Hampton News

Dedication week at Hampton will be ushered in by a union religious service at the Congregational church next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. Historical sermon by the pastor, Rev. John Cummings. Special music. The Congregational is the mother church of all the churches in what was once Old Hampton; and it is hoped that her scattered children of whatever name will come together at this service. Let us how the world that while Protestants are many like the billows they are one like the sea.

All members of the Chautauqua committee are requested to meet at the Centre School building next Monday evening at 7:30, to discuss important matters and make final plans for the big three-day event on October 16, 17 and 19.

In another column will be found an interesting letter from Lewis Perkins, which was sent by air mail from California at a cost of 24 cents.

Mrs. Herbert Marston, who recently underwent a major operation in the Deaconess Hospital at Boston, is reported as doing well. Mrs. A. K. Church, who is at the same hospital, is also on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Wilson Olney was the charming hostess to the members of the Executive Committee of the Parent-Teachers’ Association at her fine old-fashioned home on Beach road, Tuesday evening. Plans for the coming winter were discussed and whatever pessimism there may have been at the beginning of the meeting was certainly dispelled before its close. One point in particular was brought out-that the association work be strictly school work and greater effort be made to interest the parents sufficiently to attend the monthly meetings. A musical night will be held in the near future at which the school orchestra will demonstrate its present value, and perhaps at a spring meeting the program will be repeated to demonstrate the improvement made. A meeting for demonstration of grade work in the schools will take up one or two other meetings, and school lectures will doubtless be heard during the winter. It was voted that the reception to Mr. Perkins, the new superintendent, and to the teachers, Wednesday night, take the place of the regular October meeting. After the business of the evening Mrs. Olney treated her guests with a refreshing and invigorating repast.

The fifty-second annual convention of the New Hampshire Council of Religious Education (formerly the New Hampshire S. S. Association) will be held in Nashua two days, October 15 and 16. The general sessions will be in the Main Street M. E. Church. On Thursday, the 15th, the two speakers, as programmed, are Mr. Paul H. Vieth, Director of Research and Service, International Council of Religious Education, Chicago, who will speak on “The Religion of Childhood”, and Miss Meme Brockway, General Director of Children’s Work, Am. Baptist Publication Society, on “Tom in Church”. In the afternoon Miss Harriet E. Johnson, Dean of Tuckerman School, Boston, Miss Ella B. Weaver, State Director of Sunday School Work for Am. Baptist Publication Society, and Hon. John G. Winant, Governor of New Hampshire, Prof. Walter S. Athearn, Dean of School of Religious Education, Boston University, will give the addresses, and there will be four simultaneous conferences of the Children’s Division, Young People’s Division, Adult Division, and Administrative Division. Thursday evening’s program promises to be worth while and the three sessions on Friday include the same high type of speakers as those of the day before.

It is rumored that two more houses are to be built on Ann’s Lane this fall and one opposite the Centre School House.

Superintendent and Mrs. Perkins are occupying the house vacated by Mr. Warren Clark.

Beach Road is being rebuilt which will be greatly appreciated by autoists. It is now completed as far as the Town Hall.

There will be an all-day missionary meeting in the Congregational Church on Friday. Two prominent missionaries will speak and dinner will be served at noon.

There will be no meeting of the Men’s Club in October, owing to so many important events transpiring here this month.

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter is expected to supply the pulpit in the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening.

The Meeting House Green Memorial Association have offered to the pupils in the public schools two substantial prizes for the two best papers on historical subjects in Hampton. Much interest is being taken by the pupils.

Mrs. Mabelle Wix of Lynn, a daughter of Ferdinand Blake of Kensington, a descendent of Samuel Fogg, an early settler, will give in costume a selection suitable for the occasion on the evening of October 13.

The Monday Club committee for planting shrubs in the Memorial Park will please be at the Park on Friday at 2 P. M., October 9.

Mrs. Augustus Parker has been entertaining her sister-in-law for the past two weeks, Mrs. Archie Oliver of Digby, Nova Scotia.

Mrs. Augustus Parker entertained for dinner on Wednesday Mrs. Eugene Moaratty and Mrs. Lent of Newburyport. A very pleasant day was spent.

Mrs. Elizabeth Ward is in Concord today, attending the D.A.R. Convention as a delegate from Exeter Chapter.

The Columbia Decorating Co. of Everett, Mass., are decorating the public buildings, stores, and residences in town for Dedication Week. The company is doing excellent work at a moderate cost and nearly every building in the village will be decorated by them.

The Memorial Park Association will begin its anniversary of the founding of Hampton on Tuesday evening, October 13, in the Town Hall with a reception to which everyone is invited. There will be a welcome by a descendent of one of the old families and a reception by a committee. Mr. Norman Leavitt has kindly consented to sing and there will be singing of old songs by all. Old dances in which all are asked to join will be a feature, and a paper, telling something of the Hampton history and its legends will be read. Also, there will be readings by others. Following the program a social time will be enjoyed during which refreshments of sandwiches, coffee, cider, and doughnuts will be served.

Several ladies attended the State Missionary Conference in Durham on Wednesday, through the kindness of Mrs. Lane. It was a marvelous meeting and thoroughly enjoyed, particularly the commission service of Miss Juanita Ragsdale as a missionary to India. The gathering was large, and the following new state officers were elected: Mrs. Bixler of Exeter, succeeding Mrs. Mitchell as President (Mrs. Mitchell has served the state ten years), Mrs. Borne, succeeding Mrs. Johnson as Secretary. Both resignations were received with reluctance. However the new officers were gladly welcomed.

A surprise reception was given Mrs. Anne Colwell Elliot last evening by the people of the Hyde Park, Mass., Presbyterian Church, where she has been organist during the past six years. Nearly the entire congregation were present.

Under a pretense of assisting in the decoration of the church vestry for a future entertainment the new bride was inveigled into the room where the expectant guests were in waiting. Immediately she was taken behind the scenes and dressed in full bridal attire. During an entertainment she was allowed to sit with her husband in a front seat but was requested to step upon the platform at the close. The Rev. Mr. Thompson, pastor, spoke in a humorous way to the embarrassed couple, presenting them with a very beautiful electric floor lamp, in behalf of Mrs. Elliot’s friends. Refreshments and an informal reception followed.

The Directors of the Exeter, Hampton, and Amesbury Street Railway voted definitely, Saturday night, to cease service on all lines October 17, until June, 1926.

In place of the trolley service the directors will form the nucleus of a private corporation to seek from the New Hampshire Public Service Commission a bus charter. If granted, they will inaugurate service to care for transportation of mail and school children, in districts served by railway, and give a limited passenger service to Exeter and the Beach. In summer this service will be a feeder to a section of street railway from Hampton Depot to Beach, the only part of the system to be again operated. Capital is said to be already raised to carry out the plan as soon as authorized. The Directors take this step to protect the Town of Hampton from outside bus companies, five of which have applied for the right to operate in Hampton. Final action on the plans will be taken soon. The employees’ offer to operate the road was not considered and is withdrawn.