Hampton News

Little Barbara Ward visited Santa Claus in Boston last Saturday.

The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher’s association will be at the Centre school on Monday, December 14, at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. C. A. Towle, the superintendent of the Exeter schools will be the speaker of the evening and a short entertainment will be given by the third and fourth grades under the direction of Mrs. Jenness. It is earnestly hoped that there will be a good attendance at this meeting and that the people of Hampton will take this occasion to show their appreciation of the work that is being done in their own schools and their interest in the work of neighboring schools.

Very likely you have been watching the CELOTEX, which we are applying to the new house on Lafayette road, with a good deal of interest. Read this week’s advertisement about it.

Odlin Encampment No. 9, I.O.O.F., of Exeter, extends an invitation to Hunto Encamp-ment No. 29 to meet with them on Monday evening next, December 14, at the Town hall, 7:30 P. M., and bring candidate. The Golden Rule degree is to be worked by Ridgley Encampment No. 3 of East Boston, Mass. Members of Hunto Encampment should avail themselves of this opportunity of witnessing good work.

The result of the Red Cross Roll Call promises to be most gratifying. As the lists are not yet complete the figures will be published in next week’s paper. The committee has tried to call at every house in town but if there is anyone who hasn’t been asked and would like to subscribe please communicate with Miss Eldridge at the Center school.

Mrs. Herbert Perkins was quite ill during the first of the week. She was confined to her home but is reported as improved now.

Don’t miss the public supper at Grange hall, Friday night, December 11, at six o’clock. Some of the finest cooks in town are on the committee.

Mrs. Robert Barker’s mother, Mrs. Thompson, has been ill for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sanderson of Portsmouth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shelton.

The T. S. G. club will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. Emery on Highland avenue.

Mrs. James Cotter of Indianapolis, Indiana, is visiting Mrs. Frank James for two weeks.

Victor Mitchell and Cecil Morse were weekend visitors at Big 4 camp, Nottingham, N. H., this past week.

Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus are going to be at the Congregational Chapel next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. If all the children will bring five or ten cents to give to Mrs. Santa Claus, Mr. Santa will give them a prize from his pack.

The heavy rain last week filled not only the wells and cisterns but a number of cellars that the water and fire departments have pumped out.

Mr. Chester Grady and Mr. John Creighton went to New York on Friday. Mr. Grady to continue his voice culture, after a few days vacation spent here in town, and Mr. Creighton to sail for Florida, where he will act as assistant manager of Fairview at Seabreeze, Fla., during the winter months.

The regular meeting of the Mothers’ Circle was held at the Centre school with Mrs. Bella Nudd, Mrs. Florence Sanborn, and Mrs. Bessie Hamilton as hostesses. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Nudd. Two duets were sung by Wilfred Cunningham and Hollis Johnson, accompanied by Mrs. Coombs. After the business meeting the members and guests adjourned to the dining room where the many lovely Christmas suggestions were placed on the long table and every one could see them. The small tables were all beautifully decorated with miniature Christmas trees, decorated with tinsel and small red and white packages mounted in a glistening bank of cotton snow, which later proved to be after dinner mints. Gay Santa Claus napkins completed the decorations of the tables. While the refreshments were being served by the hostesses a roll call of “Something Different to Sew or Cook” was thoroughly enjoyed as so many good ideas were exchanged. The hostesses were congratulated for their part in making the meeting so attractive as well as pleasant for all.

In the report of the Congregational missionary meeting last week the name of the secretary was given as Mrs. E. G. Cole, when it should have been Miss Anna May Cole, who was re-elected.

The next meeting of the Men’s club will be held Monday evening, December 21, at 6:30. A roast beef supper will be served followed by business and social program. The speaker will be Mr. John H. Chipman. His subject: “A Comparison of the French Soldier in the American Army of the 18th Century with the American Soldier in the French Army of the 20th Century.” Mr. Chipman served as a lieutenant in the Foreign Legion of the French Army during the World War.

Russell Hobbs received his letter in cross country in Colby Academy today (Thursday). Young Hobbs has the distinction of having never lost a cross country race since he has been a student in Colby Academy. He has lost only one race of any description. In the Bowdoin College inter-scholastics he came in second in a mile a short time after beating the best runners in New Hampshire in the Durham state inter-scholastics. He is one of three brothers who are rapidly becoming famous cross country runners. Stillman, the eldest, is a sophomore member of the Bates College harriers who recently won the New England inter-collegiate meet; Ellsworth was captain of the Bates freshman team this year, and Russell, the youngest, was captain of the Colby harriers in 1924. What Bates will do when the three Hobbs boys are on the varsity promises to be a clean-up.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker Jr. wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank their many kind and generous friends for the beautiful clock presented to them by the Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church at the close of their regular monthly supper. The gift came as a complete surprise and is most thoroughly appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. Barker.

The successful play given by the high school is a thing of the past. Now comes another treat. The Mother’s Circle play this year, “Three Pegs” will be given New Year’s Eve, December 31, and many a hearty laugh is awaiting you. A dance will follow the play, and at midnight the passing of the old year will be observed.

The Monday Club met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Harry L. Moore at her home, 640 Middle street, Portsmouth. The delightful weather and the kindness of so many members with machines made it possible for 24 members and 8 guests to be present. The Business meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. Hutchings. Many charitable appeals that always come at this time of the year were all generously answered.

Mrs. Joseph Drake of Rye was introduced to the club as the speaker of the afternoon, her subject being, “The Bills Before the Legislature.” She stressed our strict adherence to law enforcement, especially the speed laws, prohibition and narcotics. The educational bill, which includes the uniform marriage and divorce bill, was also talked. How many of us realize that a boy 14 and a girl 13 can marry in this state without the consent of the parents? Shall we sit back and do nothing?

Then came “The World Court”. By vote of the club it was moved that resolutions be drawn up as the club favored the entrance of the United States into the World Court with the Coolidge-Harding-Hughes reservations.

Master Allan Moore closed the program with two selections on the piano.

Mrs. Moore, assisted by Miss Irene Trefethen, served refreshments while the members enjoyed a social hour.

On Friday and Saturday evenings, December fourth and fifth, the Senior class of the Academy presented a drama entitled “Mr. Bob”. The first night was the play only but on Saturday night a dance was held afterwards.

Those taking part were: Arthur Collins and Dorothy Riley, who were the butler and maid; Verna White, as the elderly aunt; Phil Nudd and Dorothy Tarr, as the nephew and niece of “Aunt Becky”, and Edna Tarr as “Mr. Bob”. They all fitted their parts perfectly. The stars, however, were two pretty, gray kittens, who furnished the funniest and most exciting action.

Unfortunately, on account of the heavy rain both evenings, the audiences were not as large as they would have been if the weather had been pleasant. On the second night music was furnished by an orchestra from Newburyport of which John Dolan of the Senior class was a member. On Friday evening the school orchestra, directed by Mrs. Coombs, entertained the audience between the acts.

Altogether the play was a success both nights and much credit is due the coach, Mrs. Little.