Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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President Bob Trumbull ’58 (right) with 1971 Alumni Medal recipients (from left) Carol L. Cummings (2nd Medal), Richard D. O’Neil (3rd) and Teresa J. Elliot (1st), daughter of Wayne I. Elliot ’46. For the first time, gifts — collegiate dictionaries — were presented along with the Medals. Presentation took place at the Annual Awards and Scholarship Night on June 14.
(An Artpix photo)

The obverse of the Alumni Medal currently being presented by the Association. The reverse is engraved with the recipient’s name along with the year. The gold Medals are manufactured by L.G. Balfour Co., Attleboro, Mass.

Trustees’ President Samuel A. Towle ’22 and Alumni Association President Arthur J. Moody ’53 examine the new six-foot display case which their organizations jointly purchased for the Tuck Museum. The case, costing $180 will house Academy & W.H.S. records and memorabilia as well as the existing old records of the Alumni Association. The 1810-1939 Trustees’ book has already been inserted in the case. (The wooden ball on the floor once topped the steeple of the 1852-1940 Academy building.)
(1971 photo by John M. Holman ’47)

Pursuant to a vote at the 1971 Annual Meeting, gifts were presented Academy Jr. High and W.H.S. by the Association. Shown above in November 1971 is Vice President George L. Marshall ’61 presenting checks to S.U. 21 Business Administrator Robert A. Nolet, who accepted them on behalf of the Hampton and Winnacunnet School Districts. A bicycle stand was purchased for each school. The bike rack at W.H.S. is pictured below.
(An Artpix photo)