This cemetery was previously visited by Holmes, Dow, Bartlett, and Carpenter. Current inclusive dates are 1680-1834, although interments occurred for years before this date. It is located on Winnacunnet Road opposite the end of Windmill Lane. View a map. Dow writes about this cemetery on page 48 of his history: “The first notice of a cemetery, found on our Records, is a memorandum of an order of the selectmen, made January 26, 1654. From this is appears that a lot for the purpose of burial had already been laid out ten rods square, and consequently containing five-eights of an acre. ‘The selectmen’–for so the record reads–‘taking into consideration the commendable decency of enclosing in the place appointed by the town for burial:’ and thinking themselves sustained in their views by ‘the word of God and the practice of Christian nations,’ ordered and agreed that this lot should be enclosed with a substantial five-rail fence, before the end of the following May. The posts were to be of white oak, of sufficient length and thickness, and the rails, which were not to exceed twelve feet in length, to be well jointed into them. This place of burial, afterward enlarged, was in the eastern part of the Meeting-house Green–the Old Burying Ground of the present day–and continued to be used as a place of burial about a century and a half. The ground still remains enclosed, but the earliest monuments which affection erected here at the graves of friends have all crumbled to dust, or, having fallen to the ground, lie hid beneath the surface.”

Read about a public tour of the cemetery that took place on October 1, 2000 and another tour that took place on June 24, 2003.

Information on purchasing the booklet “Markers of the Pine Grove Cemetery, Hampton, New Hampshire“, published in 2000 by the Hampton Heritage Commission and local Boy Scout Troop 177.

See also photos of Pine Grove Cemetery after the Hurricane of August 31, 1954.

1. Here lies Molly dtr of Mr. Ruben & Mrs. Molly Lampre [sic] who dcst. May ye3, 1773, aged 7 mo & 10 days.

2. Here is Interrd Mrs Molley Lampre [sic] Former Wife to Mr Ruben Lampre who Dcst Septr ye 10th 1772 in the 29th year of her Age

3. Here is Interrd Hannah Moulton consort to Mr John Moulton who Dcst Dec ye 14th 1772 In the 64th year of her Age

4. Josiah Moulton [Just this name on what is probably a large footstone. Probably belongs with no. 10, below.]

5. Rachel Moulton [Just this name on what is probably a large footstone. Probably belongs with no. 8, below.]

6. Elizabeth Palmer [Footstone: this stone is some considerable distance from the next stone and it is not clear that they are for the same person.]

7. Here is Interrd Mrs Elizabeth Palmer who Departed this Life May ye 11th 1773 in the 61st Year of her Age

8. here Is Interrd Mrs Rachel Moulton consort to Mr William Molton [sic] who Dcst January 21[?] 1774 In the 80th year of her Age [Dow gives the death date as 20 and Bartlett as just 1, but Holmes gives 21 and that is what it appeared to read to this writer].

9. here Is Interrd Mrs. Mary Moulton consort to Dcn Josiah Moulton who dcst Septr ye 12th 1774 in the 87th Year of her Age

10. here Is Interrd Dcn Josiah Moulton who Dcst Novr ye 21st 1776 in the 90th year of his age & 57th year of his offis “The sweet rememnc of the just will flourish when he sleeps in dust” [“Rememnc” probably stands for “remembrance”.

11. Here Lies the Body of Mr Henry Dearborn who Died April the 26th A.D. 1756 in the 68th Year of his Age

Here Lies Intered The Body of Mr Amos Towle Who Departed This Life July ye 16th 1754

here lays the body of sarah marston who dyed october ye 7, 1767 Aged 73 Y [The ‘6’ in 1767 is not well carved and could be some other number].

Here Lyes Buried The Body of Mrs Huldah Moulton ye Wife of Mr Josiah Moulton Junr Who Died March ye 1st 1744/5 in ye 20th Year of Her Age

Josiah Moulton [Just this name on what is probably a large footstone].

Mary Moulton Daughter of Mr Josiah and Abigail Moulton Who Died May 2nd 1753 in ye 3rd Year of Her Age

Abigail Moulton the Daughter of Mr Josiah & Abigail Moulton Who Died Sept 21st 1754 in the 8th Year of Her Age

In Memory of Mr. Ebenezer Lane who Departed this Life May 20 1796 in the 63 Year of his Age

Here is Interrd Mrs Meribah Fogg Dtr to Mr John Fogg who Died August ye 7th 1776 in the 26th year of her Age

Here [is Interrd] Benjamin Dole the son of Mr John & Mrs [Anne] Dole who [Died May] ye [7th 1766] in the [18th year] of [his] Age [Bracketed words were illegible in 1986, and are taken from the work of previous writers].

Sarah Moulton Died June 22 1734

Hannah Moulton [No other data].

Here lies [Interd] Sarah ye daur of Capt Jona Moulton & Abigl his Wife who Died Janury 9th 1754 Aged 1 year [9] mo [& 21] Days [Bracketed words were illegible in 1986, and are taken from Dow].

John Cotton Gookin, son to ye Revd. Mr. Nathl. & Mrs. Dorothy Gookin Aged 1 Year 7 Mo. & 26 Ds. Decd. April ye 5th, 1736

Abijah Gookin son to the Revd. Mr. Nathl. & Mrs. Dorothy Gookin Aged 9 Years 2 Mo. & 17 Ds. Decd. March ye 31st. 1736

Thomas Gookin son of ye Revd. Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Dorothy Gookin Aged 15 Weeks & 2 Ds. Died Octr. ye 8 1717

J Dow Died Ma[y] 6 178[8] [Bracketed sections were broken off in 1986 and have been taken from Bartlett. This is probably John Dow, infant son of John (22) Dow in Dow’s History of Hampton, page 684.]

Here Lyes ye Body of William Gookin Son of the Revd. Mr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Dorothy Gookin Aged 9 Years 5 Mo. & 17 Dayes Decd. October ye 27th. 1723

Here lyes Interred the body of the Revd. MR NATHANIEL GOOKIN M.A. & Late the Pastor of the 1st Church of CHRIST in HAMPTON, who died Augt. 25th. MDCCXXXIV in the 48th. Year of his Age, & the 27th. of his Ministry. He was A Judicious DIVINE, A Celebrated Preacher, A most Vigilant & faithfull PASTOR, a bright Ornament Of Learning and RELIGION & An excellent Pattern of PIETY, CHARITY, & HOSPITALITY

Here lyes ye Body of Bethiah Moulten Wife to Joseph Moulten Aged 71 Years Decd Decr. ye 19th 1723

Sarai [sic] Fog Born 27 Dec 1694 Dyed 4 July 1701

In Memory of Thomas Leavitt 1616-1696 The first Leavitt to settle in New Hampshire 1639 National Association of Leavitt Families [This is a fairly recent monument].

sacred to the memory of Dr. John Weeks, 1763, AE. 47. Martha, his Wife 1758, AE. 40. By J. Chapman, 1886. “Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD.”

1767 SM A72 [This is probably Sarah (Leavitt) Marston, daughter of John (6) Leavitt who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 812, was born 29 Sep 1694 and died 7 Oct 1767. She married Reuben (20) Marston (Dow, page 842).]

Jeremiah Marston 1819-1894

[A three-sided monument reading “Marston DIED 1690, Marston DIED 1790, Marston DIED 1890”, one phrase per side].

Here Lies the Remains of Mrs Isabella Cotton Eldest Child of the Revd. Ward & Joanna Cotton Aged 17 years & 1 Mo. She fell asleep in Jesus July 31st 1752

Simon Cotton Son to the Reverand Mr. John & Ann Cotton aged 8 Years Died January ye 2d. [1710/11] [Remainder buried in concrete] [This stone was not found by any one of the three previous writers, and the year of death was taken from Dow’s History of Hampton in the genealogical section on the Cotton family. It is illegible in 1986, but it is possible to make out that it is a “Double-year” date].

Here Lyes Interred ye Body of Mrs. Dorothy Smith Wife of Majr. Joseph Smith Aged 50 Years Who Died December ye 20th 1706

In memory of Rev. Seaborn Cotton Born at Sea 1633 Graduated at Harvard College 1651 Ordained 1660 Died 1686 Rev. John Cotton Born 1658 Graduated at Harvard College 1678 Ordained 1696 Died 1710 Rev. Nathaniel Gookin Born 1687 Graduated at Harvard College 1703 Ordained 1710 Died 1734 “Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD” Erected by the Colonial Dames of New Hampshire 1909 [For more follow this link]

In memory of Reverend Ebenezer Thayer, who for nearly twenty-six years dispensed the bread of life to the Society in this place and on September 6th 1792 fell asleep in Jesus, supported by the Christian hope of a resurrection to eternal life. AE 58 “While o’er this modest stone religion weeps, Beneath an humble, cheerful Christian sleeps, Sober, Learned, free from care and strife, He fill’d the useful offices of Life; Admired, endeared as Husband, Father, Friend, Peace bless’d his days and innocence his end; Blameless throughout, his worth by all approv’d, True to his charge, and by his people lov’d, He liv’d to make his hearers’ faith abound, And died that his own virtue might be crown’d.”

Jeremiah T Marston, died Jan. 2, 1817. in the 33 year of his age. “Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me.”

Capt. Jeremiah Marston, died Oct. 25, 1803. in the 81 year of his age.

Abigail, widow of Capt. Jeremiah Marston, died March 17, 1807. in the 82 year of her age.

Mr. Josiah Marston died Nov 21, 1834, aged 78 yrs, 11 mo.

Edward Sargent son of Docr. Nathl. & Mrs. Dorothy Sargent aged 2 years 7 mo & 25 ds. Decd. Octr 9th, 1717

Here Lyes ye Body of Colonel Joseph Smith Decd. Novemr ye 24 1717. In The 64 Year of His Age.

Robert Smith Dyed 30 Agus 1706 Aged 95

Here Lyeth Susanna Smith Dyed J— 12, 1680 Aged 71 [Month is illegible in 1986, but Dow and Hampton vital records record it as June.]

[Ap. 13] Dyed Ruth Shaw Ag 41 1715 [First part could read “Apl 3” although Dow says Ap. 13].

Here is Interrd Capt Nathaniel Drrake [sic] who Departed this Life Sept 11th 1763 in ye 69th year of His Age [This stone is mostly illegible in 1986, the lower part being better than the top. Most of it has been taken straight from Bartlett].

In Memory [of] [M]r John Marsto[n] [w]ho Departed this [life] [Apri]l 28, 1785 i[n the] [54t]h year of [his age.] [Bracketed section were broken off in 1986 and were taken from Dow].

Here is Interrd Mrs Bethiah Fogg Consort to Mr Abner Fogg Esqr who Dcst July ye 26 = 1773 Aged 64 Years

Benjamin Brown Aged 20 Years Died September 30 1735

Here Is Interrd the Body of Lieut Elisha Smith who Departed This Life February ye 9th 1759 in ye 74th year of his Age

di Sep 6 1787 A.M. age 23 [This was scrawled rather sloppily and is difficult to read. This may be Abigail (Knowles) Moulton, daughter of Amos (8) Knowles, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 780, was born 17 Nov. 1764 and died 6 Sep. 1787. She married James (48) Moulton (Dow, page 874).]

In Memory of Miriam Lamprey Wife of Dudley Lamprey Who died June 25th 1796 Aged 23. Years. “As love and charity was her fame I can but record her ever memorable name, Since she is gone Let this forever be A lasting emblem of her memory.”

[I]D 1718 [Probably just a foot stone; actual head stone missing. First letter could be something else; it has a slash mark across the middle of the “I” identical to the marks at the top and the bottom of the letter.]

Here Lyes ye Body of Deacon Philemon Dalton Who Died Apriel [sic] ye 5th 1721 Aged 57 Years

Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mrs. Abigail Prescott Formerly Consort of Deacon Philemon Dalton, of This Town. She Died May ye 8th 1751. In The 82d Year of Her Age. “The memory of the just is blessed, and blessed are they that have not, seen and yet have Believed.”

Here lyes In[terrd] Mrs Ann To[wle] the wife of M[r] Zechariah Towle who dest Fe- ye 16 17– in ye 59 —- of he —– [The letters in brackets are all that remain legible of this stone in 1986. The remainder is taken verbatim, including the omissions, from Bartlett. Neither Dow nor Holmes recorded this stone. In the genealogical section of his History of Hampton, Dow writes that Anne (Godfrey) Towle died in Feb 1766.]

Here is Buried Mr Zechariah Towle Who Departed This Life August 5 1787 In the 83 Year of His Age

S.D. [Just a foot stone with these initials, however both Bartlett and Drake record the following, which could not be found in 1986 because it had at some point been moved to the Ring Swamp Cemetery: Here Lyes The Body Of Mrs Sarah Drake ye Wife of Mr Robert Drake Died June ye 8th 1742 in ye 66 Year of Her Age].

Here Lyes The Body Of Mr. Robert Drake Died Febry ye 6th 1742/3 in ye 79th Year of His Age.

SD 1759 [Footstone, nothing else].

AD 1759 [Footstone, nothing else. These last two footstones could be Sarah Drake (6 Aug. 1754 – 30 Dec. 1759) and her sister Abigail (bapt. 4 Dec. 1757 – 2 Jan. 1760), granddaughters of Robert and Sarah Drake above. (Dow, page 690-1)]

Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Doctr. Benjamin Dole Aged About 27. Years Departed This Life May. ye. 8 1707

Jonathan Palmer [Only the foot stone exists in 1986, however Holmes in 1856 recorded the following: “Jonathan Palmer, son to Mr. Christopher & Elizabeth Palmer. Decs June ye 8th, 1744, in ye 6th year of his age.”

Joseph Parlmer [sic] [Only the foot stone exists in 1986, however Holmes in 1856 recorded the following: “Here lyes ye body of Joseph (M*) Palmer. Died Decbr ye 16th, 1717, in ye 33d year of his age.” * = Not distinct, according to Holmes.

Simon Dearborn Son to Joseph & Anna Dearborn Aged About 2 Years & 6 Mo Decd Janry ye 2d 1722/3

Here Lyes ye body of John Tucke ye son of Mr John & Mrs Mary Tucke aged 10 months decd April ye 29. 1727

Here Lyes ye Body of Mary Batchelder Wife To Thomas Batchelder Aged 25 Years Decd May ye 21 1716

Here is Interrd Samuel the son of Mr Samuel Palmer & Abigil [sic] his wife who Died July ye 10 [1715] Aged 7 Year & 6 D [Year is illegible and is taken from Bartlett and Dow].

Here Lies Buried The Body Of Mrs Abagail ye Wife of Mr Samuel Palmer Of Hampton, Died May 19th 17[47] Aged 68th [Year] [Figures in brackets are broken off in 1986 and are taken from Bartlett and Dow].

MB 1716 [Foot stone only].

Here Layeth the Body of Sarah Foss Deceased February 25, 1749 in the 18th year of her age [Dow says February 26, however it appears to be 25. Neither Bartlett nor Holmes recorded this grave].

1755 Dc.S.D Died march ye 29 aged 62 [Difficult to read. This is probably Deacon Samuel (15) Dow, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 680 & 682, was born 25 May 1693 and died 29 Mar. 1755.]

RS [died?] the 16 of July 1736 [This is probably Rachel Sanborn, daughter of Mephibosheth (13) Sanborn, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 948, was born 15 Feb. 1708 and died 16 Jul. 1736.]

MS 1749 [Foot stone only. This is probably Mephibosheth (13) Sanborn, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 945, was born 5 Nov. 1663 and died 5 Feb. 1749.]

Here Lies the Body of Mrs Zefforah Towle The Wife of Mr Caleb Towle Who Departed this Life Augst ye 14th 1757 in the 77th year of her Age.

Samuel [Towle] Son of Mr Caleb and Zeper [Towle] Who Died May ye 10th 1736 Aged 13 Years [The name “Towle” was misspelled in both places on the stone, the last two letters running together to make it impossible to tell what the sculptor intended. Dow interpreted it to read “Touil” and Bartlett wrote “Toule”].

In Memory of Mrs Hannah Towle Wife of Mr Jeremiah Towle Who Departed this Life August 28 178[9] In the 75th Year Of Her Age [The last digit of the date was difficult to read because of a crack, but appears to be a 9. None of the other three writers recorded this grave at all, but Dow in the genealogical section of his History of Hampton writes that she died in 1789].

Here Lyes ye Body of Josias Shaw Dyed ye 10 Day of June 1700 in ye 26 Years [sic] of His Age

In Memory of Sally, Wife of Joshua Mace, who died June 22nd 1795; in the 28 year of her age “Behold & see as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for Death & follow me.”

In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth Knight wife of Mr Joseph Knight who died Nov 26, 1791 Aged 27 Years. “Yes, she was gentle as the twilight breath Meekly she bow’d her to the frost of Death.”

In memory of William Lane Eldest son of William Lane who Departed this Life March 6 1793 Aged [15 Years 4 months & 7 Days] [The last section of this inscription was buried and has been taken from Bartlett].

In Memory of Mary Lane Daughter of William Lane Who Departed this Life April [21] 178[8] age [18 mo] [The sections in brackets were very difficult to read. None of the other three writers recorded this grave, but the genealogical section of Dow’s History of Hampton agrees with what is here].

Here is Interrd Sarah Lane 2nd Daur to Mr Ebenr Lane & Hulr his Wife Who Departed this life July 15 1773 in ye 13th year ——– [Remainder of inscription is buried].

Here Lies Interrd Decn Joshua Lane Who Departed This Life June ye 14th 1766 Aged 70 Years

The following Lane family inscriptions are all from one large monument erected in 1888.

[FRONT left] Dea. Joshua Lane June 6, 1696 Was Killed By Lightning June 14, 1766
His Wife Bathsheba Robie Aug. 2, 1696 Apr. 13, 1765
16 Children

[FRONT right] William Lane Oct 1, 1659 Came To Hampton 1685 Feb. 14, 1748
His Wife Sarah Webster Jan. 22, 1660 Jan. 5, 1745
7 Children

[BACK] The Children of Dea. Joshua Lane
Samuel 1718-1806 Stratham Bathsheba 1729-1757 Hamp.
Mary 1720-1795 Hampton Isaiah 1730-1815 H. Falls
Joshua 1721-1723 Jeremiah 1732-1806
William 1723-1802 Ebenezer 1733-1796 Hampton
Josiah 1724-1729 Abagail 1734-1826 No.H
Joshua 1724-1794 Fremont Elizabeth 1736-1806
John 1726-1811 Kensington Josiah 1738-1821 Hampton
Sarah 1727-1784 Seabrook Anne 1741-1780 Readfield, Me.

[RIGHT side] William Lane In Boston 1650 Made Freeman May 6, 1657
His Wife Mary —– Died May 22, 1656 3 Children His Wife
Mary Brewer Mar’d Aug 21, 1656 4 Children

[LEFT side] To The Memory of A Worthy Ancestry By Descendants and
Kindred 1888 The Town of Hampton By Vote Consenting March 10, 1885

[End of Lane monument]

[In Memory of] Mr. Jeremiah [Towle] who Died Nov 7[th] 1800 in the 91st Year of his Age [Words in brackets are broken off in 1986, and are taken from Bartlett and Dow].

Here Lyes ye Body of Jonathan Hobes [sic] Aged About 21 Years Decd. Octr. ye 20th 1715

Here Lyes ye Body of Sarah Hobes [sic] Wife To Morres [sic] Hobes Aged 66 Years Died Decr ye 18th [1717] [The year is broken off in 1986, and is taken from Dow, Holmes and Bartlett].
Here Lyes ye Body Of Joseph Hobes [sic] Aged About 25 Years Died Decr ye 21st 1717

Here Lies Buried ye Body of Bethyah Marsten Who Departed This Life February 25 1751-2 In ye 70 Yer [sic] of Hur [sic] Age

John Freese ye Son of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Dorothy Freese Aged 1 Year & 10 Mo. Decd. Novr. ye 10th 1727

Here Lyes Ye Body of Edward Gove Aged 55 Years Dyed May ye 29 1691 [Neither Dow nor Holmes records this grave, however Bartlett found the following: In Memory of Edward Gove b 1636 d 1691]. View image of stone.

Here is Interrd the Body of Mr Samuel Palmer Who Departed This Life January 25 1761 in ye 84th year of his Age

[Here is Interrd] the Body of Mr Jeremi[ah] Lampre who Departed this Life June — 1762 in ye 23 year of his Age [The day of death is very difficult to read. Dow gives it as 14, Bartlett as 3, and Holmes as 3d. This writer could make out a 3, but there may be another digit or letter along with it. It is definitely not 14].

Here Is Interrd Mr Nathaniel Lampre Who Departed this Life July ye 26th 1769 In the 72nd year of his Age

Here lyes buried the Body of Mrs. Mary Griffith the Virtuous Consort of Mr. Gershom Griffith Aged 37 Years & 4 Mo died Septr. 27th 1747.

S Nud 1739 [Foot stone only. This is probably Samuel Nudd, son of Thomas (4) Nudd, who according to Dow’s History of Hampton, page 884, was born 5 Feb. 1739 and died 26 Aug. 1739.]

Mr John Lamprey died July 23, 1789 AEt 81

RT AG 57 1794 [This is possibly Rachel (Elkins) Towle, daughter of Jonathan (6) Elkins and married Samuel (31) Towle. According to Dow’s History of Hampton, pages 698 & 1007, she was born 20 Dec. 1737, but Dow gives no date of death.]

In Memory of Mr. John Moulton, who died March 4th, 1794 aged 45 Years “In his death, his Consort has Lost an affectionate & Loving Husband; his sisters a kind & friendly Brother; & the publick a useful member of society & one courteous & hospitable to strangers.”

In Memory of Capt Jeremiah Moulton who died June 19 1795 Aged 38 years “In his death his aged mother has Lost a dutiful & affectionate Son [his Brothers & Sisters a Kind & Loving Brother the publick an useful member of society; the Stranger a courteous and hospitable friend.] [Sections in brackets is buried in 1986 and is taken from Bartlett].

Here is interrd James Lewis of Barnstable Who Was Drownded [sic] Octr. ye 2nd 1773 on his passage from Kennebeck to Barnstable in the 21st year of his age

That completes the graves as recorded by this writer in 1986. Previous writers however did find other graves, and they follow:

Here Lyes ye Body of Mr Samuel Chapman Decd January ye 26 1722[/3] in ye 68 Year of his Age [Bartlett, Dow & Holmes all recorded this grave, however only Bartlett gave the year as 1722/3].

Love Dole dau. to Benjan. Dole aged 5 year 1 mo & 20 dayes died January ye 12th 1711 [Dow]

Joseph [Hobs,] son to [John] & Abigail [Hobs,] aged 7 mon. 8 ds Sep ye [17 or 13], 1721 [Dow gives 17, Holmes 13. Other words in brackets were illegible by Dow, and are taken from Holmes].

Here lyes ye body of Samuel Marston, son of Capt. Ephraim, by Mary, his wife; born May 28, 1745. Died Oct. 7, 1749, ae. 4 yr. 4 m. 9 dys. [Holmes]

Huldah Moulton Daughter of Mr Josiah and Abigail Moulton who Died Sept. 28 1754 in ye 6 year of her Age. [Dow]

Ed. Shaw Ag 17 Days Agu [7 or 8] 1685 [Dyed or Died] [Bartlett gives 7 and Dyed, Dow gives 8 and Died].

Here Lyes Interrd Mr. Abraham Towle Who Departed this life — ye 4, 1736 [Bartlett & Dow]

Lydia Sanderson. A gravestone may have existed in 1940 for Lydia, wife of Robert Sanderson, according to the book “”Hands that built New Hampshire: the story of granite state craftsmen past & present”, compiled by workers of the WPA in NH and published in Brattleboro, VT by Stephen Daye Press, 1940. On page 138, in a chapter about metalworkers, is the following:

The first New Hampshire silversmith of which there is any record was Robert Sanderson, a highly trained English ‘goldsmith’. In 1638, at the age of thirty, he took up eighty acres in the town of Hampton and lived there for four years. Then he went to Boston, where he became associated with his friend, John Hull, silversmith and master of the mint which was established by the General Court in Boston, 1652. There are no proofs that Sanderson ever worked at his trade in Hampton. The only evidence of his New Hampshire sojourn is found in the neglected grave of his wife, Lydia; in the tradition that his daughter, Mary, was the first white child born in Hampton; and in the positive record that he owned property on the plantation.

The line about the “neglected grave of his wife, Lydia” seems to imply that the authors knew of a gravestone for her in Hampton, and, if so, it most likely was in the Pine Grove Cemetery. Robert Sanderson moved to Watertown, Mass. in 1642, so Lydia probably died before that time.

[The end]