Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Palmer are receiving congratulations on the birth of a little seven pound son born early Wednesday morning at the Exeter hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nutter and their daughter, Mrs. Wendell Dykeman of Chelsea, were in town on Monday, closing their cottage and visiting with relatives. Mrs. Addie Brown went to Somerville with them where she will remain with her sister, Mrs. Mary Chipman.

Rev. and Mrs. John Cummings returned to Hampton on Friday after spending two weeks in Washington at the Sunday School conference. Motoring on, they were able to visit many places of interest on the way. Mrs. Carrie Scott and little Betty, who went as far as New Haven, returned with them.

The Parent-Teachers’ association will hold its first regular meeting of the season Monday, November 9, at seven thirty o’clock. Mr. Bilbruck of Portsmouth high school is to be the speaker of the evening, his subject being “Music in Our Schools”. There will be a selection by our own school orchestra. It is hoped that a large number will show their interest by attending the meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Janvrin, after a month’s stay with Mr. Janvrin’s aunt, Mrs. Walton, at the Elmwood, returned to Decatur, Ill. They went by auto, Miss I. Jewell Trefethen going as far as Pittsburgh with them. There she will visit friends and on her return homeward will stop at Philadelphia, spending, also some time in the states of New York and New Jersey.

The regular meeting of Ocean Side grange, No. 260, of the Patrons of Husbandry, will be held tomorrow evening in grange hall. Election of officers is an important reason for a full attendance. Worthy lecturer, Jessie M. Myers will present an interesting program; refreshments will be served.

Margaret Wingate’s home was the ideal spooky Hallowe’en place when her little friends of the first and second grades met there Saturday evening. A ghost stood in the hall and watched as they were ushered into the candle lighted front room where a big black cauldron was hanging over a red fire. When this began to boil a witch came flying in and took from the cauldron their fortunes. The witch and ghost disappeared; then many of the Hallow-e’en games were enjoyed by the little people. The refreshments were sandwiches, orange sherbert, candies and cookies, all cut into shapes quite in keeping with the spooky evening.

A movement is on foot to organize a golf club and purchase a link and club house for the benefit of lovers of the game in Hampton, Hampton Beach and vicinity. Mr. John R. Ronald of Exeter is taking the lead in the movement, and he has already obtained the promise of some twenty persons to be present at a meeting in the vacant store in Lane’s block on Friday evening, November 6, at 7:30 o’clock and discuss the matter. Mr. Arthur Cooper, who has charge of the Exeter links will speak and Mr. Ronald will also be present and tell about the estate which he has in view as a good golf proposition. This movement is in line with the development of Hampton’s resources and everyone interested should attend the meeting.

Friday night, James’ barn at the West End was the scene of a husking bee. When the sixteen young people went in, the barn was filled with the cornstalks but at 10:30 all were cleared away and the pile of nearly 75 bushels of yellow corn with a few red ears intermingled was a proof that many hands made light work. The cows, disturbed from their sleep, watched the work, listening to the shouts of merriment when a red ear was found and the forfeits payed. Mrs. Katherine and Mrs. Addie James had prepared a very lovely supper, which the hungry people enjoyed. The dining room was gaily decorated with black and orange and the place cards of black cats and pumpkin pies tied with corn husks gave to each one a word of wisdom about the future. A dance was enjoyed after the supper and the party went home wishing the hosts and hostesses the best of luck with their husked corn.

The Monday Club held its regular Reciprocity Day, Monday afternoon, at the Centre school. The beautiful day made it possible for the distant invited clubs to be present and a representation came from Durham, Portsmouth, Kensington, Rye and Hampton Falls. Seventy-nine members and friends enjoyed the afternoon program which was opened with piano selections by Mrs. Robert Elliot. Mr. John Cummings, the speaker for the afternoon, read a very fine paper on Edwin Markham, the poet and philosopher. He told how “The Man With the Hoe” came to be written and compared it with “The Toilers”. In closing, he showed how the ideals of Edwin Markham embodied in his poems were parallel with the desires today for universal love and world peace. Mrs. Harry W. Smith of Durham, district chairman of the Portsmouth federated district, was next introduced. She brought as her message the key note of the State Federation

“The Ideal American Home”. Through the women in the clubs it is hoped that America may improve her homes making possible the decrease of crime and raising higher the moral and religious standards of our country.

M. E. church Ladies’ Aid will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. Bean.

Irving Drake will leave Hampton for Florida next Wednesday.

Winnicummet Council, No. 3, Jr. O. U. A. M., will attend divine worship at the Baptist church Sunday, November, 8 at 10:30 A.M. Members are requested to meet at Mechanics’ hall at 10:00 o’clock A.M.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will serve their annual harvest supper in the church dining room on Thursday evening, Nov. 12, from 5:30 to 7:00 o’clock.

The feature picture at the Centre school for tomorrow night will be “The Thundering Herd”, based on Zane Gray’s novel of the same name. Preceding the feature picture there will be the usual Pathe news reel and a comedy picture. Next week, Nov. 13, the picture will be “The Goose Hangs High”. Mr. C. L. Gilman and his associates who are running the pictures this year are producing only the best and cleanest obtainable and are worthy of heavy support by the public.

Harmony Council, No. 22, Jr. O. U. A. M., will attend service at the Christian church, Sunday, November 8, at 10:30 A.M. Rev. Mr. Warren will deliver the sermon.

Next Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock all the ladies in the Congregational parish are invited to a social and work-planning conference. The work for the Ladies’ Aid is to be laid out and group workers organized to carry on during the coming winter. It is essential that all the women, whether members of the society or not should be present and assume some part in the parish activities. Refreshments will be served.

Saturday evening the Busy Bee class of the Congregational Sunday School held a Hallowe’en party in the chapel with the E. R. class as guests. At 7:30 the guests in costume were admitted by Dorothy Gilpatrick, acting as door tender. They were then blindfolded and led downstairs by Gertrude Paulson and Louise Mullen, where Gladys Gilpatrick, as a ghost, greeted all with an icy handshake. Gertrude Carlson took them up the back stairway where Marjorie Wood, as a witch, told their fortunes. After all were initiated and assembled in the chapel everyone entered the grand march while the judges, Hilda Morse, Cecil Morse and Walter Clark chose Hollis Johnson and Winfred Cunningham as worthy of the prize for the most original costumes, they being dressed as 1925 flappers. Lawrence Tilton carried off the prize as the one wearing the funniest costume. Games were played during the evening and enjoyed by all. The dining room and chapel were prettily decorated with crepe paper, cornstalks and pumpkins. At 9:30 the party marched to the dining room where refreshments were enjoyed. At 10:30 the guests were turning homeward, everyone having enjoyed a pleasant evening.

Henry Hanson’s men are shingling the roof of the Baptist church this week and other repairs are soon to follow.

Last Saturday evening The Junior Endeavor Society of the Baptist church held a Hallowe’en social in the vestry. There were about thirty five young people present. There were many very appropriate and unique costumes. Also the decorations were very attractive. Games were played and refreshments were served.

The Missionary Society of the Baptist church met for the first meeting of the season at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon, a good number being present. The meeting proved to be profitable and was enjoyed by all. Refreshments were served. The next meeting is to be held with Mrs. Irvin Leavitt.

Thomas L. Locke:

Thomas L. Locke died Saturday, October 31, aged 77 years and eight months.

“Tommy” as he was familiarly known was the son of Nathaniel and Mary Locke, and was a life-long resident of the town of Hampton.

After Mr. Locke’s parents died he lived alone for a few years. For the past 12 years he has made his home with his second cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Collins.

Funeral services were solemnized Monday afternoon, Rev. Robert Barker officiating, assisted by a quartet from the Methodist church. Interment was in the family lot in charge of undertaker William Brown. The bearers were Frank Jr. and Arthur Collins, Thomas and Chester Coffin.

Report of Red Cross:

The following is the report of the Public Health nurse for October:

Number of nursing calls…………………………………. 24

Instruction visits at house………………………….. 38

Investigation visits at house……………………….. 72

Miscellaneous visits………………………………… 3

Visits to schools……………………………………. 39


Total number of visits made…………………………………………………. 176

The following is the result of the health examination of the pupils of the Centre school:

Disease No. cases Treated since

last year

Malnutrition…………………………. 68 …………………………….. 10

Defective vision …………………….. 16 …………………………….. 15

Defective hearing …………………… 4

Cardiac disease …………………….. 1

Pediculosis …………………………. 4 …………………………….. 3

Defective teeth ……………………. 135 ……………………………… 59

Enlarged tonsils …………………… 98 ……………………………… 28

Adenoids …………………………… 1 ……………………………… 2

Enlarged glands …………………….. 2

Unvaccinated ……………………….. 61 ……………………………… 9

The dental clinic under the direction of Dr. Bowen will start around the first week of December. If possible all school children should have their teeth attended to at the clinic. The work is satisfactory and the expense is less.

I. O. O. F. Visitation:

An event much enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to receive an invitation, was the visit of Brig. Gen. Edwin E. Quimby and staff of Patriarch Militant I. O. O. F. of New Hampshire.

Assisted by ladies of Fortress Abbot of Dover and Senter of Portsmouth, the Decoration of Chivalry was conferred on three members of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge, No. 26; namely, sisters Annie Akerman, Ardenia Hobbs and Margaret Noyes.

Cantons Parker of Dover and Senter of Portsmouth did the floor work, which had to be curtailed for lack of room. A pleasing feature was the presentation of a beautiful yellow chrysanthemum by Gen. Quimby to ladies who had so faithfully assisted him for three years.

After the Decoration was conferred, a military ball was enjoyed by all, the grand march being led by Gen. Quimby and lady, followed by Chevaliers and ladies.

The decorations were simple yet portrayed the colors of each branch of Odd Fellowship, Canton, Encampment, Subordinate and Rebekah.

With the new coat of paint the hall presented a pleasing appearance.

A turkey supper with the “fixins” was served in Odd Fellows’ banquet hall under the direction of D. D. P. Mary C. Toppan assisted by an efficient corps of helpers.

Will Tour Rockingham County:

Determined that the people of Rockingham and York counties shall know more concerning these two counties, the committee on survey held a largely attended and very enthusiastic meeting Tuesday afternoon at the office of the Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce. Altogether the committee is planning for four days’ tour, two days to be spent in each county, and an effort will be made to visit every town in the two counties for the special purpose of getting acquainted and learning at first hand something about present conditions as to business and other phases of the towns.

Governors John G. Winant and Ralph O. Brewster of Maine will be invited to head these trips. The first county to be toured will be Rockingham, on Tuesday, November 17, and after an interval of a day or two a tour of York county will be made along similar lines as that of Rockingham.

Ex-Mayor F. W. Hartford of Portsmouth is chairman of the committee and he appointed from the general committee the following sub-committee to be in charge of the detail of the tours of the two counties:

Wesley Adams, Londonderry; John H. Smith, Atkinson; John A. Janvrin, Hampton; Henry D. Evans, Biddeford; R. B. Rideout, South Berwick; G. L. Moulton, York Harbor. This committee will plan the details which will be published next week.

Mr. John A. Janvrin, the Hampton member of the committee is working hard to develop interest among our citizens to welcome the touring party and assist in presenting the town’s advantages.


(additional to Hampton feature)

In order to clarify in the minds of the public the whole street railway situation the Hamptons Union is in a position to state with authority some of the reasons which governed the actions of the directors of the railway in voting to discontinue electric car service and substitute therefore the proposed Motor-bus service.

As the public is aware the fall, winter and spring service rendered by the railway is a losing proposition whereas the summer business is profitable. For example, it is estimated that the loss for continued operation as at present would be in the neighborhood of fifty dollars a day or about fifteen hundred dollars a month. On the other hand the net profits for the months of July, August and September, 1925, combined was approximately $4000.

Furthermore it is estimated that approximately two thirds of the summer revenue is derived from that part of the railway system running from Hampton depot to Hampton Beach casino and north along the Beach to the Portsmouth connection. By the operation of this section only and only during the summer months it is estimated that this portion of the railway should be self sustaining.

The problem of the directors has been, therefore, to find a way to continue the summer service as above stated with as little inconvenience as possible to those who depend on the winter service of the railway. A careful study of the cost of bus operation indicates that if the revenue being received by the railway during the winter months could be obtained by a motor bus this service would be self sustaining.

In view of the foregoing the directors voted to apply to the public service commission for a permit to substitute motor bus operation to replace the street railway service. Permission to do this has now been granted by said commission.

The street railway has no funds available for purchase of motor busses; therefore the directors will doubtless allow private operation while still retaining some supervision over rates of fare, service, etc.

A definite proposal along these lines has already been made to the directors of the railway by a group of men who are actuated by a desire to see the plan of summer operation of the railway as outlined above and winter operation of motor busses given a fair trial. In substance their proposal is to finance, at their own expense, the purchase and operation of a motor bus, to furnish essential service while the railway is shut down and they agree that the bus service will not be operated competitively with the railway when it resumes operation in the summer months.

The directors of the railway are to meet on this Thursday evening to act on the above proposal and if action is favorable bus operation will start Monday, November 9.