Hampton News

Little Charlotte Odiorne, baby daughter of Melvin and Arline Odiorne, is quite sick.

Edgar Howe was very pleasantly surprised, last week, by a visit from his sister, Mrs. W. C. Bradbury and her daughter, Mrs. I. B. Gilder, both of Denver, Colorado.

Mr. F. E. Toothaker of Swampscott, Mass., wife and daughter, are visiting his father, Mr. M. E. Toothaker.

Mrs. Thomas Spurr of Melrose Highlands, Mass., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Toothaker, of the Landing road.

The Ladies’ Aid of Congregational church will meet with Mrs. James Hutchins, Tuesday afternoon, February 9, at two o’clock.

The Friendly class of the Congregational church will hold a baked bean and salad supper in the vestry Friday, February 5, from 5:30 to 7:00 o’clock.

Mrs. Roland C. Emery, who has been very ill and under the care of a trained nurse, is now much improved and on the safe road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Ross have moved from their Beach home into Thomas Cogger’s house which they will occupy until the Coggers return about the middle of March.

A drama in four acts, by Katherine Kavanaugh, entitled “The Dust of the Earth,” being a royalty play of much note, will be given under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church as soon as the weather conditions permit. Mrs. Emma Young is in charge.

Mrs. Charles Tarlton has been visiting in Allston this week. She and her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Bowen, being great lovers of music, had the pleasure of hearing Rosa Reisa, prima donna of the Chicago Opera Company, sing in the opera of Falstaff at the Boston Opera House, Monday evening.

The social committee for the ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church is planning a short entertainment to be given on the same date as the supper.

The Monday club held a very interesting, if not largely attended, meeting Monday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Harry Noyes with Mrs. W. Scott Noyes assistant hostess. As there were no officers present Mrs. Young was appointed chairman pro-tem. Mrs. Albert Coffin gave a very fine book review of “Confident Morning” by Arthur Stanwood Pier. Music followed. The hostesses served refreshments while the members and guests enjoyed a social time.

The ground hog has ventured from his lair and gone back again for another six weeks of winter. According to a general superstition, the hog followed his customary habit of walking out of his hiding place on Candlemas day, and, seeing his shadow, he crawled back again. Tuesday the animal had plenty of chance to view his shadow because of the sunshine.

The snow storms of this week are keeping the tractor plow busy clearing the highways. The Monday storm was hardly taken care of before it was necessary to start again this morning. Tuesday and Wednesday, Marvin Young, who operates the tractor, put in twenty-four hours without sleep.

Joe Raymond’s Serenaders are planning a St. Valentine’s dance in the Town hall on the evening of February 13. They will furnish good music and a splendid social time. If the public support of this dance is encouraging Joe plans to have others at frequent intervals. For the sake of a good town orchestra the public should respond.

Fred H. Thompson, the agent in this vicinity for the John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York, is doing quite an active business. At present he is making a specialty of children’s insurance on very advantageous terms. To each child insured the company gives an historical booklet monthly. If you are interested in these little books Mr. Thompson will be glad to send you one.

The Missionary meeting of the Congregational church met with Mrs. Arthur Sears, with Mrs. John Cummings assistant hostess, on Wednesday afternoon. Although it was a stormy afternoon about thirty ladies were present. An interesting meeting was held with Mrs. Cummings, the president, presiding. Mrs. Lucy Marston had charge of the devotions. Miss Anna M. Cole was leader of the program. The subject was Home Missionaries. Miss Helen Gilpatrick, with four young ladies from the girl’s choir furnished music which was much enjoyed.

Albert Lamie had purchased David F. Colt’s restaurant by the depot yard and took over the business February 1. Mr. Lamie is a popular young man and is a hustler for business. He will do well in his new venture.

The next meeting of the Mothers’ Circle will be held Wednesday evening, February 10, at the Centre school. Miss Mary L. Sanborn, assistant club leader of the Boys’ and Girls’ club work in New Hampshire, will speak on the boy and girl question and the possible organization of Boys’ and Girls’ clubs here in town. Every mother, whether a member of the Circle or not, is cordially invited to be present.

At three o’clock on Monday afternoon, February 15, in the school hall, the Monday club will give an entertainment and Colonial tea; price of admission, twenty cents. Special artists from Haverhill, Mass., Mrs. Carl Adams, contralto, and Mrs. Frank Seldon, soprano, will add greatly to the program which has been prepared to cover the holiday events of the month. The program includes readings, songs, minuet dancing, pianologues, duets, events of the past and many other good things. This will be a full afternoon’s enjoyment. Refreshments will be served free. The club hopes for a good audience as this is the beginning of the drive for the new range which is needed at the Tuck cabin Memorial Park. This building is practically completed and extremely attractive and is something for Hampton to be proud of. Everyone that can are cordially invited to come in costume. Don’t forget the date — February 15. The hostesses: Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Young.

Mrs. Nellie Frances Tarlton, wife of George W. Tarlton, died Saturday at the home on Maple Road, North Hampton, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Tarlton was born in Beverly, Mass., but had resided in North Hampton since childhood. She was 63 years of age and is survived, besides her widower, by a son, Elwell E. Tarlton.

Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie B. Hobbs, wife of Thomas Hobbs, proprietor of a well known tea room at Hampton Beach, were held Sunday afternoon from the late home and were largely attended. Rev. Mr. Morrison of Brockton, Mass., officiated and there was a profusion of flowers. Burial was in the High street cemetery with Warren J. Drew, Kenneth Ross, Atwood Rowe, Cecil Morse, Fred Hey and Byron Redman acting as bearers.

Mrs. Hobbs died last Wednesday after a brief illness from poisoning. There was a large delegation present from Manchester, where Mrs. Hobbs was a native and resided until 11 years ago.