Boar's Head Hotel The library makes available on its website thousands of pages of information on the history of Hampton. Our goal is to create a digital archive of Hampton’s past that will be useful to historians, genealogists, and anyone interested in the history of our community. Our online collection includes historically significant original documents, photographs, newspaper articles, books, databases, and pamphlets.

  Browse through the menus at left to explore Hampton’s history. Here we have organized our thousands of web pages into categories by subject matter. If you are looking for comprehensive histories of Hampton, explore Joseph Dow’s early history of Hampton from its inception in 1638 to the year 1892, and Peter Randall’s followup covering the latter part of the 19th century to the year 1988. Since the mid 1990s the library has included historically significant newspaper stories on our website that will provide ongoing historical documentation of Hampton’s history in the 21st century.

 Those interested in exploring their Hampton roots should explore our Genealogy links at left – in particular our database of over 23,000 interlinked individuals who populated our town over the course of the nearly four centuries since its founding.

 The library’s ” New Hampshire Room ” is home to the library’s collection of printed family genealogies, town histories, genealogical periodicals, and other reference books of genealogical and historical interest. Our library staff is here to assist you in person, by phone, or via email with your historical or genealogical questions.