By Rev. John A. Ross

(Hampton: Printed for the Parish – 1902)

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Stephen Bachiler
Installed, 1638
Dis., 1641
Timothy Dalton
Ord., 1639
Died, 1661, Dec. 28
John Wheelwright
Ins., 1647
Dis., 1656
Seaborn Cotton
Settled, 1657 (Ord. 1660)
Died, 1686, April 19
John Cotton
Settled, 1687, (Ord. 1696)
Died, 1710, Mar. 27
Nathaniel Gookin
Ord., 1710, Nov. 14
Died 1734, Aug. 25
Ward Cotton
Ord., 1734, June 19
Dis., 1765, Nov. 12
Ebenezer Thayer
Ord., 1766, Sept. 12
Died, 1792, Nov. 6
Jesse Appleton
Ord., 1797, Mar. 22l
Dis., 1807, Nov. 16
William Pidgin, (Pres.)
Ord., 1796, Jan. 27
Dis., 1807, July
Josiah Webster
Ins., 1808, June 8
Died, 1837, Mar. 27
Erasmus D. Eldridge
Ord., 1838, April 4
Dis., 1849, May 7
Solomon P. Fay
Ord., 1849, Sept. 6
Dis.,1854, Aug. 29
John Colby
Ord., 1855, Oct. 31
Dis., 1863, Nov. 18
James B. Thorndike
Supplied about a year.

John Webster Dodge
Ins., 1865, Oct. 19
Dis., 1868, Nov. 18
James McLean
S. S., 1869 (Ins., 1870, Dec. 15)
Dis., 1872, Jan. 30
F. D. Chandler
S. S., two years.

John S. Batchelder
S. S., three years.

William H. Cutler
S. S.. four and a half years.

W. Walcott Fay
Ord., 1884, Feb. 20
Dis., 1886, Nov. 16
John A. Ross
Acting Pastor, 1887, July, (Ins., 1892, June 14)

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