Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project
by Kevin Buckley and BSA Troop 177
Hampton, NH
In 2006, Winnacunnet High School senior Kevin Buckley of Boy Scout Troop 177 completed the documentation of the Ring Swamp Cemetery on Park Avenue in Hampton for his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. Below are links to the project documentation, newspaper articles about the project, and links to the records and photos of the Ring Swamp Cemetery.
- Project Documentation
- This link is to a very large Microsoft Word document (378 pages, 117 megabytes) so will take a long time to download. Larger copies of the photos included in this report are available as links from the cemetery records page on the library’s website.
- Project Data Sheets
- An Excel file was also created containing data sheets for the project, listing all of the graves first in order by the stone number assigned by the author (the same order as in the Project Documentation above), then by name of the deceased, then by date of death.
- Project Map
- This PDF file consists of maps of the cemetery showing the locations of all of the stones.
- Newspaper Articles
- Cemetery Tapped For Eagle Scout Project Atlantic News, August 26, 2005
- Boy Scout Completes Cemetery Data Project Hampton Union, February 28, 2006
- Eagle Scout Project Documents Cemetery, Atlantic News, March 3, 2006