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This article from 1873 is included here because it is of historical interest, but readers should be aware that some of the information has been corrected by historical research done over the years since this was first published.

Communicated by William H. Whitmore, A.M., of Boston Mass.

New England Historical and Genealogical Register, October 1873, pp. 364-369

We have been allowed to transcribe the following papers from a volume prepared by the late Edmund W. Tappan, of Hampton. It contains copies of the records of the town of Hampton, N. H., and also of various letters and documents relating to Nathaniel Batcheller, of Hampton, which were examined by Mr. Tappan, but which are now scattered among various member of the Batcheller family.

These documents enable us to correct and add to Savage’s accounts, in the following particulars.

1st. It is rendered almost certain that George Parkhurst, Sen., of Watertown, was the brother or brother-in-law of Ruth Dalton, the wife of the Rev. Timothy Dalton, of Hampton.

2nd. That George Parkhurst had sons George Benjamin and Joseph; and besides a daughter Phebe Arnold, that the following were also his children: Deborah (Smith), Elizabeth (Hilliard, Merry), and Mary (Carter).

3rd. We correct Savage’s account of the Hilliards of Hampton.

4th. We give some clue to the Batcheller connections in England, and also give the names of Nathaniel Barcheller’s children.

The conclusions and theories in the following pages are solely those of the writer. W. H. W.

An indenture, made March 22, 1663-64, between Ruth Dalton, of Hampton, Mass., widow of the Rev. Timothy Dalton, and Nathaniel Batcheller, of Hampton, termed by Mrs. D. “my constituted heir.”

The consideration was £200, to be paid to Ruth’s assigns after her decease, £50 the first year, then £20 annually, and the last year £10. The property conveyed comprised all of Ruth’s houses, land, &c., except certain rooms in which she lived, for which, after her death, Batcheller was to pay an additional £15, and allow Deborah Smith, wife of John Smith, to occupy certain rooms.

The yearly payments after Mrs. Dalton’s death were to be made as follows:

The  first  year, £50 to Deborah Smith, wife of John Smith.
 "  second   "    £20  "  Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Merry.
 "  third    "    £20  "  to Phebe, wife of Thomas Arnall.
 "  fourth   "    £20  "  Joseph Parker (Parkhurst).
 "  fifth    "    £20  "  George Parker (Parkhurst).
 "  sixth    "    £20  "  Mary, wife of Thomas Carter, of Woburn.
 "  seventh  "    £10  "  Timothy Hilliard.
                  £10  "  Benjamin Hilliard.
 "  eighth   "    £10  "  Elizabeth Hilliard, dau. of Elizabeth Merry.
                  £5   "  Abigail Ambrose, dau. of the wife of John Severans, of Salisbury.
                  £5   "  Mary, wife of William Fifield.
 "  ninth    "    £5   "  Walter Roper, of Ipswich.
                  £5   "  Hannah, Willix.

Batcheller was also to pay an annual rent of £10 to Mrs. Dalton during her life. All the legacies were to be paid the parties or their heirs or assigns. A codicil gives some furniture to Deborah Batchelder, £10 to John Smith, Jr., and a trunk to Timothy Dalton, son of Samuel Dalton, of Hampton.

As to the relation which these legatees bore to Mrs. Dalton and to each other,–it appears that Joseph and George Parkhurst both called her “aunt.” There were evidently the sons of George Parkhust, Sen., of Watertown, and Phebe, wife of Thomas Arnold, was their sister.

Again, the Hampton records give the marriage 14 Dec., 1659, of Joseph Merry and widow Elizabeth Hilliard or Hillyard. She was, doubtless, the widow of Emanuel Hilliard, who was drowned 20 Oct., 1659. Her children, equally, of course were Timothy, Benjamin and Elizabeth H. Savage, indeed, thought that Elizabeth H. was wife of Timothy, but he did not know that Mrs. Merry was a widow Hilliard, and thought her dau. Eliz. H. must be so called from her married name. As it stands, the explanation is simple, and brings all the £10 legatees in one category. The £5 ones are probably more remote,

We have then Deborah Smith, Elizabeth (Hilliard) Merry and her three children, the three Parkhursts and Mary Carter, all presumably nieces and nephews of Mrs. Dalton. They may have been brothers and sisters, or cousins, but we cannot at present decide. It is reasonably sure that these were all relatives if Mrs. Dalton and not of her husband, because she does not mention Dalton relatives who were then living in Hampton.

Was Nathaniel Batcheller a connection? His wife certainly was, being Deborah, daughter of Deborah and John Smith. Batcheller calls George Parkhurst his uncle, and we may, perhaps, accept that rather as a proof that P. was uncle to B.’s wife, and that Mrs. Smith was a daughter of George Parkhurst, sen.

It has always been thought that the Daltons, Timothy and Ruth, died childless, and, therefore, I am inclined to believe that Deborah Smith was merely the favorite niece. I deem it more probable that Deborah Smith and Elizabeth (Hilliard) Merry were sisters of the Parkhursts than cousins, for if Deborah was a Parkhurst, it is not likely that a cousin would be interposed in the list between her and Phebe (Parkhurst) Arnold; especially as a Benjamin Parkhurst, another brother who was alive in 1669, is not mentioned by his aunt Dalton.

Mary, wife of the Rev. Thomas Carter (REGISTER, xvii. 51), may be either sister or cousin to the preceding. Batcheller endorses a paper, “cousin John Wyman about my uncle Carter’s legacy.” If Mrs. Carter were a Parkhurst, she would be aunt to Batcheller’s wife. It must be noted that Nathaniel Batcheller, after the death of his wife Deborah Smith, married Mary, widow of John Wyman and daughter of Mary Carter. Another daughter, Abigail Carter, married a John Smith, very probably a son of Deborah Smith. The chances are that Batcheller’s wives were his own cousins, and that Smith married an own cousin.

It is worth noticing that Nathaniel Batcheller was the son of Rev. Stephen Batcheller or Bachilor, who had lived a rambling and contentious life here, and who was at one time, about 1640, a colleague of the Rev. Timothy Dalton at Hampton. It is a little strange that a marriage should have occurred between the families; and especially that Nathaniel Batcheller should have been the greatest recipient of Mrs. Dalton’s property. It seems that Mrs. Dalton, in her will, calls him “cousin,” as she does his mother-in-law, Mrs. Smith,–it is also true that he was probably much older than his wife; for all this, as he calls Parkhurst and Carter his uncles, he must have been in the same degree of distance from Mrs. Dalton as his wife clearly was, and we may safely conclude that his “cousinship” was through his wife.

As to Nathaniel Batcheller’s children, the Hampton records give the following items:—

Nathaniel Batchilor m. Deborah Smith, 10 Dec., 1656, and had:—

Deborah, b. 12 Oct., 1657; m. Joseph Palmer, 25 Jan., 1676-7.
Nathaniel, b. 24 Dec., 1659.
Ruth, b. 9 May, 1662; d.
Esther, b. 22 Dec., 1664; m. Samuel Shaw.
Abigail, b. 28 Dec. 1667; m. John Dearborn.
Jane, b. 8 Jan., 1669-1670; m. Benjamin Lampree.
Stephen, b. 31 July, 1672; d. infant.
Benjamin, b. 19 Sept., 1673; m. Susanna Page, 25 Dec., 1696.
Stephen, b. 8 Mar., 1675-6; m. Mary Dearborn, 25 Aug., 1698.

His wife Deborah d. 8 March, 1675-6, and he m. Mary Wyman at Hampton, 31 Oct. 1676. They had:—

Mercy, b. 11 Dec., 1677; m. Samuel Dearborn, 12 July, 1694.
Mary, b. 18 Sept, 1679; died young.
Samuel, b. 10 Jan. 1681-82.
Jonathan, b.
Thomas, b.
Joseph, b. 9 Aug., 1687.
Mary, b. 17 Oct. 1688.
Theodate, b.    ; m. Maurice Hobbs, 18 Nov., 1703.

His second wife is said to have died in 1688.

He seems to have had a third wife, Elizabeth, and to have died about 1707. His widow, Elizabeth, and children made an agreement, 17 March, 1709-10, in addition to Batcheller’s will, which was dated 14 Feb., 1706-07. The parties were the widow, Nathaniel’s oldest son, Benjamin, Mary Palmer, Samuel, Jonathan, Thomas and Joseph Batcheller; Joseph Palmer, for his wife, Deborah; Samuel Shaw, for his wife, Hester; John Dearborn, for his wife, Abigail; Benjamin Lampree, for his wife Jane; Samuel Dearborn, for his wife Mercy; and Maurice Hobbs, for his wife, Theodata. Stephen Batcheller, the son of the deceased, was appointed to make the division. It is possible that Mary Palmer was a daughter, but as she only receives a cow and three sheep, it is more probable that she was the oldest grandchild.

As to the Hilliards, it seems altogether probable that Emanuel Hilyard was the first of the family here. He had by wife Elizabeth a dau. Elizabeth, born at Hampton, 22 Feb., 1654-5. As to his death, the Hampton records say:–“The sad Hand of God upon eight persons going in a vessel by Sea from Hampton to Boston, who wear all swallowed up in the osian sone after they ware out of the harbour. The persons wear by name as followeth:–Robert Read, Sargent, Will. Swaine, Manewell Hilyard, John Philbrick, and Ann Philbrick his wife, and Sarah Philbrick their daughter, Alise, the wife of Moses Corks, and John Corks, their sonn; who ware all drowned the 20th of the 8th mo. 1657.”

3 Dec., 1674, Timothy Hilliard married at Hampton, Apphia Prilbrick, and had–Benjamin, born 19 July, 1681; Apphia, b. 29th —–, 1686; Mary, b. 23 Aug., 1638; —–, b. 24 June, 1690. The records are quite imperfect; but we find also recorded the death, 14 Feb. 1698-9, of Apphia, dau. of Timothy H., aged 13.

Benjamin Hilliard, brother of Timothy, is undoubtedly the one next mentioned. “13 June, 1677, Edward Colcord, jr., Abraham Perkins, jr., Benjamin Hilliard and Caleb Towles, were all slain by ye Barbarous Heathen.” We presume that he was not married.

A Benjamin Hilliard had a wife Mehitable, who died suddently 29 Oct., 1703, and on the 3 April, 1706, Benjamin H. m. Elizabeth Chase. If this were the son of Timothy, he must have married soon after attaining his majority.

Documents cited in the foregoing account:


“From Wattertowne the 25 of June ’69.

Loveing Couse Bashelder: after my kynde love remembered to you and all the rest of my friends, these fue lines are to desire you if you plese to paye unto my brother Benjamen, fife pounds of that twenty which will bee due to me from my ant Dolton, which I understand you are too paye; and if you will plese so to doue, this shall be youre discharge for that fife pounds. as witnese my hand. GEORG PARKIS.

haueing nothing alrd. att present of. rest your loveing frind.”

Endorsed: “My unkell Gorg. Parkes his letter: sent by benjeimen Parkes.”


“Whereas their was giftin to me Josieph Parkis of Chemford in New Inland, planter, by a died of gift of my Ant Dalton, berin dait the tow and twenty day of March 1663 or 1664, the full and just some of twenty pond” . . . . . . . . . . “I the abofe sayd Josiah Parkes dow acknoleg to hafe reseved of Nathaniell Bachiler, exsecutor to the last will and testiment of my Ant Dalton deiscsed, the full and just some of twenty pond,” &c. &c. &c.


A receipt dated May 1, 1671, given by “Gorg Parker of Watertown” to Nathaniel Batcheller, for the payment of £20, ” a legase given me by my Ant Dolton of Hampton.”


A power of attorney from Thomas Arnoll of Providence in behalf of himself and his wife Phebe, to their son Richard Arnoll, to collect a legacy of £20, given by the will of Mrs. Ruth Dalton to Phebe Arnold. It is dated 6 June, 1671 or 1677.


“I, John Wayman of Oberon junier, dow acknowleg to hafe reseved of Nathaniell Batchler of Hampton, to oxten of fortien pond pris, by ordier of my father in law Thomas Carter of Oberon, wch ar to satisfie part of a legeisdie wch whas given to my mother in law, Merri Carter by Mrs. Ruth Dalton of Hampton deiseised. I say reseved by me.
28 day of May 1672.”

Endorsed: “Cosen John Whayman’s aquitens about my unkell Carter’s Legassy.”

Papers relating to Nathaniel Batcheller’s family:


London, the 23d Aprill 1685.


I have re’cd yo’ 19 Januarie and bless god you and yor wife and children are all well; may god continue health to you all. I bless god I am much beter than I was though verie weake. I hope I may recover by degrees.

As to my cosine, Thos. Mercer, pray remember my love to him and tell him I have received his leter and delivered his inclosed to cosine Paul Pryaulx, whoe saith the executor of our uncle Fras. Mercer is rich and able to pay hime his legasie; and saith he muste send over a certificate that he is alive and the sonne of Mr. Peter Mercer, certified by some Justice that hee is alive, which you and others may wittness, and a leter of atorney. Let hime make the leter of atorney to my brother Thomas Wemborne, then there will be all endeavors used to get it for hime. This is the onlie way.

I am sory for yor troubles occasioned by my friend Mr. Mason’s claime. You and others ought to defend yor right, which cannot be without trouble and expence. I hope in litle time that will be rectified to content. Yor losses hath not been comparable to myne. I loste fifteen hundred and above by our brother Francis Bachiler, and above one thosand pounds by others, all one upon another; but I thanke god I have rubed thorow all and am contented in my condition, not being beholding to any relation, and hope shall continue soe to my end. The stocking I sent by you coste me £5 5 6d and you write me in seaverall leters you sould them for £7 10s. itt was the firste adventur I ever made, soe take corse to make it to me over if you can by a bill of exchange or goods. Mr. Wyar will advize you for the beste; he is much a gentleman and yor good friend. We have often remembered you. God grant he may arrive in safetie. I am much obliged to him for his love to you. I have no more to ad but onlie my brou. love to you, yor wife and children, and the like of all our relations here in London,


Soe I commit you to god and reste
              Your verie eure brother
                     STEPHEN BACHILER

Direct yor letters to me at
  Mr. John Kent’s, merchant
  In Basinghall Street, London

Even now I spoke with cos. Pryaulx whoe saith the certificate must be certified by yor Governor and other Justices; you and others may wittnes itt; then his leter of atorney to brother Wenborne; and cosine Priaulx would have him make his will, that if itt be not paid before his death he may give it to who he will, and it will be recoverable. Cosine Pryaulx remembers to you both and be his frend. This is good Councell; pray speed it over to me and I will serve him to my power. I question not is meny kares.”

    Directed: “To his loveing brother, Mr. Nathaniel Bachiler at Hampton in New England. By a friend.”

As to Rev. Stephen Bachiler it is said that besides these sons, Nathaniel, Stephen and Francis, he had a son Henry. Newhall, in his edition of Lewis’s History of Lynn, p. 163, states that Morgan’s “Sphere of Gentry,” 1661, is figured the coat-of-arms of Rev. Stephen B. as follows:–

“Vert, a plough in fesse and in base the sun rising or.” Not much known of his antecendents except that he lived in Holland. Winthrop writes (i. 78) of the arrival 5 June, 1632, of “the William and Francis, Mr. Thomas master, with about sixty passengers, whereof Mr. Welde and old Mr. Batchelor (being aged 71) were, with their families and many other honest men.” Also (i. 176) under the date of January, 1635-6, that Mr. Batchellor of Saugus was before the magistrates “for that coming out of England with a small body of six or seven persons,” and being made pastor of the church, “he with the said six or seven persons” intended to make a new church at Saugus. In 1638 (ibid, i, 260) he tried to make a settlement at Yarmouth, but “he and his company being all poor men, finding the difficulty, gave it over.” He is said to have had three daughters: Theodate, wife of Christopher Hussey of Hampton; Deborah, wife of John Wing, of Scituate (see REG., xviii. 266) and —–, wife of [John] Sanborn, whose three sons are said to have come over with their grandfather.

Newhall mentions that his second wife was named Helena; that in 1660 he married a wife Mary, from whom he was soon separated; and in England, prior to 1656, he had taken a fourth wife. He adds that Bachiler died at Hackney in 1660, aged nearly 100 years. [Editor’s note: This date has since been found to be incorrect. See here for further details.]

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