Hampton News

The Monday Club will meet with Mrs. William Cash Monday P. M.

William Elliot sustained two broken ribs in a fall which he had last Thursday.

Miss Irene Blake has been home from Keene Normal School for a time with the chicken pox.

This week choir practice for the Methodists singers will be held on Thursday evening, instead of Monday.

FOOD SALE. The What-so-ever Circle will hold a food sale in Lane’s Store, Friday, March 12, at 3:30 o’clock.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church will hold a public supper in the vestry, March 20. Everyone is welcome.

The West End Club met with Mrs. M. M. James, March 4. After the meeting a social hour was spent and refreshments were served by the hostess.

Walter Reummare and Wentworth Haynes, son of the late Dr. Haynes of Cambridge, Mass., were recent guests of Mrs. Sara Ross of Rose Cottage, Beach road.

Marlon Elliot Noyes, baby son of Harold E. Noyes has the measles. Mr. Noyes is working in Malden Square and his wife and baby are living in Everett with him.

THE TOREADORS will be repeated by the Academy pupils March 20, at 8:00 o’clock, in the Town Hall. Dancing will follow. Benefit of the general fund.

The T. S. G. Club met Monday afternoon with Mr. Frances Sears. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Sadie Barker at her home on Highland avenue, March 22.

Mr. Herbert Perkins has been confined to his home with a severe cold during the past week. Everyone misses the post office “chief” from his customary place in the P. O.

A dinner party was given by Mrs. Fred Towle Tuesday, March 9. Those present were her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward Towle, Mrs. Samuel Brown, and Mrs. Annie Deal of Salisbury.

The Ever Ready and Busy Bee Classes of the Congregational Sunday School are surely living up to their names and will present the drama “Plain People” on April 3rd. They are in hopes that all the “Plain People” in town will purchase tickets for this debate.

Tickets will go on sale before long for an entertainment which the Rainbow Trio will give in Town hall April 28, under the auspices of the Methodist Church choir. Laura May Wood Ellis, the well known reader, will be there and the others whom our townspeople know from their previous engagements in Hampton.

The West End Club observed Miss Frances Towle’s 86th birthday recently with a very fine chicken dinner given at Mrs. N. M. Batchelder’s. Miss Towle received some very useful gifts from the club, also the Friendly Class of the Congregational Church and some other friends. We all wish Miss Towle many more pleasant events. Two of the other members received useful gifts from the club at the same time for their different birthdays.

Don’t forget that next Monday evening is “Ladies’ Night” at the Hampton Men’s club. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P.M. with special talent offering vocal and instrumental selections. After the dinner there will be movies and dancing, including old-fashioned dances. Every member come – bring your wife or sweetheart and also bring a new member. Going to have a good time, so don’t miss it.