Hampton News

The Friendly class will meet with Mrs. Mildred Young on Friday of this week.

Miss S. B. Lane spent last week at North Conway, taking a trip by train through Crawford Notch one day.

Miss Ruth Perkins, Simmons, 1926, is spending her Easter vacation at the home of her parents, Supt. and Mrs. C. N. Perkins.

Mrs. Lydia Lane recently passed her eighty-ninth birthday. Two cousins of North Hampton spend the day pleasantly with her.

Owing to illness which has affected pretty much the whole force of the Union office the paper is being printed today under great difficulties and, but for some of the announcements that must be made today we would have deferred printing until Friday. We ask the indulgence of our readers.

Friday night, March 26, the Centre School will again become the local Movie Theater. The new management, the two machines in the booth, avoiding delays between reels, are still in effect this week. Come and see Emory Johnson’s master melodrama of newspaper life, “The Last Edition” starring Ralph Lewis and a brilliant cast. The Spat Family will make you laugh in their rollicking comedy “Bottle Babies.” Pathe News will give the news in pictures and every-one will enjoy the drawn Figures in the Bray Cartoon. All aboard for another movie night Friday at 7:45 o’clock.

Mr. Abbott L. Joplin has just received from his daughter, Mrs. Josephine Sterns of Granite Falls, Minn., a clipping from the local paper of the city which gives extended notice of Rev. Mr. Sterns last sermon in Granite Falls. Mr. Stearns and his wife are greatly beloved by the members of the Federated Baptist and Congregational churches, where Mr. Sterns has been preaching and their departure for a new church in St. Paul is greatly deplored.

Hampton Academy is given abundant notice on the educational page of Tuesday’s Manchester Union. At the top of the page is a picture of the performers in the recent operetta. Another article from Franklin extends high honor to the debaters which won over the Franklin team last week, and a third article reviews the recent issue of the “Trumpet,” gotten out by Academy students.

Under the supervision of Miss Alice Day, our Home Demonstration Agent was held a very successful demonstration dinner in the vestry of the Baptist church on March 12, with nearly forty ladies present. Mrs. Robert S. Barker has written a comprehensive report of the dinner which is interesting and instructive and will be printed next week.

W. Scot Noyes brought to us yesterday harbingers of a real spring that, Mr. Noyes believes, doesn’t leave the robin a perch to stand on. Last summer Mr. Noyes and his family became acquainted with and more or less attached to a woodchuck that had made his home handy to the garden. In October Woody disappeared and Mr. Noyes thought he had become food for larger animals. But Woody knew his business and had merely dug himself in for the winter. Yesterday he reappeared and made frantic signs to attract the family and informed them of the proximity of spring and then disappeared again, but showed himself twice more later in the day.