The Ring Swamp Cemetery as it looked c.1896
The Ring Swamp Cemetery as it looked in 1938
This cemetery was previously visited by an unknown individual Inclusive dates: 1800-1934. It is located on Park Avenue about a quarter mile from the intersection with Winnacunnet Road, on the left. View a map. According to Dow’s “History of Hampton”, page 285, the Ring Swamp Cemetery was laid out in 1797, the first interment being that of Joshua Towle, who died September 13th of that year. His stone is no longer in existence, and the earliest stone at present is dated 1800. This cemetery is laid out on both sides of a central “road”, each side facing the road. The order of inclusion in this listing begins on the left side of the cemetery near the front and moves along the rows on that side. The right side of the yard is also recorded from left to right so it begins at the back of the cemetery and moves towards the front. In many cases the rows are not laid out in straight lines so it has been a judgment call to determine their order for this listing. Frequently family members have been laid out in adjoining rows. Where this is the case I have made a note to that effect, and I have numbered each gravestone to make this easier. This cemetery is in excellent condition in 1986, although many stones have been cemented to their bases recently, occasionally covering up the end of some inscriptions or verses. Thankfully the previous compiler made their record before this was done so they are not lost forever. In 2006, Winnacunnet High School senior Kevin Buckley of Boy Scout Troop 177 completed the documentation of the Ring Swamp Cemetery on Park Avenue in Hampton for his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. The headstone photographs that are linked below come from this project.
Click on the names below to view images of the headstones
[Marthy Ella] daughter of [George] W. & Mary Young Died Aug. 8, 183[5] Aged 12 years & 9 mo. [Sections in brackets are illegible in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler.]
George D. Son of Thomas & Emily Lane, died Jan. 24, 1847; AE. 8 yrs. 10 ds.
Rachel wife of Thomas Lane died Sept 27, 1835; aged 20 yrs. 2 mos. 17 days.
John Dearborn, Died Mar. 5, 1852 aged 44 yrs. 6 mos.
In memory of Mary Ann, wife of John Dearborn, who departed this life in hope of an eternal [rest] Sept. 15, 1844 Aged 34 Yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read. Word in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from previous compiler.]
In memory of Deborah, wife of John Dearborn, who departed this life in hope of an eternal rest May [5, 1847] aged 42 yrs. [Date in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from previous compiler and confirmed by the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton.]
Rebecca, wife of Joshua Crane, Died Nov. 19, 1872 Aged 86 yrs. 7 mos.
Joshua D. Crane, Died Jan. 30, 1847 aged 66 yrs.
Charles E. son of Tyler and Catherine R. Crane, died Jan. 18, 1849 aged 5 yrs & 4 ms. “I saw that loved one bright & fair A child he was of beauty rare: But Jesus sent his angel band, Who [have?] him to a fairer land.”
Catherine R. Wife of Tyler Crane Oct. 3, 1819 Dec. 4, 1895.
Tyler Crane, Died July 27, 1853, Aged 36 yrs. 7 mos. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mary, daughter of Caleb & Sarah Mason, died April 5, 1835; Aged 20 yrs. “Though I am dead yet I can speak, For you I must in judgment meet; And if prepared you need not fear For Christ our Savior will be there.”
Sarah, daughter of Caleb & Sarah Mason, died Oct. 31, 1834; Aged 22 yrs. “Draw near a while O, youthful friend, And read the truth that here is pen’d; And if you think you cannot die, Upon this stone just cast your eye.”
Mary A. Daughter of Samuel & Betsey Drake died April 24, 1839, aged 20 yrs, 3 mo’s. “She gave her heart to her Savior in the days of her youth.”
Rhoda B. Daughter of Samuel & Betsey Drake died Jan. 7, 1836, Aged 11 y’rs, [4] mo’s. [A verse, but difficult to read, and partially obscured by a crack. The number in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mary, relict of Samuel Drake, died Jan. 30, 1822; Aged 62 yrs & 11 mos.
Samuel Drake, died Sept. 10, 1812; Aged 60 yrs. & 1 mo.
Maj. Simon Towle, died Jan. 17, 1840; AE 36 yrs. “God, my Redeemer, lives. And often from the skies, Looks down and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise.”
Betsey, Widow of Col. Philip Towle, Died Nov. 24, 18[57]. [Last two digits of the date are illegible in 1986, and since the previous compiler missed this stone the date given is taken from the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton.]
Philip Towle died Sept. 7 1831 aged 61 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read and partially buried in concrete.]
In memory of Philip Towle M.D. Son of Col. Philip & Betsey Towle died in Charleston, S.C. 1832 on his way to Florida for His Health Aet. 34 yrs.
Maj. Simon N. Towle Son of P. & B. Towle died Jan. 17, 1840. Aet. 37 y’rs.
Sarah Berry Wife of Maj. S.N. Towle, died Jan. 28, 1886. Aet. 77 yrs.
Eddie Hale Son of Hiram & Lydia H. Wood died Sept. 30, 185[2] AEt. 10 mos. [Last digit of year is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler as well as the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton.]
Mary Collins, died Feb. 28, 1843 aged 37. “Why mourn thy loss. Our loss to thee is gain.”
Elizabeth Widow of Daniel Lamprey, died May 28, 1820; aged 78 yrs. “They also who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”
Daniel Lamprey. Died May 10, 1812; aged 70 yrs. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Jona L. son of Oliver & Sarah Lamprey died March 25, 1833 [Aged 5 mo 1 day.] [Last section is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mr. Moses Shaw died July 24, 1836 aged 61 y’rs.
Alfred S. Palmer, Died Oct. 30, 1876 AEt. 60 yrs. 1 mo.
Emeline F. daughter of Samuel & Fanny Towle, died Oct. 9, 1849 aged 19 yrs. & 9 mos. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mary Ann D. Wife of Josiah Marston Died Dec. 9, 1883 AEt. 82 yrs. 11 mos. 24 dys.
Simon N. Dearborn, Died Feb. 4, 1876 AEt. 89 yrs. 6 mos.
Hannah wife of Simon N. Dearborn, Died Aug. 29, 1844. AEt. 57 yrs. 6 mos.
Lavina Wife of Joseph Leavitt Died May 3, 1838 AE. 23 yrs. 2 mos.
Simon Dearborn Died Apr. 8, 1853. AE. 40 yrs. 3 mos.
Hannah Wife of Simon N. Dearborn ———. [Last part is buried in concrete. This stone is separated from #31 above by the double stone #32.]
Elizabeth, daughter of Taylor and Mary Weare died Aug. 11, 1826 Aged 1 yr. & 6 mos.
Joseph T. Son of Taylor and Mary Weare, died Aug. 12, 1826 Aged 3 yrs. & 3 mos.
Mr. Daniel Weare, died March 20, 1835; in his 78 year. [Stone is very difficult to read and information is taken from the Sanborn and Sanborn Vital Records book.]
Mrs. Betsey. relict of Mr. Daniel Weare. died April 7, 1838; in her 79th year.
Mr. Taylor Weare Died March 4, 1849, in his 63d year.
Jeremiah Nudd, Died May 25, 1847; aged 43 yrs.
Miss Lydia M. Nudd, Died Oct. 23, 1837 AEt. 31 yrs. 8 mo. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mrs. Almira Dow wife of Col. Josiah Dow died May [19], 1834 Aged 26 yrs. [Date in brackets is taken from the previous compiler. It looked as though it could be an 18, and the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton says she died on the 10th.]
Hannah wife of Josiah Dow, died Aug. 4, 1839 AE 73 yrs.
Josiah Dow died Oct. 11, 1840 AE 76 yrs.
Samuel Harden, Died Jan. 5, 1877, Aged 84 y’rs. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Betsey, wife of Samuel Harden, Died April 7, 1864, Aged 79 y’rs. “She is not dead but —–” [Last word illegible.]
Joseph Young Died Aug. 12, 1848; aged 51 yrs. & 10 mo. [Short verse, but difficult to read.]
Abigail K. Widow of Joseph Young Died Oct. 10, 1882, aged 79 yrs. [4] mos. & 15 days. [Short verse, but illegible. Number in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Betsy, Wife of Joseph Philbrick Died Sept. 27, 1857, Aged 61 yrs. 10 mos. “For I know that my [Redeemer?] —–. [Last word illegible.]
Joseph Philbrick Died May 9, 1865 aged 73 yrs. 2 mos.
Elizabeth Frances Daughter of Joseph & Betsy Philbrick, born April 28, 1821, died March 24, 1840 Aged 18 years 10 months & 25 days. [Long verse, but difficult to read.]
Mary, wife of William Weeks, Died Oct. 27, 1868, Aged 69 y’rs. & 7 mo’s. “Asleep in Jesus”
Mary E. daughter of David & Betsey A. Philbrick, died Nov. 4, 1845; aged 1 yr. & 11 mos.
Samuel Philbrick, Died May 20, 1851, Aged 87 y’rs. 6 mo’s.
Priscilla, his wife Died Oct. 6, 1858, Aged 83 y’rs.
Sarah wife of James Perkins Died Apr. 13, 1885 AEt. [87] yrs. [5] mos. [There appears to be another short line after this, but it is illegible in 1986, as are the two numbers in brackets, taken from the previous compiler.]
James Perkins Died Feb. 18, 1855 Aged 62 yrs. 7 mos.
Oliver D. Perkins Died Oct. 7, 1856 Aged 24 yrs. 8 mos. [This stone was cut off at the base when the photo was taken in 2006.]
James Perkins Died Apr. 30, 1883, AEt. 58 yrs. 6 mos.
Isaac Marston, Died Oct. 5, 1848; Aged 38 yrs. “Loved companion thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel; But ’tis God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal.”
Isaac C. son of Isaac & Mary Jane Marston died March 1, 1848, aged 9 years.
Edward S. son of Isaac and Mary Jane Marston, died March 30, 1847 aged 5 years.
Sarah Jane, daughter of Isaac and Mary Jane Marston died Oct. 11, 1846, aged 2 years.
[Between 61 & 62 is a nice neat space as though a stone was there at one time.]
Isaac Marston Died Apr. 4, 1824; aged 57 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read.] [Top portion of stone was broken off in 2006 when photo was taken.]
Sarah E. dau. of Anthony & Betsey Emery, died Augt. 12, 1841 AE 18 yrs. “Jesus can make a dying bed, Feel soft as downy pillows are While on his breast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly there.”
Abraham son of Anthony & Betsey Emery died Feb. 23, 1831 aged 18 yrs. 6 mo.
[Front] Willard Emery, Died May 15, 1836, Aged 47 y’rs. 7 mo’s.
Sally, his wife Died March 30, 1866, Aged 75 y’rs. 11 mo’s.
[Right] Lieut. Willard Emery, Died March 29, 1827, Aged 66 y’rs.
Sarah, his wife Died Dec. 18, 1835, Aged 73 y’rs.
[Left] Mary, Died Dec. 12, 1826, Aged 2 y’rs.
David, Died July 24, 1834, Aged 13 y’rs.
Children of Willard & Sally Emery.
Harriet A. wife of James Galloway Born Feb. 26, 1815, Died Jan. 15, 1881.
[All on one stone in the Emery lot]
Charles S. died Sept. 16, 1840, aged 10 mos.
George W. died July 20, 1841 aged 9 weeks
Joseph W. died Apr. 12, 1847 aged 3 mos.
Children of A. & S.L. Emery.
Charlott [sic] A. Brown Died Dec. 17, 1846 Aged 20 yrs.
Simon C. son of Simon & Ann S. Brown, died Sept. 21, 1831 AEt. 3 y’rs.
Sherburne Brown, died June 8, 1831, aged 18 years. “Jesus has done all things well”
Simon Brown died Oct. 20, 1841 AEt. 55.
[Stone numbers 81 & 82 are directly behind nos. 67-70 in the next row]
Mrs. Abigail Garland, wife of Dea. Jonathan Garland died Apr. 4, 1809, in the 63d year of her age. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Dea. Jonathan Garland died April 13, 1825, in the 79th year of his age. “He died in faith and hope.”
Jonathan Garland, Died Nov. 6, 1865, Aged 83 y’rs. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”
[Stone numbers 85-87 are directly behind nos. 71-73 in the next row]
Mary P. [wife of] Moses Perkins, died Jan. 26, 1821, Aged 58. [Words in brackets are illegible in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler.]
Moses Perkins died Jan. 18, 1839, Aged 79. “Mr. Perkins was one of the fifth generation from the first that came to this Country.”
John Q.A. Son of John S. & Catherine Jenness, died Apr. 2, 1857 aged [2] yrs. [2] mo. [Numbers in brackets were obscured by concrete and are not definite, and since the previous compiler missed this stone they can not be corroborated.]
Mary A. Sanborn, died Aug. 31, 1846, aged 19.
Harriet N. Sanborn, died May 29, 1845 aged 24.
Mr. John Brown died Nov. 25, 1829, aged 63 years. “When I lie buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care; These with’ring limbs with thee I trust, To raise them strong and fair.” [This stone is facing backwards towards # 122 in the row behind it.]
Joseph Towle Esq. died Oct. 9, 1828, aged 60 years. “My days are spent, my race is run, Remember me when dead and gone”
Charlotte A. Dau. of J.W. & Sarah A. Brown. Died Sept. 11, 1848: AE 2 yrs. & 3 mo. “Sleep dear daughter gently sleep And though thy Parents o’er thee We——– [Remainder buried in concrete.]
Ann S. Wife of Simon Brown, Died June 30, 1857, aged 66 yrs. “Dear mother thou hast gone and left us, In a world of griefs and tears, But we hope ere long to meet thee, Where Jesus wipes away all tears.”
[Stone numbers 81 & 82 are directly behind nos. 67-70 in the next row]
Lieut. Daniel Lamprey, died Dec. 12, 1840; AE. 81 yrs. 9 mos. [See also stone #362.]
In memory of Jonathan M. Locke who died Decr. 19th. 1832; in his 39th. yr. [This stone is facing backwards towards stone nos. 128-130.]
Lucy G. Haselton Dau. of David Garland 1847-1934 – [Front of stone]
David Garland Died Aug. 8, 1858, aged 82 yrs. “For nearly forty years, a faithful defender of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus. The conflict is o’er, the Victory’s won. Being dead, he yet speaketh”
Mary wife of David Garland, Died Jan. 29, 1871, Aged 91 yrs. 2 ms.
[Stone numbers 85-87 are directly behind nos. 71-73 in the next row.]
Samuel Palmer, died Dec. 31, 1833, aged 64 y’rs. 1 mo & 2[6] d’s.
Ann, his wife died Feb. 16, 1857, aged 79 y’rs. [The 6 in 26 is obscured by a crack in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mr. Samuel Palmer died Dec. 31, 1833; aged 64 yrs, 1 mo, 26 days. “My flesh shall slumber in the ground; Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound: Then burst the chains with sweet surprise and in my Savior’s image rise.” [This stone is obviously the same Samuel Palmer as in #88 above, but they are on two different stones.]
Mr. Joseph Palmer died June 25, 1832, AE 66 yrs. 8 mo. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mary K. dau. of Joseph & Miriam Palmer died Augt 26, 18[34] aged 4 mo. 4 days. [Numbers in brackets are illegible in 1986 and are taken from the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton. The previous compiler did not record this stone.]
Deborah, wife of Joseph Palmer, Died Apr. 17, 1843, Aged 73 y’rs.
Mariam [sic], wife of Joseph Palmer, Died Jan. 13, 1886, Aged 89 yrs. 10 ms.
Rob’t Nelson son of John M. & Mary H. Palmer, died Sept. 9, 1853, aged 1 yr. 8 mos. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Joseph Palmer Died June 24, 1862, Aged 69 y’rs, 8 mo’s. “Prepare to meet God”
[Stone no. 135 is behind and to the left of stone nos. 88-95 in the next row.]
In memory of Capt. James Godfrey who died June 28, 1859 Aged 80 yrs. 6 mos.
In memory of Mrs. Theodate, wife of Mr. James Godfrey, who died November 22, 1839, aged 50 years & 4 months. “Her spirit has risen, and henceforth no more, Shall she strive in the race which the living must run; All her trials and tears and her sufferings are o’er, Her warfare is ended, her victory won.”
Richard Alexander died Sept. 2[9,] 1849 aged 57 yrs. [1 mo.] [A verse, but difficult to read. Sections in brackets are obscured by a crack in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler.]
Tabatha [sic] Wife of Richard Alexander, Died Sept. 16, 1855 Aged 63 yrs.
Harriet S. dau. of Richard & [Tabitha] Alexander, died [Dec. 30, 1847] Aged [21 yrs. & 8 mo.] [A verse, but illegible. Sections in brackets are illegible in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler.]
[Stone nos. 136-137 are in the row directly behind stone nos. 98- 100.]
Nancy dau. of Benj. P. & Frances A. Blake died Jan. 22, 1849 Aged 5 yrs. [This stone is almost totally illegible in 1986 and the information was taken from the previous compiler.]
Luella Taylor dau. of James & Mary Ann Lane died Aug. 12, 1852 Aged 2 yrs. [This stone is totally illegible in 1986 and the information was taken from the previous compiler. There is a verse, but that is also illegible. See also stone #161.]
[Simon Dearborn] son of James & Mary Ann Lane died Oct. 4, 1842 Aged 4 months. [Name in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. See also stone #161.]
Mary Ann wife of James Lane, died May 28, 1843, aged 24 years. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Simon Lane Died Dec. 2, 1847; aged 82 yrs.
Josiah Dearborn Died Dec. 2, 1866 Aged [84 yrs.] [Last part in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Anna S. Wife of Josiah Dearborn [died Aug. 21, 1856] Aged 69 y’rs. [Section in brackets is obscured by a crack in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. This stone is cracked in two places and when it was cemented back together again the middle section was put in upside down.]
Rachel, widow of Thomas Leavitt Died [Dec. 9, 1843 Aged 80 yrs.] [The last section in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
In memory of Thomas Leavitt, who died in Hampton, N.H. Sept. 13, 1841, aged 50 years. “The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that trust in his mercy.”
Abigail wife of Tho’s Leavitt, Died Nov. 12, 1866, AE. 71 y’s.
Thomas H. [son of Thomas H. & Eliza] Leavitt Died July 31, 1847; Ae 2 weeks & 2 ds [A verse, but difficult to read. Section in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Thomas H. Leavitt was drowned [Oct. 11, 1847] Aged 31 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read. Date is obscured by a crack in 1986 and is taken from the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton.] Stone is in two parts in 2006. Photo of bottom.
Clara, Daughter of Thomas & Polly Leavitt, died Oct. 11, 1843; aged 2 yrs. 11 mos. & 20 ds.
Joseph Edwin Son of David M. & Clarissa Leavitt, died Oct. 7, 1850 Aged 3 mos & 25 ds.
Susan L. wife of Alvin Emery, Died Sept. 1, 1852 aged 33 yrs. 6 mos. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Alvin Emery, Died Apr. 6, 1869, Aged 52. “Dear Father thou hast left us, All thy sufferings here are o’er; Christ has called thee to his bosom, There to rest forevermore”
Samuel Mace June 10, 1807, July 19, 1884. “Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.”
In memory of Dorothy, Relict of Joshua Mace, Died Nov. 15, 1841. AE. 72 yrs. 6 mo. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Miss Mary Mace Died Apr. 23, 1845 aged 46 yrs.
Moses Dow, Died May 14, 1851 aged 63 yrs.
Margaret Wife of Moses Dow, Died Feb. 23, 1856, Aged 76 yrs.
Samuel L. Brown, died July 25, 1838, aged 61 years. “My flesh shall slumber in the ground ‘Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Savior’s image rise.” [This stone is just behind stone #79 and in front of stone nos. 146-148, which is in the next row.]
Jacob C. son of Simon & Lucinda Brown died July 7, 1847 Aged 22 yrs. 5 mo. [ A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mrs. Lucinda wife of Mr. Simon Brown died Jan 31, 1827 [Aged 24 yrs. 3 mo.] [The last section is partially buried in concrete and is included here with help from the previous compiler.]
Mrs. Nancy wife of Mr. Sewel [sic] Brown Died July 10, 1827. Aged 24 yr’s, 10 mo’s.
Abner died Sept. 10, 1822; aged 2 yrs. 6 mo, 13 ds.
Josiah died Sept. 22, 1822; aged 5 yrs, 5 mos, 9 ds.
John died Aug. 15, 1828; aged 16 mo, 9 days.
Children of David & Harriet Page.
Thomas Ward Son of Samuel D. & Nancy L. Lane, Died May 5, 1854, aged 8 mos. & 16 ds.
Jonathan P. son of Jeremiah & Mary E. Locke, died Feb. 19, 1856 aged 14 mo’s. 15 ds.
Ann Mary, dau. of Nath’l S. & Mary Locke died June 19, 1845, aged 2 yrs. 7 mo. “She’s gone, the lovely child has fled And left us here to mourn; To rest among the sleeping dead ‘Till the resurrection morn.”
Mary Rosana dau. of Nath’l & Mary Locke, died April 22, 1842; AE 14 mo. “Sleep on sweet baby and take thy rest, God called thee home When He thought best.”
[Stone nos. 128-130 are in the row directly behind stone #84, and in the row directly in front of stone nos. 144-145.]
Zephora Drake, died July 16th 1828; Aged 74.
Mary, daughter of Robert, & Zipporah Drake, died Nov. 28th 1827; Aged 30 yrs. “In bloom of life, she quits the stage, To rest in silent dust; While nobler scenes engaged her mind, Among the rising just.”
Rhoda Jane [wife of John L. Godfrey] Died [Sept. 15, 1853 Aged 29 yrs.] [Sections in brackets are illegible in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler. There is also a verse, but that is illegible.]
Betsey Wife of Aaron T. Palmer Died July 23, 1844 aged 36 y’rs 5 mo. [This stone is behind and to the left of stone nos. 88-95 in the next row.]
Elvira A. daughter of Dearbon [sic] & Clara Shaw, died Oct. 19, 1851, aged 15 yrs. & 3 mo.
Martha A. dau. of Richard & Tabitha Alexander died Jan. 8, 1850 Aged 18 yrs. 2 mos.
Elizabeth E. daughter of Rich’d & Tabitha Alexander died June 3, 1853 Aged 19 yrs. 6 mos. [ A verse, but difficult to read.]
[Stone nos. 136-137 are in the row directly behind stone nos. 98- 100].
Horace, Son of David & Frances Brown, Died Aug. 26, 1841, Aged 2 y’rs, 4 mo’s and 2 days.
Here Lyes The Body Of Mrs. Sarah Drake ye Wife of Mr. Robert Drake Died June ye 8th 1742 In ye —– Year of ——-. [This stone is stone are broken off in 2006. It originally stood in the Pine Grove cemetery, where the footstone still remains. As originally recorded in that other cemetery the damaged portion reads “In ye 66 year of her age”.]
Thomas Nudd Died Feb. 11, 1850, Aged 62 years.
Abigail, Wife of Thomas Nudd, Died Sept 8, 1857, Aged 65 years.
Ann, daughter of Thomas & Abigail Nudd, Died Nov. 9, 1848, Aged 20 years.
Samuel Nudd, Died Nov. 4, 1846, aged 69 yrs.
Samuel D. Jenness Died Sept. 28, 1843 Aged 30. “Blessed are the dead, That die in the Lord.”
Nancy, Widow of Samuel D. Jenness, Died Dec. 26, 1874, AEt. 60 y’rs. 9 m’s. 13 d’s. “There is rest in Heaven.”
Lydia, wife of Nathaniel Locke. Died May 22, 1864 Aged 93 y’rs.
Nathaniel Locke Died Feb. 8, 1855 aged 88 yrs. 6 mo.
[Stone nos. 128-130 are in the row directly in front of stone nos. 144-145.]
William Henry son of Eli & Eliza Ann Brown, died Apr. 6, 185[5] aged 15 y’rs. [Number in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
In Memory of Alverdo Pickering Son of Eli & Eliza Ann Brown, who died Dec. 24, 1848 Aged 4 yr’s. & 7 mo’s. “Go precious child. Too pure on earth to stay. Go, spend with God, An everlasting day, Go, be an angel In yon blissful skies, And rest in peace, Where pleasure never dies.”
Joseph Stickney, son of Eli and Eliza Ann Brown, died Aug. 15, 1846; aged 7 months. “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not.”
[Stone nos. 146-148 are in the row behind stone #122].
Mrs. Nancy, wife of Mr. Ezra Drew, & daughter of Joshua Pickering, Esq. of Greenland, died Dec. 3, 1832, aged 66 years. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Ezra Drew, Esq. Son of Francis Drew & Phebe Ferber, of Durham, Died May 27, 1856, aged 86 y’rs. “Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I: As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death, to follow me”
Stephen H. Son of Ezra Drew, Esq. and Nancy his wife, died Nov. 22, 1848, aged 36 years. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of GOD.”
Adjutant David Towle died May 1, 1828 aged 57 years. “Blessed are the peacemakers For they shall be called the Children of God.”
Thomas Marston, died April 26, 1838 AE 41 yrs 10 mo.
In R. of Bashaba Lampre died Jan [23, 1825 Age 83] [Buried in concrete and end is taken from other compilers.]
Dea. John Lamprey died Jan. 10, 1835; aged 93 yrs. 10 mo. “When I lie buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care; These withering limbs with thee I trust, To raise them strong and fair”
Mr. Nathaniel Johnson died May 17, 1826; aged 76 yrs. 6 mo. “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection.”
Samuel Towle Died Dec. 20, 1852, aged 74 yrs. “When dearest —- —- thy sufferings are o’er, Affliction and sorrow can reach thee no more” [Two words in the verse are illegible in 1986.]
Here lies the body of Abigail M. daughter of John & Elizabeth Redman who died June 28, 1826; Aged 14 mos.
Here lies the body of Joseph W. son of John & Elizabeth Redman, who died Oct. 1st 1827; Aged 7 yrs.
Joseph Redman, Died Oct. 8, 1846, AE 84 Yrs. 4 Mos.
Mrs. Sarah wife of Mr. Joseph Redman died Jan. 8, 1832 aged 67.
Charles Albin son of James & Mary Ann Lane died Sept. 25, 1856 Aged 2 yrs. 5 mos. [This stone is almost totally illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. There is a verse, but that is also illegible. See also stone nos. 102-103
Caroline dau. of Moses & Mary Leavitt died July 21, 1832, aged 3 yrs. 7 mo. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Moses Leavitt Died Nov. 7, 1853 aged 48 y’rs. 4 m’s
Mr. Thomas Leavitt died April 20, 1817; aged 40 years. “Stop my friend ‘O take another view, The dust that moulders here”
Mary E. Dau. of I.H. & A.E. Blazo Died June 6, 1865 [Aged 3 d’s.] [Last section is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Samuel Dearborn, Died May 1, 1866 Aged 62 y’rs.
This completes the record of those stones on the left side of the cemetery. The following Nudd monument is at the very back, with stone number 168 being the first stone on the right side of the yard.
[North Side]
John A. Nudd Born Mar. 13, 1825 Died Dec. 29, 1896. Footstone
Elisabeth O. wife of John A. Nudd Born Feb. 22, 1834 Died Aug. 11, 1882.Footstone
Moses Paul, Born Dec. 4, 1863 Died Sept. 30, 1883Footstone
Electa W. Born May 15, 1859 Died Aug. 30, 1859.Footstone
Stacy, Born June 8, 1861 Died Oct. 13, 1861.
Children of John A. & Elisabeth O. Nudd.
[East Side]
David Nudd. Born Apl. 20, 1780, Died Nov. 2, 1858.Footstone
Abagail [sic], wife of David Nudd Born July 12, 1785 Died Mar. 2, 1865.Footstone
[South Side]
Sarah A. wife of Amos Tuck, died at Exeter April 21, 1847; aged 36 yrs.
Joseph W. died Oct. 11, 1847; aged 27 yrs. & 9 mo.
Maria E. died May 19, 1832; aged 4 yrs. & 3 mo.
Marcia A. died Jan. 29, 1839; aged 8 yrs. & 2 mo.
Children of David & Abigail Nudd.
Mary Died Sept. 4, 1853, aged 25 yrs, 5 mos. 20 ds. [There is no surname on this stone. It is set apart from other stones, and surrounded by four granite posts that once supported linked chains. The official Town Records have the following: “Mrs. Mary A. Watson Died Sept 4, 1853. Aged 25 years.” Dow’s History of Hampton, page 753, has a Mary Hobbs, daughter of Obed S. Hobbs, who was born 15 Mar. 1828, married Nathaniel Watson, and died 4 Sep. 1853. Tradition has it that Mary was a rather wild woman for her day and her gravestone was fenced in with chains to keep her spirit from roaming wild.]
Nathaniel Harden Died Oct. 7, 1870, AE. 76 yrs.
Amos Towle Born Jan. 22nd 1796, died Oct. 18th 1855.
Lydia, Relict of Daniel Towle born Feb. 22nd 1773, died May 4th 1843.
Sarah, Wife of John Redman Died Apr. 27, 184[3] Aged 69 yrs. 3 mos. 6 d’s. [Number in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
John Redman Died Apr. 13, 1862 Aged 96 yrs. 1 mo. 7 d’s.
Hannah relict of John Blake, Died June 26, 1850, aged 78 y’rs. & 2 mo’s.
James Leavitt Esq. died Augt. 23, 1839; AE. 79 yrs. 2 mo. “When I lie bury’d deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care; These with’ring limbs with thee I trust, To raise them strong and fair.”
Betsey, widow of James Leavitt Esq. died March 16, 1841 AE. 80. “My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Savior’s image rise.”
Mary Nudd Died [Jan. 6, 1858 Aged 54 yrs.] [Last section is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Frank W. Son of Doct. A.B. & M.J. Lord, died Oct. 23, 1853 Aged 15 mos.
[On the East side is reads simply “Webster”.]
[West Side]
Rev. Josiah Died March 27, 1837 AE. 65
[South Side]
Mrs. Elizabeth, Died April 9, 1849 AE. 77.
Simon F. Towle died March 8, 1843, AE. 21 yrs. “Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled; Then in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed.”
Edward Cary son of Oliver & Elizabeth M. Towle, died June 18 18[3]6 [aged 19 mo. 2 days.] [The 3 in 1836 is illegible and the age is buried in concrete in 1986 and are taken from the previous compiler.]
Mrs. Ann B. Leavitt, wife of John Mason, died April 4, 1837; AE 21 yrs. 6 mo. 19 ds. “She died in Jesus & is bless’d How kind her slumbers —- From sufferings & from sins released And freed from every snare.” [Missing word is obscured by a crack in 1986.]
Lydia M. dau. of Capt. Simon & Lydia Towle died June 2, 1839; AE 21 yr’s. 5 mo. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Anna, Relict of John Moulton, Died May 23, 1846, Aged 89 yrs. 5 mos. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”
Mr. Nathan Garland died May 13, 1830 In the 50 year of his age.
Alfred A. Died April 6, 1842: aged 9 mos.
John A. Died May 22, 1845: aged 2 yrs. & 2 mos.
Children of Daniel Y. & Martha A. Moulton.
Mr. Jeremiah Moulton died April 23, 1834: Aged 38 yrs. 7 mo. 11 days.
Mr. Jonathan T. Moulton died Oct. 11, 1832 Aged 21 yrs. 11 mo. 10 days. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”
Mr. Jacob Moulton died March 20, 1831 AE. 33 y’rs. 4 mo. 20 d’ys.
Sacred to the memory of Phebe, wife of Jacob Moulton, who died July 27, 1827, aged 23 years.
Mrs. Nancy wife of John Moulton died June 6, 1820 aged 26 yrs. 8 mo. 15 days. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see GOD.”
Phebe, widow of James Moulton, died Nov. 17, 1851, aged 81 yrs. 3 mo. & 23 ds. “She’s where the weary rest, From toil and care and pain; No sickness or destroying death Shall trouble her again.”
James Moulton Died July 21, 1846, aged 82 yrs. & 7 mos. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it”
Daniel Towle died Nov. 11, 1843; AE. 63 yrs.
Jonathan Towle Died March 5, 1832; Aged 33 yrs, 7 mo, 20 days.
Mr. Jabez Towle died June 20, 1837 AE. 90 yrs. 4 mo. 5 ds.
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Jabez Towle, died Nov. 17, 1829 aged 75 years, & 10 mo. “Whose great concern was to live to the honour of her God.”
Theodate Sanborn, Wife of Simon Towle, Died April 10, 1874, Aged 68 yrs “A native of Sanbornton.”
Simon Towle Died April 25, 1866, aged 76 yrs. 6 ms.
Mrs. Lydia wife of Capt. Simon Towle died Sept. 1, 1836; aged 44 yrs. 21 days. “Cheerful I leave this vale of tears, Where pain & sorrow grow; Welcome the day that ends my toils And every source of wo [sic].”
Miss Nancy Brackett Leavitt died June 17, 1822, in the 29 year of her age. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Shubael Leavitt died June 22, 1814 in the 24 year of his age. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Reuben Dow, Died Nov. 12, 1848, aged 78 yrs. “Friends and physicians could not save, This mortal body from the grave; Nor can the grave confine him here, When Christ commands him to appear.”
Hannah, wife of John D. Lamprey, died May 7, 1837, aged 35 years. “Friends! As ye pass stop and revere The memory of the dead; One of a contrite heart lies here, Blest on her dying bed.”
Dorothy, daughter of Reuben and Mary Dow, died Dec. 30, 1835, aged 37 yrs. “This world of woes I’ve left behind And all its fading charms And bid adieu to friends most kind I rest in Jesus’ arms.”
Joseph A. son of John D. and Hannah Lamprey, died May 10, 1836, aged 10 months. “Dear babe, we hope again to greet thee Here, and see thee where thou art, In that world of bliss to meet thee Never, never, more to part.”
Mary, Widow of Reuben Dow, died Mar. 3, 1850, aged 79 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
In memory of Mary Relict of Dea. Samuel Dow who died Dec. 24th 1808 in her 90th year.
Dea. Samuel Dow [Died] Feb. 22, 1800 In the 82nd year of his age and 38th of his office. “The sweet remembrance of the just, Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.” [Word in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
John Dow Died Feb. 19, 1829 Aged 74 y’rs.
Elizabeth Wife of John Dow, Died Feb. 25, 1848 [Aged 84 yrs.] [Last section in brackets is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
[Stone numbers 249-252 are in the row directly behind stone nos. 203-211].
Col. John Dearborn Died Dec 8, 1845, AEt. 82 yrs. & 4 mos.
Deborah, Wife of Col. John Dearborn, Died Jan. 6, 1848; aged 71 yrs. “Our mother, she taught us how to live and how to die.”
Joseph Clay son of John D. & Harriet [Neal died Dec. 24, 1852 aged 22 mos.] [Last section in brackets is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mary Abby Daughter of John D. & Harriet Neal, died Oct. 5, 1850, aged 8 yrs. & 9 mos.
Ellen H. daughter of John D. & Harriet Neal died Feb. 24, 1848 aged 9 mo’s.
Joseph Neal 1782-1840.
Polly Neal 1792-1883.
[Stone number 262 is in the row behind stone nos. 214-217].
Edward Neal Harris. Sept. 10, 1865, Sept. 10, 1867.
Maj. John Lovering Died Nov. 7, 1872 aged 89 yrs. 3 ms. 12 ds. “Father, I know that my redeemer liveth.”
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Maj. John Lovering [died Nov. 28, 1851 aged 59 yrs.] [Last section in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. Top half of stone was there in 1986 but not when the photo was taken in 2006. There is a verse, but it is also illegible.]
Anne E. died at Lowell, May 27, 1842; aged 19 yrs.
Sarah A. died at Exeter, April 29, 1845; aged 25 yrs.
Daughters of John & Sarah Lovering. “He call’d them home”
Mary Amelia Wife Of S.T. Sanborn and daughter of John & Sarah Lovering Died Feb. 7, 1850 aged 34 yrs. [A long verse, but difficult to read.]
Josiah Lane, Died Feb. 27, 1858, aged 81 yrs. 3 mo.
Patience, wife of Josiah Lane, died Nov. 6, 1846, AEt. 78 ys. & 10 ms.
Nathaniel Drake Born Oct. 27, 1774, died June 6, 1860
Mary, his wife, Born May 10, 1776, [Died Aug. 18,] 1861 [Section in brackets is covered by concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Newell Blake died May 8, 1862 Aged 55 yrs. 7 mos. 2 days.
Barbra wife of Newell Blake. died Augt. 26, 1835 aged 25 yrs. 10 mo. 16 days.
Hannah, wife of John Blake, died Sept. 4, 1851, Aged 70 y’rs. 4 mo’s. “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.”
John Blake died May 22, 1856, Aged 77 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mr B H [Old hand-lettered footstone, identification unknown.]
Mary widow of Joseph F. Dearborn [died] May 25, 1847 aged 79 yrs. [The word in brackets is broken off in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mr. Joseph F. Dearborn died Nov. 13, 1827 aged 66 yrs, 5 mo.
Mrs. Sarah wife of Maj. Josiah Dearborn died Sept. 7, 1828 aged 90 years.
Maj. Josiah Dearborn died Sept. 15, 1814, aged 77 years.
Hon. Edmund Toppan, Died July 29, 1849, Aged 72.
Mary C. Toppan, Widow of Hon. Edmund Toppan and daughter of Stephen & Mary Chase, of Portsmouth. Died Dec. 2, 1857, Aged 81 years.
Mary Chase Toppan, Daughter of Edmund and Mary Chase Toppan, Born March 17, 1804, Died September 9, 1887.
Elizabeth Grafton Daughter of Edmund & Mary Toppan, born July 27, 1802, died March 17, 1835, “Virtuous, praiseworthy and of good report.”
Sarah Jane daughter of Edmund and Mary Toppan, born Aug. 27, 1810 died Feb. 17, 1816.
In memory of Sarah Toppan, Relict of Dr. Edmund Toppan who died July 10, 1801 In the 96 year of her age. “Having uniformly adorned her early profession of the Gospel, she enjoyed for a long time and to an uncommon degree, the consolation of God & hopes of immortal life. If we believe that Christ rose from the dead, them also who sleep in Jesus, shall God bring with him.” Footstone
Sarah, relict of the Hon. Christopher Toppan, daughter of the late Judge Parker of Portsmouth, ob. July 26, 1837, Aged 91. “Her life adorned the christian [sic] character”
Abigail, Daughter of Hon. Christopher & Sarah P. Toppan, Born May 1, 1770, Died Sept. 11, 1866.
In memory of the Hon. Christopher Toppan who died Feb. 28, 1818 aged 83 years. [More on Christopher Toppan here]
Nancy, wife of Moses Brown, Died March 13, 1877, Aged 80 yrs. 10 mos.
Moses Brown Died Aug. 3, 1866, Aged 71 y’rs. 9 mo’s.
[Stone nos. 243-244 are in the row in front of stone # 286].
Mrs. Nancy wife of Thomas Lane Jr. died Dec. 15, 1833, aged 43 yrs. 3 mo. “She sleeps – in perfect silence sleeps, And moulders back to clay. Redeemed, her spirit took its flight, And broke from earth away.”
Our Good Father Thomas Lane, Died Jan. 15, 1875, Aged 89 yrs. 3 mos.
Abigail M. Wife of Capt. Reuben Osgood. Died March 19, 1868, AE. 76 yrs. “Jesus is precious.”
Melinda S. Brown Died Sept. 26, 1878, aged 76 yrs. 4 mos. [This stone is in the row in front of stone nos. 287-292].
Mrs. Dorothy widow of Joseph Dow Esq. died Nov. 4 1815, aged 81 yrs. 6 mo.
In Memory of Joseph Dow Esq who died Decr. 16th, 1806 in his 77th year.
In memory of Capt. Isaiah Dow who died Feby. 1st 1808 in his 41st year.
Oliver Dow, Died Aug. 24, 1848 [Aged 42 yrs.] [Last section is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
[Stone nos. 249-252 are in the row directly behind stone nos. 203-211].
John Perkins Born Nov. 30, 1768, Died May 13, 1836.
Joanna Perkins Born March 7, 1772, Died Jan. 24, 1865.
My mother Mrs. Sarah L. Bowes, Daughter of Samuel & Anna Lamprey, Born at Hampton January 16, 1810, Died at Lowell Mass. November 24, 1867.
Ezra J. Lamprey. Died Dec. 9, 1846; Aged 34 yrs. “He is not dead but —-.” [Last word of verse is illegible in 1986.]
Ruth, widow of Ezra Johnson, Died Nov. 11, 1847, aged 86 yrs. 9 mo. “She’s where the weary rest From toil and care and pain; No sickness or destroying death Shall trouble her again.”
Molly dau. of Ezra & Ruth Johnson died March 18, 1836; aged 54 yrs.
Elisha Johnson Died Aug. 27, 1856, AE. 70.
Daniel Lane, Died Mar. 6, 1847; aged 65 yrs. “Then, since it is God’s holy will, We must be parted for a while; In sweet submission all as one, We say, our Father’s will be done.”
Mr. James Lane died March 4, 1836; AE. 77 yrs. 6 mo.
Capt. Joseph L. Neal died Sept. 1, 1840; AE. 58 yrs. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” [This stone is in the row behind stone nos. 214-217].
Mrs. Lucretia widow of William Lane, died Oct. 3, 1837; AE. 30 yrs. [A verse, but buried and difficult to reach.]
Mr. William Lane died Dec. 8, 1836; AE. 31 yrs. 7 mo.
Tabitha Mason Died Jan. 5, 1861, aged 67 yrs. 9 mos.
Martha Mason Died Feb. 24, 1864, aged 77 yrs. 8 mos.
Mrs. Mary, Wife of Tristam [sic] Godfrey, Died Aug. 31, 1844; Aged 79. “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”
Sarah, wife of Washington Hobbs, Died Feb. 6, 1867, Aged 81 y’rs. 3 mo’s. “Asleep in Jesus.”
Washington Hobbs Died July 2, 1836, Aged 58 y’rs. 3 mo’s. 6 da’s. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Moses Hobbs, [Died Feb. 7 1866]——— [The bottom section of this stone is buried in concrete, and the section in brackets is crudely chiseled in on the top of the stone. It was like this when the previous compiler recorded it too.]
Eliza Ann, wife of Moses Hobbs, Died July [30], 1856, —— [Remainder of the inscription is buried in concrete. The number in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton.]
Dea. Jeremiah Hobbs Died Sept. 1, 1863, aged 89 yrs. 10 ms.
Rachel, wife of Dea. Jerem. Hobbs, Died Apr. 28, 1853, Aged 73 yrs. 2 mos, 13 d’s.
Jonathan Hobbs Died Apr. 20, 1853, Aged 49 yrs. 8 mos. 2 d’s.
Jeremiah Hobbs died Augt. 3rd 1827. in his 26th year. “He died in faith and hope.”
Benjamin Hobbs died July 9th 1827. in his 20th year. “Blessed are the dead, that die in the LORD.”
Morris Hobbs, died Nov. 12th 1810; aged 13 mos. & 12 dys.
Theodate Hobbs, died March 18th 1807; aged 1 year 8 mos. & 12 ds.
Theodate, wife of Morris Hobbs, died April 16, 1804 AEt. 70. “Yes she was gentle as the twilight breath And meekly bow’d her head to the frost of death.”
Morris Hobbs died June 20, 1810. AEt. 80. [Stone is now broken off and missing, but was there when this list was originally compiled.]
Miss Sarah Hobbs died Aug. 23, 1837; Aged 83 yr. 9 mo. 23 d.
[Stone nos. 300-303 are in the row directly behind stone nos. 267-280].
Mother. Lucy, Widow of Jeremiah Lane, Died Jan. 5, 1848, Aged 74 yrs. 2 mo. 6 d’s.
Father. Jeremiah Lane Died Jan. 3, 1840, Aged 79 yrs. 2 mo. 21 d’s.
In Memory of Deac. William Lane, who, after having faithfully Served his generation, Departed this Life Dec. 20 1802, AEt. 80 years.
Mary F. Wife of Noah Church 1821, 1854.
Sarah E. Wife of Philip Lord 1826, 1853
Lucy A. Lane 1823, 1829.
Joseph S. Lawrence died Oct. 29, 1837; Aged 30 yrs. & 6 mos.
Elisha Brown Died Oct. 1848 [sic] Aged 76 y’rs. 7 mo’s.
Anna L. his wife Died Aug. 15, 1866, Aged 92 y’rs. 9 mo’s. [This stone is in the row behind stone nos. 243-244].
Mrs. Martha widow of Mr. Zacheus Brown died Oct. 14 1831; aged 70 yrs. 11 mo.
Mr. Zacheus Brown died Oct. 17, 1810; aged 51 yrs. 7 mo.
Martha Ann died Sept. 25, 1820; aged 11 mos. 3 days.
Two infants died Oct. 22, 1826; Children of Wm. & Ann Brown.
Henry William son of William & Anna Brown died Feb. 28, 1815; Aged 1 year 15 ds. [A verse, but difficult to read.][This stone was missed in the original 1986 survey and epitaph is taken from v.2 of Sanborn and Sanborn’s “Vital Records of Hampton.”]
George William Son of Abraham & Sarah L. Brown —— [This stone is almost completely illegible in 1986, and the last part was illegible when recorded by the previous compiler. The genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton has a George William Brown, son of Zaccheus and Sarah (Lewis) Brown who died Feb. 28, 1845, but no George Williams who are sons of Abraham. I cannot verify that the stone reads “Abraham” as it was totally illegible and what it written above has been taken from the previous compiler in its entirety. Photo not available.]
Anna H. Wife of William Brown, Died July 28, 1865. Aged 78 y’rs. 6 mo’s. “There [remaineth a] rest for the children of God.” [Words in brackets are difficult to read and may say something else.]
William Brown Died April 27, 1870, Aged 83 yrs. 8 mos.
[Stone # 248 is in the row in front of stone nos. 287-292].
Abraham P. Towle died Decr. 8th 1804 in his 65 year. “Sav’d by grace, he climb’d the heavenly hills; Survey’d the realms above: Born on faiths wings, & fiery wheels Of an immortal love.”
In memory of Joshua James, Son of Joshua James, who died Jan 9, 1824; AEt. 40.
In memory of Mrs. Huldy, widow of Mr. Joshua James, who died April 2, 1826; AEt. 75.
In memory of Joshua James who died Jany. 17th 1809 in his 69th year “Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I. As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death to follow me.”
Esther widow of Jona. Philbrick died Augt. 18, 1837, AE. 75 yrs. 6 mo.
Mr. Jonathan Philbrick died May 19, 1822, aged 66 years.
Miss Cynthia Philbrick died Aug. 23d. 1831; Aged 41.
Elizabeth Abby, daughter of Morris and Nancy P. Hobbs, died Mar. 19, 1842, aged 9 mos. 19 d’s.
Nancy P. wife of Dea. Morris Hobbs Died Sept. 17, 1854, Aged 43 yrs. 9 mos. 23 d’s.
Eliza Jane dau. of Obed S. & Hannah Hobbs died May 25, 1829; aged 2 yrs, 9 mo, 10 days.
George Son of Obed S. & Hannah Hobbs, died Aug. 14, 1853 aged 1- yrs — mos. [Parts of his age are illegible in 1986 and the grave was not recorded by the previous compiler. The genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton says he was born May 17, 1834.]
[Stone nos. 300-303 are in the row behind stone nos. 267-280].
David Garland, Jr. Died June 14, 1854, aged 41 yrs. “There is rest in Heaven.”
In —- of —– Blake —– died —– year 1826. [A very crudely written stone that is very difficult to read. This may be Eleanor (Seavey) Blake, first wife of David Blake (below) who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 964, died 4 Mar. 1826. Both graves nos. 305 & 306 are together apart from others.]
Mr. David Blake, died March 17, 1837; aged 59 yrs. 10 mo. 10 days.
In Memory of Jonathan Blake Died May 24 Year 1817. Aged 75. [A crudely written stone.]
R–MOL- Blake Died Augst [17] year 1822. [Another crudely written stone, difficult to read. The 17 is difficult to determine and may be some other number. This stone and stone #307 are together apart from others, and it could be Molly (Brown) Blake, wife of Jonathan above, although she died, according to Dow’s History of Hampton, on 28 Aug. 1823. Though the stone is hard to read, the year looks more like 1822 than 1823, and there is no evidence of a 28.]
[Stone no. 317 is in the row behind stone nos. 305-308].
Amos Towle Died Augt. 29th 1825. Aged 76.
Mary Relict of Jona. Marston, Died Aug. 16, 1849, aged 82 yrs. 11 mos. [A short verse, but difficult to read.]
Jonathan Marston Died Jan. 27, 1843 Aged 81 years.
George Marston Died Mar. 28, 1858, aged 40 yrs.
Here lie the remains of Abraham Marston, who died Dec. 22nd 1825. Aged 59.
Hannah Marston, Wife Of Dr. Robert Smith, & daughter of Abraham & Deborah Marston, Died Feb. 7, 1840, Aet. 19. “That once loved form now cold and dead, Each mournful thought ——. And nature weeps her [comfort?] flesh, And wither’d all her joys.” [Parts of the verse are too difficult to read.]
Lydia, wife of Daniel W. Lane died Dec. 18, 1849 Aged 66 yrs. & 8 mo.
Sarah youngest dau. of John & Hannah Philbrick died Dec. 1, 1832; aged 22 yrs. 5 mo.
Betsey, widow of David Blake, died Feb. 21, 1848 aged 62 yrs. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” [This stone is in the row directly behind stone nos. 305-308.]
Huldah, Widow of Ebenezer Lane, Died July 15, 1814, aged 80 yrs.
Samuel Lane Drake was drowned July 15th 1809 AEt. 22.
Abigail Wife Of Joshua Lane, Died Feb. 9, 1848, [aged 70 yrs.] [The last part was buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. Stone is now completely broken away and missing.]
Joshua Lane Died April 28, 1855 aged 82 yrs. “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.” [Stone is now completely broken away and missing.]
Amos Towle Died Apr. 7, 1855, aged 79 y’rs.
Hannah, Wife of Amos Towle, Died Apr. 28, 1848, [Aged 72 y’rs.] [The last part is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Elizabeth Towle Died Sept. 4, 1864, [Aged 52 yrs. 8 mos.] [The last part is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Capt. Oliver Marston died Feb. 5, 1838; AEt. 62 yrs. “They die in Jesus & are bless’d, How kind their slumber [sic] are; From suff’rings & from sins releas’d, And freed from every snare.”
Elisha S. Marston Died Apr. 11, 1833, Aged 83 yrs. 2 mos. 12 dys.
Judith, Widow of Elisha S. Marston Died Apr. 26, 1842, Aged 84 yrs.
[This is a newer stone, and both of these individuals have other stones in the cemetery, nos. 359 & 358 respectively.]
Ann Dau. of Capt. Oliver & Huldah Marston died Feb. 9, 1835 Aged 21 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
[Stone nos. 337-341 are in the row behind stone nos. 325-327].
Jesse A. Son of Jonathan, & Sarah Redman, Born July 21, 1820. died Oct. 8, 1825.
Olive Dow Died Apr. 14, 1854, aged 71 yrs.
Abigail, wife of Dudley Lamprey, died June 11, 1854, aged 77 yrs. “Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”
Dudley Lamprey Died Nov. 2, 1853, aged 83 yrs. 7 mo. “Blessed are they who die in the Lord.”
Allen Lamprey Died Oct. 2, 1848, Aged 38 yrs. “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.”
In Memory of Nathaniel Lamprey who died July 9th 1808 in his 73d Year.
Reuben Lamprey, Died Sept. 23, 1819, aged 72.
Sarah Lamprey, Died July 15, 1828, aged 83.
Sarah [Lamprey] Died Nov. 2, 1838, Aged 63. “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.” [Name in brackets is illegible in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Lydia, widow of Capt. Jona. Marston died April 30, 1834; AE. 77 yrs. 8 mo.
Captain Jonathan Marston died Jan. 1, 1826, Aged 73 years. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Nancy youngest dau of Capt Jona & Lydia Marston died Feb. 25, 1827; aged 27 yrs. 8 mo.
Col. Jona’n Marston, Died Sept. 1, 1855, Aged 61 yrs. 6 mos. “A tribute of respect from his wife Eliza Marston.”
Eliza H. wife of Col. Jona’n Marston, Died [May 8, 1877 Aged 77 yrs. 1 mo.] [The last part is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler. Scratched crudely into the top of the stone is “D. May. 8 1877. A- 77”].
[Stone nos. 337-341 are in the row behind stone nos. 325-327].
Col. John Dearborn, Died Sept. 15, 1832; aged 45 yrs. [Headstone design contains compass and square, one of the most common symbols of Freemasonry.]
Sarah F. Only Daughter Of John & Sarah W. Dearborn, died Oct. 15, 1846; aged 22 yrs. “Mother, dear Mother, I am not sleeping, Brother, look up to the soft blue sky, where the beautiful stars bright watch are keeping Singing and [shining?] there am I.”
Sarah W. Grosvenor died October 10, 1884, Aged 87 yrs. 3 mos. 17 days. “I am the resurrection and the life. John xi. 25.”
Mr. Ephraim Marston died Dec. 19, 1836 AE. 73 yrs. 9 mo [Stone is now completely broken off and missing.]
Susan dau. of Nathan & Martha Godfrey died Dec. 25, 1836 AE. 18 yrs. [A verse, but difficult to read.]
Mrs. Martha wife of Nathan Godfrey died May 6, 1835 [Ae 50 yrs.] [The last part is buried in concrete in 1986 and is taken from the previous compiler.]
Mrs. Mary. wife of Jona. Godfrey, died Feb. 12, 1836 AE. 74 yrs. “Lay here dear Mother & take thy rest, God call’d thee home he saw it best. We trust thy soul ascended high To dwell with God above the sky”
Jonathan Godfrey died Jan. 2, 1840; AE 82 yrs. 9 mo.
Dorothy Ward, died May 9, 1901, Aged 87 yrs. 10 mos.
Thomas Ward died July 2, 1861, Aged 51 yrs. 9 mos. “Victory through Jesus Christ alone.”
In memory of Mr. Joseph Ward Who was drowned In Hampton River Aug. 20, 1819, Aged 25 yrs. “Affection o’er this silent grave stone weeps Here a loved husband, son, and brother sleeps A father too, but to his child unknown His breath had ceased ere she received her own In early manhood called to yield his breath He sunk unseen and found a watery death By all respected and by many loved How short his life, how suddenly removed A warning voice is heard, prepare to die For death when least expected may be nigh”
Mrs. Lovey Tuck, consort of Mr. Josiah Tuck of Parsonsfield died Nov. 4th 1803 Aetat. 30. “Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death & follow me.”
In memory of Mrs. Hannah Ward, who died Nov. 9, 1819, aged 82 years. “Tread lightly, stranger o’er this hallowed earth, It shields the relics of departed worth: Yet learn religion and its joys combined To raise her —–cs and exalt her mind; But cease —–n her upward flight persue, ————-hter realms to welcome you.” [Portions of the verse are obscured by a crack in 1986.]
In memory of Cotton Word; [sic] who died May 4, 1802 in the 68 year of his age. “Of firmness, truth, and honesty possess’d, By all his friends deservedly carest, Greatly desir’d and usefully he liv’d, And at his death, what numbers for him griev’d May all who knew his worth like him be just, And thus inbalm their names when laid in dust.”
Lydia, Wife of Capt. Thomas Ward, died Oct. 16, 1861, Aged 87 yrs. 8 mos. “Thy will be done.”
Capt. Thomas Ward died February 19, 1818, Aged 47 yrs.
Judith widow of Elisha S. Marston died April 26, 1842, AE 84 yrs. [See also stone # 326].
Elisha S. Marston died April 11, 1833, aged 83 yrs. 2 mo. 12 days. [See also stone # 326].
Charles H. son of David C. & Mary F. Page, died Nov. 13, 1850, aged 4 days.
Mary Ellen, daughter of D.C. & M.F. Page, died May 7, 1853, aged 1 yr. 6 mos.
The following stones were found by the previous compiler but are no longer to be found in 1986:
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah wife of Daniel Lamprey who died Dec. 9, 1817 aged 56. [This is the wife of Daniel Lamprey, gravestone #83.]
John S. Moulton died Aug. 5, 1847 Aged 24 yrs [According to Dow’s History of Hampton, pages 874-876, this is the son of Jeremiah, gravestone # 187 and grandson of James #193 and Phebe #192.]