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Miss S. B. Lane spent last week in Boston.

Miss Irene J. Trefethen is spending a few weeks with friends in Ridge-wood, N. J.

Mrs. Arthur Dexter of Bethlehem, N. H., is visiting with her daughter Miss Marion Dexter for a few days.

A correction: Mrs. Edwin Batchelder and Mrs. Cecil Morse were hostesses, at former’s home, to the T. S. G. club last week.

Reports from the University of New Hampshire state that Miss Dorothy Hobbs has been ill this week with the German measles.

The What-so-ever Society of the Congregational church will hold a special meeting Monday afternoon February 22. Little Miss Elizabeth Toppan is to be the hostess.

The friends of Mrs. Maude E. Sprague, who have radios, will be pleased to know that she, with her Reading, Mass., orchestra, may be heard from WEEI on February 22 at 7:00 P. M., at the Big Brother club.

As a result of the Christmas Seal sale $120.68 has been sent to headquarters at Manchester from Hampton. The committee wishes to thank each and every one who so kindly helped the good work along, and you may be sure that every penny will be wisely spent to “down” the great white plague in our own state of New Hampshire.

Those who were fortunate enough to observe the Northern lights Wednesday night at 7:45 were treated to a wonderful display, lasting about twenty minutes. The colors were beautiful, ranging from white and green to a bright red, and the changes were rapid and continuous. This is the first display of bright red lights since February, 1892.

The many friends of Mrs. Maude Emerson Sprague, of Reading, Mass., a former resident of this town, will be pleased to learn that she is the leader of a musical ensemble which has become very popular through its work in vaudeville, radio, lodge and church affairs. The ensemble consists of three violins, two banjos and two mandolins, saxaphone and drum, with Mrs. Sprague presiding at the piano. On Washington’s birthday, F’ebruary 22, Mrs. Sprague’s ensemble will broadcast from WEEI at 7:00 o’clock and she wishes to invite, through the Union, her many friends here to listen in.

The postponed, meeting of the Mothers’ Circle was held at the Centre school Wednesday evening, with forty members and guests present. Mrs. Harold Noyes sang two selections. As the speaker was unable to be present this week, solutions on Obedience were read from Angelo Patri’s writing by different members. The patriotic program was carried out with community singing of “America the Beautiful,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Star Spangled Banner.” The hostess, Mrs. Florence Tufts, Mrs. Maude Ring and Mrs. Jessie Moore, served refreshments while everyone enjoyed a social time.

There will be a Republican caucus in the town hall on Tuesday evening, February 23 at 7:30 o’clock to nominate the following officers to be supported on the Australian ballot at the town election on March 7: Town Clerk, Selectman for three years, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes and Auditor. Unless the Australian system the nominations are not limited to party caucuses. Any person desiring to run for any of the above menticned offices can have his name placed on the ballot by securing 25 names of legal voters on a nomination paper and filing the same with the town clerk five days before the election. A citizen’s caucus can also be called by a group of seven voters and its nomination will go upon the ballot. Of course, the more candidates there are upon the ballot the fuller the expression of public opinion and the better the results.

Mr. Mark W. Chipman, a resident of Hampton and also of Lynn, Mass., died quite suddenly at his home in the latter city, early Tuesday morning, the result, probably of a tumor on the brain which developed about a year ago and could not successfully be removed. Mr. Chipman was about forty years old and his home in Hampton was on River avenue. He was an expert machinist and in his shop at Lynn he made difficult parts of machinery. The funeral was held on Thursday, and was attended by Ernest G. Cole from Hampton. The deceased leaves a widow and a son about ten years old.

Residents of the northerly part of the town were agreeably surprised, during the big storm of last week, when the door opened and Henry H. Hobbs entered. The storm was too, severe to take an auto or horse and Henry made his rounds on foot. In spite of the snow and wind he was is smiling and accommodating as ever. The next day, Thursday, Henry chartered Fred Perkins’ span of hardy horses and, with Harold to act as pilot and chauffeur, made his way over unbroken roads to deliver grain and groceries. It is such service as this that enables the old live store to meet the competition of the chain groceries.

On Sunday, St. Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Mary Pearl of Hampton celebrated the ninety-third anniversary of her birth, at the home of Mrs. Marcia Palmer at North Beach, Where she is spending the winter months. Thirteen friends and neighbors gathered to help make the afternoon a pleasant one, in spite of the disagreeable weather, and Mrs. Pearl received several gifts, including two birthday cakes, made by Mrs. George Palmer and Mrs. Irvin Leavitt, and a large number of cards and valentines. In spite of the fact that she is now one of our oldest residents Mrs. Pearl is truly ninety-three years young, being in excellent health and spirits, and her friends all wish her many more happy celebrations.

The regular meeting of the Men’s club, Monday evening, was well attended and most interesting. At 6:30 a clam supper was served by Mrs. Littlefield. Following there was a splendid address by Dr. J. W. Bixler of Exeter on the “Four Fundamentals for the Preservation of the American,’ and a business session. An interesting feature of the latter was the discussion of some of the items of appropriations which will be in the warrant for town meeting. Homer Whiting, chief of the fire department, was present to explain the needs of his department, and K. E. Barraclough, County Pine Blister Rust Agent, in behalf of the appropriation for the extermination of this disease.

Click for larger image
Photo not originally published in newspaper. This image is taken from a postcard made of the event.

The high tides and heavy seas during the past week have caused much damage at the Beach, especially along the northern end of White Island. The constant pounding and washing of the immense tides broke a passage beneath the breakwater and day by day the sand behind was carried out to sea and several houses were undermined. Two houses, one owned by James J. Finnegan of North Andover, Mass., and the other by Mrs. Thomas Dillon of Haverhill, Mass., were taken from their foundations and thrown down, where they still lay, just inside the breakwater piling, probably a total loss. Two other houses, one owned by L. C. Ring and the other by Judge McGrath of Lawrence, Mass., were nearly lost, but were jacked up and moved back to safety. The Atlantic house, also threatened, was saved by a change in the wind and lessening of the tides. The damage done at the Beach amounts to many thousands of dollars.

The Churches


Services at the Baptist church, Sunday, February 21, at 10:45, with preaching by the pastor, Rev. Edward Eno. Subject: “Put a Ring on His Hand.”

Sunday school, 11:45. General topic, “Christ the Resurrection and the Life.”

Christian Endeavor at 6:00 P. M. Washington and Lincoln memorial service at 7:00 P. M.

Prayer meeting, Thursday evening, 7:30. Topic, “How Can I Help the Sunday School Officers and Teachers?”

Annual meeting of church and society Monday afternoon, March first, at 1:30.


Proceeds of Entertainment to Help Purchase Stove For Tuck Memorial Building at Green

The regular meeting of the Monday club was held at the Centre School, Monday afternoon. It was an open meeting, the proceeds to go towards the purchase of a stove for the Tuck memorial building at the Meeting House Green Memorial Park. An audience of seventy-two witnessed the splendid program, arranged by Mrs. Emma Young.

The opening number was a selection by the school orchestra. The three holidays of the month were recognized with papers read by Mrs. W. Scott Noyes, Mrs. John Wingate and Mrs. William Ross. Solos and duets were sung by Mr. William Elliot and Mr. Robert Barker, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Elliot. Mrs. Ernest Cole acted in pantomime, Mrs. Harold Noyes’ “Loves Old Sweet Song.” She looked very lovely in the old-fashioned black taffeta dress with the wide lace fissue about her neck, as she sat rocking in the old rocker beside the light stand with its candle burning brightly in the old brass candle stick. Wilma Toppan danced a very attractive Valentine dance, tossing small, red hearts to the audience. Mrs. Wilson Olney, gowned in a beautiful blue and white silk dress of her great grandmother’s day, with a lace fissue which went to the hem in the back, impersonated Martha Washington and by the candle’light read the original story of “Salter and Packard”, a story of old Portsmouth and Hampton by Mrs. Caroline Shea, one of the club’s past presidents. Mrs. Harold Noyes gave some very clever pianologues which were heartily applauded. Wilma Toppan and Richard Munsey, as the Colonial sire and maiden, danced the stately minuet to the music played by Miss Louise Mullen.

The tea table looked very lovely with the beautiful silver candleabras, loaned by Mrs. Wilson Olney, and the lovely, old silver tea pots, loaned by Miss Etta Nudd. Yellow candles and vases of yellow jonquils gave to the decorations a touch of the club colors. Tea was poured by Mrs. Ernest Cole and Mrs. Arthur Ward, both in old-fashioned costumes. The servers were Mrs. John Elliot, Mrs. Robert Brown, Miss Hazel Brown, Mrs. Christopher Toppan, Mrs. Floyd Gale and Mrs. Wilson Olney. Candy was sold from a Valentine booth, gay with strings upon strings of red hearts on white crepe paper. The two little attendents, the Misses Margaret Tobey and Edith Collins, looked very pretty with their heart shaped aprons and crowns.


After Tuesday Night Miss Nudd Declares Chests Should Be Made of Elastic Cedar

Tuesday evening Miss Olive Nudd was invited to “come over” to Mrs. James Hutchings’ home for a “Pink” Tea. Only a few of Olive’s intimate friends were to be present.

So over she came. The tea room was decorated in pink party style, the few guests had their pink party manners with them, and there was nothing to hint that a wild shower was gathering outside.

Squawkers, unusual favors for a pink tea, were the first thunder claps. While Miss Nudd was in the kitchen the tea party kept these terrible devices at work —- covering the approach of King Pluvius and his court. (But the king was a she and his court were shes, this time —- more dangerous therefore.)

Anyhow, the storm bursted, bursted, bust! The pretty little pink tea was gone!

Over eighty persons were present at the shower, Miss Nudd receiving ninety or a hundred gifts for her hope-chest. Every conceivable kind of a present was included in that deluge, too, from hand towels to an electric grill. “Pitchforks and hoe-handles” never rained any harder than pots, pans, kettles, fancy work, electric appliances and all the bther things that tested the capacity of her cedar box, Miss Nudd decided.

At the pink tea the guest of honor received several beautiful gifts from those present.


Hampton Academy News

The school is sorry to say that this is the last week that Miss Dexter will be with us. It will be hard to find another teacher to fill her position as competently and worthily as she has filled it.

The school will be closed this Friday for a week’s vacation.

There were five more members added to the honor roll this term, making a total of thirteen. Those on the honor roll from the Senior class were Gertrude Carlson, Philip Nudd, Marion Poole, Dorothy Tarr and Edna Tarr, from the Junior class, Alvin Emery, Allan Scoog, Alice Tarr, Marjorie Wood and Enid Wyman. from the Sophomore class, Fred Allen, Frances Drew and Phyllis White.

On Friday afternoon at 2:30 Rev. Victor M. Haughton of Exeter will give an address on George Washington. Our friends are invited to hear him speak.

In the near future, probably some time next week, the debating teams will debate with McGaw Normal Institute. Alvin Emery will take the place of Philip Nudd. The negative team will remain in Hampton.


Northerners Sure of a “Warm” Welcome, writes Mrs. S. M. Lane

The following interesting letter from Mrs. S M. Lane is self-explanatory.

St. Petersburg, Fla.

Much has been said about the climate of Florida, both favorable and unfavorable, according to where one is located in this great state, but I want to tell the northern people who have never been here about the warm welcome the Florida people extend to visitors, individually and collectively, at all times.

St. Petersburg is noted for the large number of conventions that meet here during the winter.

The Bankers of the United States held a convention here a few weeks ago, and the manner in which they were received and entertained made such an impression upon them that, in a recent issue of the Banker’s Magazine, there was a twenty-three page write-up as viewed from a banker’s standpoint. While not written for the purpose of boosting the state it is high praise from a magazine whose clientele represents the most conservative element among the business of the country.

The report said, in part: “Florida has the right kind of people and the right kind of spirit and the right kind of cities to preserve and increase her property. Florida hits what the nation seeks: great opportunities to acquire wealth and happiness. The bubble will not burst. There is no bubble.”

Last week a delegation of people from the International Press Foundation held a conference here. They were given a royal welcome, banqueted at the best hotels, shown over the city in auto busses and finally taken in private yachts to Sarasota, across the bay.

A few days ago Governor Taylor, he governor of Tennessee, with a band and two hundred leading citizens of the state came to St. Petersburg, and this week, for two days, Governor Brewster and one hundred and forty-nine citizens of Maine are here.

These delegations said they were surprised and delighted beyond words at their reception to this city and to other cities in Florida.

The first day after the arrival of the Maine delegation Governor Brewster and his wife stood in the ball rooms of the Vinoy Park hotel shaking hands with more than two thousand people from Maine who are here for the winter.

Here the visitors find boxes of fruit in their hotel rooms and are loaded with presents of various kinds as they tour the state.

We were in Miami last week while the delegation was there and attended the reception to meet some people we knew. There the Miami people were doing their utmost to entertain their guests.

In addition to the welcome which new comers are sure to receive there are many surprises which await one.

A few days ago we were invited by H. B. Alexander of Hampton Beach to motor to Miami with him, going over the Conner’s Highway. We made the trip in one day, covering 335 miles. [By the way, Harry is some driver!] The whole distance is excellent macadam road, but when we struck the highway, where there is not much traffic and the road is straight for seventy-nine miles—between Okeechobee City and Palm Beach—we were traveling, I expect, faster than the traffic laws allow. The scenery through the interior is very fascinating, passing orange groves and grape fruit groves. One grove is two and one-third miles wide on the street front outside of Sebring. Here many lakes are seen n the journey, and the shrubbery of leanders, hibiscus, poinciania, honeysuckle and castor beans. Trees of cocoanut palms, royal palms, palmettos and mangroves are everywhere. Banana, papayas and sugar plants are common, while in vegetables are seen peas, celery, and about every thing else.

At Palm Beach many people were in bathing and automobiles were parked for miles along the ocean front.

It Is said there are twenty-two million acres of land in the state and, allowing five lots to the acre, there is room enough for every one in the United States to own a lot.

The state may develop by either of two roads or both—by becoming a greater play ground for the rich or by becoming a great agricultural state. The climate is only one asset. Yet, if one takes into consideration that this city is 350 miles below the southermost point in California, most anyone would naturally concede that the climate must be one of Florida’s greatest assets.



Rev. Mr. Barker visted Mrs. Chester Marston at the Deaconess Hospital while he was in Boston Tuesday. He reports that she is a “star” patient and doing very well.

At Ocean Side Grange, Friday evening the first and second degrees will be conferred upon five candidates.

Miss Marguerite Moaratty has been ill for several days with laryngitis.

February 27, a committee of two from the Methodist choir will have a Valentine’s party in the vestry. Everyone is invited. Hearts are now being mailed for the party.

The Ladies Aid met last night at he M. E. church with a good number present considering the traveling.

About forty were present at Joe’s dance last Saturday night.

William Elliot is in Wiscasset, Me., visiting his sister, Mrs. William Hunter.