Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bonser and daughter, Jeanne, formerly of Center Ossipee have moved into the A. L. Joplin house. Mr. Bonser has been added to the Union staff.

Wilmot Teague, of this town, is a member of the Colby academy Blacks, as yet undefeated five in the Colby academy pre-season basketball league. Teague is a sophomore in Colby.

Mrs. Frances Perkins of Ogunquit, Me., was the guest of her friend, Miss S. Belle Lane, last week.

Mrs. Russell Leavitt and her little son Frank went to Wollaston on Friday for a week’s visit with her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears entertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pratt of Dalton, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Ely and little daughter Nancy from Needham on Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Norton are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter at the Portsmouth hospital.

Mrs. William T. Ross returned on Tuesday night from a month’s visit with friends in New Jersey and New York.

There will be a meeting of the Woman’s Relief Corps next Wednesday as there will be election of officers it is hoped that all members will be present.

Curtis P. Donnell, who has been in Ossipee for the past year, is now a reporter on the Springfield Republican.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tarlton spent the morning of the holiday in Allston, with their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Brown. In the afternoon they had the pleasure of listening to the beautiful music and viewing the interior of the gorgeous new Metropolitan theatre in Boston.

In the Manchester Union of November 30 is a picture of the N. H. state football champions among preparatory schools-Sanborn Seminary. And Arnold George of Hampton is a member of the squad. George played as a regular guard throughout the football season. He was a big factor in his team’s state wide victories.

Miss Isabelle Thompson, who is a student at the Leland Powers school in Boston, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson. She had as her guest Miss Marjorie Klotz of Oberlin, Ohio, a class mate.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Norwood, Miss Leonore Lane from Smith college and Mr. Wheaton Lane who is taking a post-graduate course at Yale, were at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane for the holiday.

Mr. Chester Grady, Mr. John Creighton, Mrs. Maude Morey and Mr. and Mrs. John Chipman of West Medford were dinner guests with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward Monday evening. Mr. Grady told of many of his experiences while in Germany studying. He also sang a number of German as well as English songs accompanied by Mr. Chipman.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nudd and their son Bobbie spent Thanksgiving at the Nudd home, as the whole family were present at the dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Miner spent the weekend in Boston and vicinity.

If you don’t attend Ocean Side grange tomorrow (Friday) night you will miss a first class bean supper. With pie and coffee? Sure!

The Past Noble Grands will serve a bean supper at six P. M. preceding the regular Rebekah meeting, December 8. Admission 25c. Lodge members please attend without further notice.

A pleasant meeting of the Past Noble Grand club was held at the home of the vice president, Mrs. Sarah B. Coffin, on Monday evening.

One of the most pleasing events of the year in the Rebekahs was the reception given at the last meeting to John W. R. Brooks, Grand Warden of the Grand lodge of New Hampshire. In the receiving line was also the District Deputy, President Mary C. Toppan, Melville C. Odiorne, Noble Grand of Rockingham Lodge, Jessie A. Moulton, and Annie L. Johnson, Noble Grand and Vice Grand of Winnicummet lodge. About 40 were present. A pleasing program was rendered which was much enjoyed by the members, after which a lunch of chicken salad sandwiches, apple pie, with whipped cream and coffee was served by the committee in charge.

The Hampton Associates have sold one of the big barns on the Lane estate and the building is being torn down and moved.

Men enough to constitute a business quorum got together in the M. E. church vestry last night and proceeded to organize a Men’s class. The officers chosen were: R. Elliot, president; Lester Perkins, vice president; Robert Barker Jr., secretary; Clifton Marston, treasurer; membership committee, William Elliot, Bernard George, Walter Clark; devotional committee, Harry Carter, Herbert Beede, Rev. R. S. Barker; class teacher, Herbert Beede. All were chosen for six months. The social committee is to be chosen and announced later.

A. L. Joplin left last week for Wollaston, Mass., to spend Thanksgiving with his son. He expected to be gone several weeks, visiting other relatives in Massachusetts.

The next meeting of the Monday club will be held Monday afternoon, December 7, with Mrs. Harry Moore, 640 Middle street, Portsmouth, unless a severe storm between now and Monday makes traveling impossible. In that case the meeting will be held at the Elmwood with Miss Trefethan. Members and their guests please meet at Mrs. Arthur Ward’s at 2 o’clock, as the machines will leave from there.

The Mother’s Circle will meet next Wednesday evening at the Centre school.

Mr. Chester Grady came on from New York on Friday to spend a few days in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Leavitt entertained the family party on Thanksgiving. Twenty members gathered at the table, making the largest family gathering in town.

Miss Adeline Marston motored with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Marston, and her sister, Mrs. Herbert Marston, to Beverly on Thursday to spend the day with relatives.

Mrs. Harlan P. Wells was a recent guest of her son, Mr. Murray Wells, in Amesbury.

Her many friends are sorry to hear that Mrs. Pauline Wright is in very poor health. She is under the care of Dr. Ward.

On Tuesday of this week Mr. H. G. Lane, Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Wilson Olney attended a meeting of the Women’s club in Exeter. The principal address was made by Mrs. Dorothy Godfrey Wayman on “Americans in Japan.” Mrs. Wayman who has many relatives in Hampton has spent some years in Japan. She is the author of the three brilliant articles in the Saturday Evening Post, over the pen name of Theodate Geoffreys. At the time of the great earthquake in Japan Mr. and Mrs. Wayman had just left on their return to America, but their home was destroyed and a Frenchman and his wife, who had leased it, were killed.

The Woman’s Missionary society of the Congregational church was held with Mrs. Cash on Wednesday. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: president, Mrs. Cummings; vice president, Mrs. James Hutchings; secretary, Mrs. E. G. Cole; treasurer, Mrs. William T. Ross.

The old fashioned door in the log cabin replica of the first Hampton meeting house which the association has erected in Memorial park was originally the front door of the Garrison house built about 1600. This house came into possession of Edmund Toppan in 1727 and remained in the Toppan family until torn down in 1903. The door was presented to the association by Christopher S. Toppan and is considered one of the most valuable mementos of colonial times existing today. The door has fifteen panels — an unusual number. The three hinges on which it was hung are also much larger than now in use. There were a number of locks and bolts on the door. One of them used a large brass key which has been lost. The brass knocker is now on the front door of Miss Mary Toppan’s house.

Mrs. Anna T. Shelton passed away at her home on the Beach road on Wednesday evening, November 25, after a lingering illness from which she grew weaker until she was taken home to meet her many friends who had gone before.

She was born in Melrose, July 9, 1840, the daughter of Josiah H. and Adeline Godfrey Barker, both natives of Hampton and both belonging to old families of the town.

Mr. Barker returned to Hampton in1872 where he remained in the home he built until his death.

Mrs. Shelton was an only child. She married Richard Haughton Shelton in 1839. They lived in Boston where their children Richard and Emma Dorcas were born. Before Mr. Shelton died they moved to Hampton and Mrs. Shelton has been a very active and popular resident of the town. Well educated, gracious in her manner, bright, witty and cheerful, she always made her home a center of welcome and hospitality to all. She will be missed in her home. Mrs. Shelton was tenderly cared for by her son and his wife, and her daughter, who will miss Mother as she returns weekends from her teaching in Boston.

The funeral services were held in the home on Friday. Rev. Robert S. Barker had charge. She looked very peaceful surrounded by beautiful flowers. She was a faithful member of the Methodist church. The bearers were E. G. Cole, Charles Leavitt, George E. Garland and Oscar Garland. William Brown was undertaker.

On Sunday occurred the death of Mrs. Emily Preckle at her late home on Bride Hill. Mrs. Preckle had been a shut-in for many years. She was nearly blind and was confined to crutches for many years. Mrs. Preckle came with her husband, William Preckle, to Hampton many years ago and built their nice home near the late John Fogg’s, Mrs. Fogg being Mrs. Preckle’s sister. She has lived on until she was nearly 96 years of age. She was born in North Hampton, the daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Jenness Drake.

Mrs. Preckle was a wonderful woman. She retained her faculties to a remarkable degree and it was a pleasure to visit her. She will be missed in the neighborhood as all loved to visit her. She was the oldest member of the Congregational church in Hampton. She was always interested in all good works. She was also a member of the Missionary society and kept well informed on what was going on in the world. Mrs. Preckle had no children but was tenderly cared for by friends.

The funeral was attended by her pastor, Rev. John Cummings, who conducted a beautiful service. The flowers were lovely and she was laid away beneath them after a long and beautiful life, to meet those for whom she had longed for many weary years.