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Hampton Union

Thursday, June 29, 1950

No close scrutiny will be needed by the 1950 vacationist at Hampton Beach to notice the changes and improvements that have taken place along the entire beach front this spring.

With the remodeling of the Ocean House and the installation of a heating system in the Casino ballroom, the most extensive renovation program on the beach got underway in April.

Under the direction of Z. F. Warner, a Hampton contractor, the Ocean House, operated by the Dineen family now boasts a Colonial entrance with picture windows. A limestone fireplace dominated the new lobby and in addition to completely redecorating the rooms, several new showers have been installed.

Designed by architect Thomas Pearson of Lawrence, Mass., and executed by contractor Louis McAloon of North Andover, Mass., the new front on the 400-foot Casino has been widely publicized. Now nearing completion, in time for the Fourth of July festivities, only a few finishing touches remain, including a “loafers” rail, which will cover the entire railing along the promenade. Designed to discourage persons from leaning and sitting on the banister, it will prevent accidents and leave the front of the building free for spectators during band concerts, parades, etc.

Illuminated by indirect fluorescent lighting, the central facade has a neon-lighted, plastic-faced sign three feet high and 45 feet long.

Among the changes in the Casino are a new lobby, showers and a new 48-foot bar, 20 new stools, dressing rooms in the bath house, lights, back bar and salad bar, and all new equipment are going into the hot dog stand. Further up in place of the cafeteria, there is a coffee shop, bar and fried clam stand, and a remodeled dining room.

The gift shop, under the management of Miss Alice Dineen, assisted by Mrs. John Breen, has a new entrance and picture windows.

Heppe’s candy store has been moved to the location of the old post office and new quarters are being put in next to Dr. Blake’s office for the Coughlin cleaning and laundry business.

The Casino theater, operated by Joseph C. Flynn, now has one entrance with large lobbies up and downstairs.

Many other business on the beach have undergone extensive renovation, with several hotels and rooming houses installing television. The largest new project is the North Shore Shopping Center at North Beach , where Henry V. Dupuis, owner of Henry’s Real Estate Agency, has over 20 stores fronted by a large parking area. Among the businesses there are a laundromat, barber shop and beauty parlor, bakery, jeweler, dress shop, drug store, department store, plumber, fish market, electricians and express office.

Fashioned after similar places along the Gulf Coast, this center provides facilities for the North Shore residents who are usually cut of from the main beach by the weekend traffic congestion.

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