Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce returned recently from a delightful trip to Montreal.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary by a trip to Pigeon Cove.

The Misses Ethel and Hazel Steadman of West Somerville, and nephew, William Steadman Kaye of Somerville, spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Coffin. The Misses Steadman also spent some weeks visiting many places in New Brunswick.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carberry and young son left Monday (of last week) for a trip to Montreal.

Mr. Fred Greenleaf entered the Portsmouth Hospital recently to undergo an operation. His friends hope for an early recovery.

Mrs. Helen Preston of Dover was a guest of Mrs. Sara E. Rose at her home, “Rose Cottage”, on Beach Road, for a week recently.

At the student election of Colby Academy, held September 25, Russell Hobbs of this town was elected president of the graduating class. Hobbs is president of the student’s assembly and one of the most popular students in Colby. On September 24 he was elected captain of the Blue Division of the Colby Academy cross country squad. Hays Jones of Madison, Conn., was elected captain of the Whites. The two teams will compete as a part of their training for the coming meets. Wilmont Teague was elected vice-president of the Sophomore class.

On Wednesday evening, October 7, at eight o’clock, the Mothers’ Circle and the Parent-Teacher Association will hold a reception at the Centre School for our new Superintendent, Mr. Perkins, and for his wife and our staff of teachers. We want to welcome the teachers that we already know as well as the new ones and have them feel our interest. It is earnestly desired that every member of the Mothers’ Circle and every parent with a child in school will be present at this occasion.

Those who attended the Dummer Academy historical pageant can appreciate what might be done with Hampton history. The pageant was given in a natural bowl on the Academy grounds just off the turnpike. The three episodes were concerned with the founding of the school and the well known men who have graduated from it. Mr. and Mrs. Ingham, who live in the old Dummer mansion, took the parts of Governor and Lady Dummer, who willed their house and county estate for the school. The two old stage coaches that brought the guests to tea at the Dummer’s were quite a contrast to the modern conveyances which were parked about the entrance. Everyone who took part seemed instilled with the spirit of the old days, and moved as we picture the stately dames of yesterday.

The play committee of the Mothers’ Circle will give their annual play Friday evening, December 11. This premature announcement is so that other societies planning entertainments will not conflict with this date.

Mr. Bruce Fall is working in Haverhill for Stone & Webster Co.

Mrs. Herbert Marston entered the Deaconess Hospital on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shelton spent the weekend visiting about Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nudd spent a most delightful vacation touring Cape Cod and spending a few days at Provincetown.

Mrs. Marcia York and daughter Priscilla visited relatives and friends in town on Wednesday.

Joseph S. Dudley will occupy this winter the Janvrin tenement on the Lafayette Road just vacated by Mrs. Leora Bristol.

Miss Esther True was a weekend guest of Mrs. Forest Pratt in Lynn, and also attended the marriage of Mr. Emmons Coffin which took place in that city on Monday evening.

The first meeting of the Monday Club will be held next Monday afternoon, October fifth, at Mrs. Tobey’s cottage, Plaice Cove. A picnic lunch will be served at one o’clock after which the business of the club will be conducted.

Mrs. James Murray returned on Monday after a six months’ visit with her mother in Scotland.

Invitations will soon be in the mail for the conferring of the Decoration of Chivalry and Military Ball, under the direction of the Patriarch’s Militant I. O. O. F. of New Hampshire, to be held at the town hall, Tuesday evening, October 27. This is the first time an affair of this sort has been presented in Hampton.

Open meeting of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Town Hall, Hampton, N. H., Friday evening, October 2. All Protestant people of Hampton invited. Rev. Pierce will deliver the address at 8 P. M.

Mrs. L. Otto Robertson is spending several weeks with her brother, John Elliot.

Mrs. Marvin Young and her little daughter Marvis returned on Friday from the Exeter Hospital.

Regular meeting of the Patrons of Husbandry local, Ocean Side Grange, will be held Friday (tomorrow) night. Prove your loyalty and interest by your attendance. You can have a live order if you want to be a live member. How about it?

The directors of the Exeter, Hampton and Amesbury Street railway voted last Wednesday to discontinue all service on the line on October 17 until June, 1926. However, since this meeting certain developments have arisen which have lead the directors to withhold publication of the notice of discontinuance. A meeting to consider the new developments will be held on Saturday evening.

October fourth will be Rally Day at the Congregational Sunday School. There will be interesting exercises appropriate for the day and the children will present a pageant, “Forth to Victory”. It is hoped to reach an attendance of 150 this year.

Henry Hanson has the frame up for the bungalow which Kenneth Ross is building on Academy Avenue.

John A. Janvrin is building a garage at the rear of his double tenement on Lafayette Road.

The Program committee for the Memorial Park dedication exercises on October 14, has secured the Rev. Dr. Chalmers of Newton, Mass., formerly of Manchester, to make the principal address that day. Dr. Chalmers is considered the best informed man on New Hampshire Religious history in this state and his address will be of much interest to all. Plans for the big parade for the morning of October 14 are going on rapidly. H. I. Noyes is chairman of the parade committee and will furnish all participators. The town of Hampton will have a float and each of the several churches and the various organizations in town are expected to contribute one illustrating some particular historic event. The exercises at the park will open with a flag raising, salute to the flag by the children, band music, community singing, addresses by prominent speakers, etc.

Herbert S. Wyman and daughter, Ruby, will leave Hampton next Monday for Florida where they will spend the winter. Mr. Wyman is interested in the development of a large tract at Pomona, and expects to sell lots to many New England people.

Mr. and Mrs. William Janvrin of Decatur, Illinois are visiting Mr. Janvrin’s aunt, Mrs. Walton at the Elmwood.

Monday evening, September 28, Evelyn Ivy Phillips was united in marriage with Emmons B. Coffin, formerly of Hampton and now of Lynn, Mass. The wedding ceremony was performed in the Lynn Episcopal Church. Immediately afterwards a reception was held at the bride’s home. Norman Coffin of Hampton, a brother of the groom, was best man, and Harold Noyes and Lawrence True were ushers.

The bride, a Lynn girl, is a graduate of Boston University, and Mr. Coffin was a member of the Class of 1914 at Hampton Academy. He is now employed as a skilled mechanic in the electrical department of the Lynn General Electric Company.

On their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Coffin will stop at Niagara Falls. They motored there by way of the Mohawk Trail.

At the ceremony from Hampton were: Georgia Coffin, the mother of the groom; Norman Coffin, his brother; Hazel Brown, Esther True, Guy Garland, Harold Noyes and Lawrence True.

Last Friday evening the M. E. Parsonage was the scene of a merry party, the occasion being a surprise tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker Jr., by the M. E. Choir. The young couple were completely surprised. During the evening two of the choir members presented the bride with a beautifully decorated clothes basket, containing many pretty and useful articles-gifts of the Choir Mother and members.

Mr. and Mrs. Barker both expressed their appreciation of the kindness and cordiality of the people. Games were played and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

The W.T.C.U. held its annual meeting on Friday afternoon, September 25th, with Mrs. Charles Walker. The board of officers were re-elected as follows: President, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Alice Barker, Mrs. Annie True, Mrs. Lucy Redmond, Mrs. Mary Cleveland; Secretary, Mrs. Marion W. Leavitt; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston; Treasurer, Mrs. Lillian Roberts. Mrs. Lane accepted with protest, but the members of the Union felt it would be a detriment to the work to accept Mrs. Lane’s resignation. She has been very faithful and has built up the Union. We hope every member will make an effort to attend this year.

The Ladies’ Aid of the M.E. Church held their Annual Outing at Mr. Colt’s cottage on Ocean Avenue yesterday afternoon. A clam dinner was served for the party at Mrs. Hobbs’ Tea Room. About forty members and guests were present and enjoyed a very pleasant day. During the afternoon a rising vote of thanks was given Mr. Colt for the use of his cottage. Five new members were added to the society.