Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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Presented below are the past officers of the Association as far as they can be determined from existing records and newspaper reports. The current officers make up the final entry. The year of graduation is given except for those who attended Hampton Academy before it was reorganized into a high school (1885) and for those who transferred from the school before their graduation. For instance, Lewis Perkins’ name was found in the Academy “Catalogue” of 1866-67 as having studied the Classics during the Summer, Fall and Winter Terms of that school year. Since membership in the Association was then limited to those who had attended the Academy for at least two years, the Hamptonite probably also studied there before and/or after 1866-67. For Norman M. Leavitt of North Hampton, who served as President from 1931 to 1933, the “X’22” indicates that he attended the Academy with the Class of 1922 but transferred before graduation — he is considered an “ex-1922er.” The same is true for David B. Collins X’95.

Since the Association’s Secretary’s records for 1919 to 1930 have been lost since at least 1950, Exeter NEWS-LETTER accounts of annual meetings have permitted the list of Presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretaries with some certainty. The original Treasurer’s records gave the names of those who filled that office during the early years.

In at least one case the officer elected could not serve. Dianne B. (Carlino) Sullivan ’63, elected Treasurer for 1968-69, moved from the area and could not fulfill the requirements of the office. That year’s Executive Council appointed Joanne Lamprey ’57, the previous Treasurer, to fill out the term of office.

Over the years, there have been other elected and appointed officers and committees. The spatial limits of this publication preclude the listings of all who served the Association but their service is gratefully acknowledged.

Hampton Academy Alumni Association (April 20, 1907, to June 14, 1941)
Hampton Academy & High School Alumni Association (June 14, 1941, to June 14, 1958)
Hampton Academy and Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association (June 14, 1958, to present)

1907-08 Lewis Perkins Ernest G. Cole ’87 Lucy A. (Godfrey) Marston Sarah M. (Hobbs)
1908-09 (attended 1866-67)   (attended about 1863) Lane ’87
1910-11 Ernest G. Cole ’87 Edward J. Brown ’97
1912-13 (?) (?) Josephine M. (Joplin) Sterns ’98
1913-14 (?) (?)
1914-15 (the officers for 1914-15 were the same as for 1913-14)
1915-16 Frank E. Leavitt ’87 Howard G. Lane ’87  
1917-18 Howard G. Lane ’87 Chester N. Godfrey ’95 Thelma M. Shaw ’17 Grace B. Ring ’00
1919-20 Chester N. Godfrey ’95 Christopher S. Toppan ’90 Adeline C. Marston ’02
1921-22 Christopher S. Toppan ’90 David B. Collins X’95
1923-24 David B. Collins X’95 Warren H. Hobbs ’96
1925-26 Warren H. Hobbs ’96 Curtis P. Donnell ’20
1927-28 Curtis P. Donnell ’20 Sarah M. (Hobbs) Lane ’87 Vivian A. Wood ’21
1928-29   Helen C. Gilpatrick ’23
1929-30 Sarah M. (Hobbs) Lane ’87 Norman M. Leavitt X’22
1930-31     Frances W. (Cockburn) Javrin ’03  
1931-32 Norman M. Leavitt X’22 R. Gordon Perfect ’29
1933-34 R. Gordon Perfect ’29 Kenneth W. Swain ’31 Grace V. MacDonald ’32
1934-35   Isabell T. Hobbs ’30  
1935-36 Kenneth W. Swain ’31 Paul W. Hobbs ’25 Elinor F. Brown ’32
1937-38 Paul W. Hobbs ’25 E. Emmons Sanborn ’32 Gratia L. (Godfrey) Hill ’03
1938-39 E. Emmons Sanborn ’32 John W. Perkins ’20 Wilma M. (Toppan) White ’30
1939-40 John W. Perkins ’20 Hollis R. Johnson ’27
1940-41 Hollis R. Johnson ’27 Edward S. Seavey Jr ’32
1941-42 Edward S Seavey Jr ’32 James Herbert Page ’03
1942-43 James Herbert Page ’03 James F. Leavitt ’06 C. Hazel (Brown) Coffin ’19
1943-44 James F. Leavitt ’06 Wilfred R. Cunningham’27 Douglass E. Hunter Sr. ’23
1944-45 Wilfred R. Cunningham ’27 Carl C. Bragg ’34
1945-46 Carl C. Bragg ’34 Roland I. Noyes ’17 Dorothy E. (Tarr) Hobbs ’26 Alta A. (Gillmore) Kimball ’36
1946-47 Roland I. Noyes ’17 Douglass E. Hunter Sr. ’23 Eleanor M. (Palmer) Dennett ’36
1947-48 Douglass E. Hunter Sr. ’23 Norman N. Merrill ’42 Shirley A. (Brown) Carter ’45
1948-49 Norman E. Merrill ’42 J. Wilfred Beede ’30 Esther M. (Fellows) Moore ’24
1949-50 J. Wilfred Beede ’30 Walter M. Brown ’39 Margaret M. O’Brien ’45
1950-51 Walter M. Brown ’39 Kirby W. Higgins ’31
1951-52 Kirby W. Higgins ’31 Russell A. Merrill ’44
1952-53 Russell A. Merrill ’44 Philip M. Toppan ’35 Jane E. (McGaw) Palmer ’46 Ruth M. (Lambert) Nichipor ’45
1953-54 Philip M. Toppan ’35 Robert R. Cushing ’42
1954-55 Robert R. Cushing ’42 Carroll M. Brown ’46 Howard H. Noyes ’47 Eleanor M. (Palmer) Dennett ’36
1955-56 Carroll M. Brown ’46 Howard H. Noyes ’47 Sherilyn (Riley) Holman ’50 Wayne I. Elliot ’46
1956-57 Howard H. Noyes ’47 Richard B. Chevalier ’45 Joanne (Hobbs) Martin ’50
1957-58 Richard B. Chevalier ’45 Eugene A. Heal Jr. ’47 Phyllis E. Stickney ’48
1958-59 Eugene A. Heal Jr. ’47 Douglass E. Hunter Jr. ’50
1959-60 Douglass E. Hunter Jr. ’50 Wilson P. Dennett ’46 M. Charlotte (Batchelder) Clement ’38
1960-61 Wilson P. Dennett ’46 Albert B. Wright ’40 Dorothea L. (Lamott) Palmer ’38
1961-62 Albert B. Wright ’40 H. Alfred Casassa ’48 June (Elliot) Chevalier ’48 Donald J. Langley ’36
1962-63 H. Alfred Casassa ’48 Donald R. Palmer ’46 Alfred H. Carlson ’51
1963-64 Donald R. Palmer ’46 Alfred H. Carlson ’51 M. Claire (Morrissette) Bossi ’58 Patricia E. (Chapman) O’Shea ’58
1964-65 Alfred H. Carlson ’51 Paul M. Vatcher ’53
1965-66 Paul M. Vatcher ’53 John A. Trumbull ’47 Nancy L. (Chevalier) Hughes ’57
1966-67 Malcolm J. Graves ’54 Peter L. Curtis ’60 B. Joanne (McLane) Lamprey ’57
1967-68 Peter L. Curtis ’60 David R. Chevalier ’50
1968-69 David R. Chevalier ’50 Lawrence M. Douglas Jr. ’60 Ruby A. (Lamott) Chevalier ’56
1969-70 Lawrence M. Douglas Jr. ’60 Robert C. Trumbull ’58 Andrea H. (Collins) Condon ’61 Nancy J. Hamilton ’62
1970-71 Robert C. Trumbull ’58 Arthur J. Moody ’53
1971-72 Arthur J. Moody ’53 George L. Marshall ’61 Hilda G. (Paulsen) Morse ’22 Carleen L. (Barron) Keene ’52