Hampton News

Rev. John Cummings has begun a series of Lental sermons. The one on Sunday was very interesting.

Don’t forget the Old Fashioned Costume dance to be given at North Hampton, Wednesday evening, January 27.

The doctors find that the man in the accident with Frank James was not seriously injured. His leg was not broken, only cut.

Last Thursday evening a fire, the cause of which is unknown, burned the summer home of Mr. Sherburne in Surfside Park. The house was vacant.

A correction: Mrs. Winchester entertained the Monday club at the home of Miss Mary Toppan instead of Mrs. C. S. Toppan, as stated in last week’s Union.

If anyone has an old square Chickering piano in useable condition will they please communicate with Rev. I. S. Jones, who desires it for the Tuck hall in the Meeting House Green Memorial park.

Mrs. Mabel Blake, in a letter to a friend in town, speaks of rainy weather in St. Petersburg, Fla., where she is spending the winter. She said it rained three days in succession recently, was cold and they had a fire.

Friends of Mrs. Amelia Noyes were shocked to hear of her sudden death at her home in Chelsea, Mass., last week. Her daughter, Mrs. Marion Gates, has sympathy from many friends here. They have spent many summers in Hampton.

A most interesting meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at Rev. E. E. Eno’s on Friday of last week, about twenty being present. Mrs. Barker had charge and Mrs. L. A. Marston had the program. A social hour was much enjoyed after the meeting and a delicious lunch was served.

Hampton Academy will debate Tilton Seminary on the World Court question, in the Town hall, January twenty-ninth. The townspeople are urged to support the Academy team. Not only does a large audience encourage, it helps finance. In both respects your help is needed.

Wednesday last the Missionary Auxiliary of the Congregational church was entertained in the chapel by Miss Anna M. Cole and Mrs. Theda Hobbs. The treasurer’s report showed $242.64 as the receipts for the year. Supper was served to thirty-five.

Friday evening, January 22, the Hampton Mothers’ Circle will repeat “The Three Pegs”, under the auspices of the Hampton Falls Woman’s club.

Mrs. Everett Nudd was a very charming hostess on Wednesday afternoon, when she entertained seventeen of the young maids and matrons of the town at tea. The afternoon was spent with embroidering and the happy chatter which always passes over social tea cups. Her refreshments were very dainty and came at the end of a perfect afternoon.

The Mothers’ Circle and Parent-Teacher’s association held a joint meeting at the Centre school Wednesday evening. The members and guests of the two organizations numbered over 100, proving the saying, “There is power in cooperation.” Mrs. Olney made a few remarks for the Parent-Teacher’s association. Mrs. Nudd conducted a short meeting of the Mothers’ Circle. The music of the evening was furnished by the Cecelia quartette which sang a number of very pretty selections. Mrs. Nudd then introduced the speaker, Supt. Charles Perkins. He read a very fine and enlightening paper on “Discipline and Punishment of Children.” The hostesses: Mrs. Merton James, Mrs. Fred Perkins and Mrs. Tobey for the Mothers’ Circle, and Mrs. Irvin Leavitt and Mrs. Caroline Shea for the Parent-Teacher’s association.

The 1924-25 report of the W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church gives the following interesting items: “In ancient days a long road lay between the Book of Numbers and the Acts of the Apostles. Slow was the journey, but today the Book of Numbers stands beside the Acts of the Apostles for our measures of accomplishment are so often, How many? How much? To the first we answer, 11,028 organizations with a membership of 596,927; to the second, cash receipts, $2,405,461. Of this $471,207 is Thank offerings. The road we have traveled girdles the world and the Acts of the Apostles make the Book of Numbers.

Spring weather in January has found a warm welcome in Hampton. Black diamond fireman have been able to conserve a little the rare gem anthracite and fast disappearing jewel semi-bituminous. And, the Academy boys have had a chance to limber up their baseball arms. Oh, the South hasn’t a monopoly on good weather.

At the meeting of the Men’s club last Monday evening, in the Congregational vestry, Frank Leavitt was chosen president, Samuel Towle, secretary, and Harold Noyes, treasurer. A board of five directors was elected. The speaker was Mr. Durgin, Portsmouth, a member of the Anti-Air Craft battery in the National Guard. His subject was Anti-Air Craft Protection. The address was well delivered and very interesting.

Saturday afternoon little Louise Yeaton entertained three little friends in honor of her third birthday. The little tots played with toys and had a general good time until the real party. Their eager eyes peered over the edge of the table as they gazed at the pink-frosted angel cake with its three candles in the center. The cake was a gift from Louise’s aunt, Mrs. Warren Hobbs. After their ice-cream and cake games were again played until the time came to go home. Miss Louise made a very demure hostess, receiving many gifts and congratulations.

The Monday club was very delightfully entertained by Mrs. John Carberry, Monday afternoon, with Mrs. Albert Coffin assisting. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. James Hutchings. Final preparations were made for the Annual Gentlemen’s night, to be held at the Centre school next Monday evening. Supper will be served at 6:30 P. M., followed by entertainment. Mr. Thomas Brennan of Dover opened Monday’s program with a group of three songs, most ably accompanied by Mrs. Robert Elliot. The paper was: “Famous Men and Women of New Hampshire,” prepared and read by Mrs. William Ross. It was most interesting, beginning with the early times and bringing down to date the men and women whose names stand out vividly in the pages of the State’s history. Mr. Brennan sang other selections before the hostess served refreshments.