. I. S. Jones, Hampton, N. H.

Dear Sir — Your very welcome letter is received and at your suggestion I enclose my check for $25.00 to pay for a tablet for the Tiltons — 1653-1925, and will ask you to see that it is placed with the others. Will motor down and see you in a few days for I am very much interested in what you are doing and have done–I wonder how many of the families can say what we can–that the whole Tilton family of New England and Canada sprang from Samuel, Abraham and Daniel of Hampton, all of Daniel’s and Samuel’s and most of Abraham’s children being born in Hampton. I think it is wonderful — Do you blame me for being interested?

Very Respectfully, G. H. Tilton

K. K. K. Field Day

Holiday traffic on the Lafayette road, the main artery to Boston and Portland, was tied up Monday afternoon for upwards of 30 minutes by a Ku Klux Klan parade. Hampton Klavern, No. 2 and Portsmouth Klavern, No. 4 held a joint field day in a field on the Mill road. Upwards of 2,000 attended, including a delegation from Massachusetts Klavern, No. 17, of Amesbury. Late in the afternoon a parade from the field to the beach road, to Whittier’s corner, to High street and return by the Mill road, was held with 700 marchers in full regalia. The parade, which was witnessed y thousands, was headed by two Knights mounted on horses and the North Hampton police led by Chief Irving Marston. Returning to the field, there were addresses by members of the National organization, followed by the initiation of a “naturalization class.” The burning of a 24 foot cross, together with fireworks Monday evening brought the program to an end.

Mrs. Myron Norton had as week-end guests, Miss Marion Worthen and Miss Natalie Titcomb. The latter a niece of Mrs. Norton.

In spite of the Labor Day attractions at the Beach there were a very large number of citizens, both men and women, present from Hampton and adjoining towns and practically everyone present heartily endorsed the address of the speaker Rev. Mr. Johnson of Little Rock, Arkansas, one of the National lecturers of the order. About 100 new members were added to the ranks of the order that day.


Editor of The Hamptons Union:

There recently has been much needless discussion regarding the site of the old church and “Meeting House Green.” To those who have Dow’s history of Hampton there need be no doubt. It is explicitly told there, where the first church in Hampton stood. This was East of where the Academy used to stand, and the mounds near were said to be part of the fortifications of the old church. At the 100 anniversary of the Academy, in 1910, a tablet was placed, on the stone erected for both Academy and the first log church erected there. If those who have Dow’s history of Hampton will look at the map in the back, they will find the houses marked with names of many of the first settlers. The M. H. for meeting house, is on that side next to Ring’s swamp around which it is said all of the early settlers built their homes: this being “the open green meadow among the forests,” referred to in the account of their arrival. You will also find on this map “Meeting House Green,” marked on the site of Ring’s swamp, and it is said that this swamp was all, at one time, Meeting House Green. Never at any time in town or church history was the site of Memorial park called Meeting House Green. When we attended the Academy, when on the old site we often called the park land the Parsonage Green as it laid between the Academy and parsonage. We have the town history, church history, and other papers which prove very plainly all of these things and it seems there was no need of any mistake being made. Meeting House Green was according to all records north of the old site, in Ring’s swamp, and not south where the park lies.

This makes no difference in the Park Memorial to the first settlers, but it should not be stated that the first church stood here for this is not true. I have been requested by some of the park committee and others to make this statement. I have in my possession Dea. Dow’s history and papers, State and town, also church histories; also traditions handed down from the older inhabitants, which are highly prized.

Lucy A. Marston

Hampton Beach

The fifth annual field day of the New England Order of Protection was held here Monday in conjunction with the regular Labor Day exercises. The day was opened by the election of officers with James Healy , the retiring president, in the chair. Mrs. Helen Ramsdell of Manchester, was chosen head of the order with Arthur Avery, also of Manchester, as vice president, and Mrs. Amy Shurmann of Portsmouth as secretary-treasurer. In the afternoon, a second meeting was called under the new president, Mrs. Ramsdell, and the next convention was set for Labor Day, 1926. Grand Warden Charles Greene was present and spoke at the meeting. Later a series of athletic events was run off.

The 11 Annual Hampton Beach carnival, under the auspices of the Hampton Beach Board of Trade, opened Monday with a crowd estimated at upwards of 100,000 present. The program included vaudeville, band concerts and confetti battles and fireworks in the evening. Despite the large attendance and heavy traffic no accidents of a serious nature were reported by the police. Few arrests were made.

Tuesday was children’s day and in the morning the children were guests of ex-State Senator J. J. Flynn of Lawrence, Mass., at a moving picture show in the Casino.

In the decorated doll carriage parade Lorraine and Gloria Smithson of Lowell, Mass., won first prize with Eva Cammett of Exeter, second; Nancy Carter of Exeter, third, and Eleanor Cammett of Exeter, fourth.

The prize for the handsomest costume was awarded to Dolores Gauron of Hampton Beach; for the most original, to Mary Toomey of North Andover, Mass.; for the prettiest paper costume to Edith Webster of Newburyport, Mass.; and for the most unique costume to Bert Smithson of Lowell, Mass.

The judges were Mrs. J. Frank James of Lawrence, Mass., Ethel Uhlig, Mrs. Henry Warren, Mrs. Emma Brown of Manchester and Mrs. Emma Young of Hampton. Marie Bryant of Exeter gave an acrobatic dance.

Tuesday afternoon there was a program of sports on the beach under the direction of Douglas Hunter and Ralph Johnson, assisted by Jackson Stone of Andover and Sylvester Murphey of Lawrence. The results were:

Fifty yard dash, won by Fred McCabe, Lawrence; Francis McGaughey, Boston, second; John Leary, Portsmouth, third. Sack race, won by Stanley Towle of Haverhill, Leonard Hall of Lowell second. Three wing baseball, won by Joseph Connelly of Lawrence, E. McLane of Exeter, second. Potato race, won by William Toye of Lawrence, Milton Crowe of Haverhill, second. Three-legged race, won by Stephen MacLane of Newton, Mass., and Robert Carr of Lowell, Frank McCabe of Lawrence, second. Tuesday’s program also included band concerts, vaudeville, confetti battles and a display of fireworks in the evening.


The Klu Klux Klan of Hampton and Portsmouth advertised a Field Meet, Labor Day, which was to be open to the Public. Through a misunderstanding of orders by some of the guards, some people of Hampton and other towns were refused entrance to the field. The Hampton Klavern offers their apology to all who were refused entrance to the grounds.

Hampton Klavern #2