Hampton News

Harry I. Noyes attended the auto show in Boston last week.

Selectman L. C. Ring was confined to his bed Tuesday with a severe cold.

The friends of Mrs. Chester G. Marston will be pleased to know that she is steadily improving.

Miss Ena Ingham of Hyde Park, Mass., is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Elliot, during this week.

David Colt’s store window is being all dressed up for Easter under the careful hands of Miss Evelyn Clark.

Remember that the Rainbow Trio is coming to town April 28.

The T. S. G. Club held a public whist party in the Town hall last evening for the benefit of the Tuck memorial cabin fund.

According to the Boston Globe Mrs. Fred Towle of this town recently observed her 350th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t seem that long, says Mrs. Towle.

There will be a food sale in Lane’s block Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, under the direction of the young ladies of the Methodist church choir.

Two familiar figures may be seen around town just now. Arnold “Fat” George, Sanborn Seminary football star and member of the preparatory school State championship team for 1925, and Ralph “Nig” Johnson, attending Mercersburg Academy, Pa. It is said this latter hercules has already thrown the hammer unheard of distances.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church held a profitable supper in the vestry Tuesday evening. After the dishes were cleared away quarterly conference was held. Mr. Durham, the district superintendent, was highly pleased with the work that this church has accomplished and he implored everyone to go forward. Mr. Barker was invited to return another year.

The operetta which the Academy pupils presented at the Parent-Teacher’s association meeting recently, will be repeated Friday, March 19, at 3:00 o’clock in the Town Hall, for the school children. Admission 10c. For adults and those who cannot attend on Friday “The Toreadors” will be repeated Saturday at 8:00, March 25. The admission price for this evening will be 25c; dancing, to follow, 15c.

Beginning Friday evening, March 19, the moving pictures at the Centre School will be conducted under the same management as the Olympia Theatre, Hampton Beach, the School Board cooperating. Mr. Roscoe B. Palmer will be the local representative. A very important innovation will be the installation of a second machine in the booth, thus doing away with the tedious waits between reels. The movie fans will now be able to enjoy a real evening’s entertainment without any unnecessary intermissions. This Friday night everybody will get aboard for a big entertainment time, “The Midnight Flyer” with Cullen Landis and Dorothy Devore, a gigantic drama of the roaring rails, as the feature attraction; a Mack Sennett comedy, a Bray cartoon and a Pathe news, the latter showing the damage caused by the high tides at Hampton Beach. “Patronize your local movies.” “Come and enjoy a real entertainment.” “Always a good show.”

E. G. Cole is well established in his modern office in the remodeled building next to his former place of business. The interior finish is in mahogany and the workmanship is very fine. Mr. Cole’s part is divided into an office in front and one in the rear. Entering the lowered front, on sidewalk level, one is impressed with a marked improvement from what used to be a rather unsightly structure. Somehow, the idea of high vaulted ceilings and spaciousness strikes the mind within. Persons whom we have known for a long time, seated behind a high desk in a place of this kind, seemed to have suddenly acquired added dignity from their very surroundings.

Mr. John Gilman has a real old-fashioned comforter at his home on Exeter road which he asserts is 100 years old. The flax was grown and spun by this old civil war veteran’s ancestors, for this quilt, and the work was all done by hand.

A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Dexter at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon when their daughter, Marion, was united in marriage to Harold Wellington Winchester, a Hampton counter manufacturer. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F. Newell of the Methodist church and the double ring service was used. Charles Greenman of Boston, a business partner of the groom, acted as best man, while Mrs. Samuel W. Gammons of Ashland, and Mrs. Herrick A. Sederquist of Clinton, Mass., were the bridesmaids. The happy couple left on the night train to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Vineyard Haven and other places of interest and will be at home to their friends after May 1st.

The bride was very becomingly dressed in white canton crepe with veil, and carried a shower bouquet of brides roses and lilies of the valley, while the bridesmaids wore green crepe de chene trimmed with gold with hats to match, and carried pink tea roses. There were many beautiful and useful presents of furniture, glassware, china and linen. The groom’s present to the bride was a pearl necklace and onyx sautoir set with rhinestones.

The bride is a graduate of the Bethlehem high school and the Plymouth normal school and has been a successful teacher of Home Economics in the Hampton schools for the past four years.

Those present from out of town were Miss Dorothy F. Kendall, an instructor in the Plymouth normal school, Miss Gladys I. Jordan of South Portland, Me., and Miss Olive Bradbury of Farmington.

The funeral of ex-Treasurer Charles N. Dodge was held Monday afternoon from his late home on Lafayette road and was largely attended. Rev. J. Chester Hyde, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated, assisted by Rev. Walter Wakeman, of Westwood, Mass., a former pastor. A quartet sang three selections. Burial was in the Hampton Falls cemetery. The bearers were Postmaster George F. Merrill, B.T. Janvrin, Arthur and John Brown, David Bachelder, and Charles Harrison.

Hampton Falls:

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Carpenter of Hampton Falls, N. H., announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn Leslie, to Mr. Ralph Merrill Haines of Amesbury, Mass. At present the young couple are in Los Angeles, California, with Miss Evelyn’s Father.