New Hampshire

Taken from the Exeter & Hampton Census & Business Directory, 1908

(Edited by John M. Holman,
Hampton History Volunteer – 1999)


The towns of Exeter and Hampton, which except Dover and Portsmouth are the oldest in this State, are places of the greatest historical interest, and they present to the historian, and all interested in the development of New Hampshire, a wide field of research, and a wealth of source material.

To this section, then an almost unbroken wilderness, which had been obtained by purchase from the Indians, there came more than two and a half centuries ago, a little band of refugees under their leader and pastor, the noted clergyman (John) Wheelwright, that they might be free from religious intolerance and establish homes in a new and undeveloped country. They began the little settlement round the Squamscott river and made the beginning of the town of Exeter.

At about this time too, another band of pioneers, under the leadership of the aged Rev. Stephen Bachiler , began the settlement of Exeter’s sister town, Hampton.

The history of the years of toil and endeavor with their danger and privations, and their failures and achievements, is one which if adequately treated would require a vast amount of space. It has been done by several historians in a creditable way, and the ground has been ably covered. It is not, therefore, the purpose of this register to give to the people of Exeter and Hampton an entirely new and minutely comprehensive account of these towns and their many years of history, but to condense the salient and most important events and facts into compact and easily accessible space, that the history and register of the families of the towns completed to the present year may serve the purpose of a ready-reference “Register” of Exeter and Hampton.

We wish to acknowledge our indebtedness for data to the histories published a number of years ago by the late Governor Bell of Exeter, and the late Deacon (Joseph) Dow of Hampton, to the “History of New England,” the town records, church records, directories, and all other sources of information from which these facts have been derived, and we wish also to thank all those who so kindly aided in procuring them. We take this opportunity, also, to thank the business and professional men of these towns for their assistance, and all the families who showed their interest in the work, and hope that they will find the Register something which is of interest and value.

Indian Account

The native tribes of New Hampshire were probably all of the Abnaki nation, but seem to have been independent of the tribes who lived in what is now the State of Maine, and to have had a separate government. In the eastern part of the State were the Pequaquaukes, or Pequakets, who inhabited a part of Maine; the Ossipees, the Minnecometts, the Piscataquas and the Squamscotts. The population of these tribes is not definitely known, indeed there is not certainty that any estimate of their numbers was ever made by any reliable authority. The population however was small, and the tribes were scattered; here and there, in some place which possessed natural attractions, or abounded in game or fish, might be found a little village, perhaps, of a few hundred inhabitants, but there was no settlement of a large size.

The falls of the Squamscott, round which the town of Exeter later grew up, and the waters of the river were a favorite haunt of the Indians, who knew the Squamscott as an excellent fishing place. At the time of Exeter’s settlement by Wheelwright and his party, the Squamscott Indians were in possession of this and all the surrounding region, under the leadership of their Sagamore Wehanownowit, who deeded the section which embraced Exeter to Wheelwright.

These Indians were few in number, and were peaceably disposed to the white settlers, and less savage in character than most of the Indians of other tribes. They emigrated from New Hampshire about 1672, and settled on the Hudson river near Troy, New York.

Prior to 1675, the settlers here had, for the most part, lived on peaceful terms with the Indians, but during that year, King Philip’s War broke out, and Exeter and Hampton, being frontier towns, suffered greatly while hostilities were going on. In September, 1675, a band of Indians descended upon the settlement of Oyster River, adjoining Exeter on the north, burned two houses, and killed four persons. They took two captives, one of whom was “a young man from about Exeter,” who soon after escaped. Four of this party of Indians came to Exeter and took prisoner Charles Rundlet, who succeeded in making his escape. Three of the same quartet attacked John Robinson and his son from ambush, on the road leading to Hampton, and shot the elder Robinson dead. The son fled, and reached Hampton safely several hours later. John Folsom, too, was fired upon by the same Indians but escaped uninjured.

In October following this raid, the Indians made a descent upon Exeter, and slew one or two men in this vicinity. The war ended the following year, and hostilities ceased until nearly fifteen years later, when the Indians again went upon the warpath, and as usual the brunt of the attacks fell upon the frontier settlements in New Hampshire and Maine. The terrible massacre at Cochecho (Dover) took place in 1689, and in 1690 these towns were again the scene of Indian depredation. From that time until 1710, the settlers of Exeter had to confine themselves to the three garrisons in town, cultivating their fields and performing their daily tasks in constant fear of lurking savages. During the forty years of this terrible warfare with the Indians, with their untold suffering and horrors, between thirty and forty of the settlers in Exeter were killed or taken captive, among the slain being Ephraim Folsom, Sr., Goodman Robinson, and the famous Colonel Winthrop Hilton.

The last Indian raid upon Exeter was during “Lovewell’s War,” on the twenty-ninth of August, 1723, when eighteen Indians attacked the house of Aaron Rollins, who, with his wife, a son and two daughters, had neglected, as was the custom at night, to take refuge in the garrison house. They resisted determinedly, but Rollins and one of his daughters were slain, and his wife, the son and the surviving daughter were carried as captives to Canada.

Like Exeter, during the Indian wars, Hampton too suffered some attacks of the Indians, and although the customary precautions were taken for protection, a number of the inhabitants were slain by the savages. Among these may be mentioned Capt. Samuel Sherbourne and James Dolloff, who were killed near Casco Bay, Me., August 4, 1691. Jonathan Green, Nicholas Bond, Thomas Lancaster, the Widow Hussey, and a boy named Nuckley, were killed in Hampton in August, 1703; and Benjamin Fifield was killed near his house in August, 1706. The expedition under Capt. Swett, which met with so disastrous a repulse at an Indian settlement near Ticonic Falls on the Kennebec, was organized in Hampton and started from the town. Captain Swett was among those who lost their lives.

Amid all this bloodshed and suffering, and the constant dread on the part of the settlers of unexpected attacks by the Indians, it is not strange that the settlements did not grow rapidly, that Hampton for many years was only a little community and that Exeter at the close of the first century of its existence had but twenty qualified voters within its limits.

History of Hampton

General Description

Hampton in the eastern part of Rockingham County is a coast town, adjoining Exeter, the county seat, and is bounded on the southwest by Hampton Falls, on the northwest by Exeter, on the northeast by North Hampton, and on the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean. It is twelve miles south from Portsmouth, and forty-seven miles south-east from Concord, the capital of the State. It is located on the Eastern Division of the Boston and Maine Railroad, and is connected by an electric railroad with Exeter, Portsmouth, Hampton Falls, Amesbury, Haverhill, and intermediate and connecting points.

The surface of Hampton is comparatively level, and a large proportion of the land is salt marsh and low interval lying along the river which divides this town from Hampton Falls. Most of the land is of good quality and well adapted to mowing and tillage, and many of the inhabitants are engaged in farming. The breeding and raising of poultry, too, is a profitable pursuit of the townspeople.

The situation of Hampton is pleasant, affording from its eminences romantic views of many interesting points, among them the Isles of Shoals, and the seacoast from Cape Ann to Portsmouth. For this reason it has become a noted summer resort and in the warm season, thousands of people flock to this town and its beaches, where accommodation is afforded for visitors by excellent hotels.

An abrupt eminence, Boar’s Head, extends into the ocean and divides the beaches, about midway between the mouth of the river and the northeast corner of the town.

The fisheries have been prosecuted with much success, and shipbuilding was formerly carried on largely here, many years ago. The town, however, is primarily, though some manufacturing is done here, a summer resort and an agricultural community. The population in 1900 was 1209.

Chronological Events

1636 — Bound House erected in Winnacunnet.
1638 — Winnacunnet (Hampton) settled.
1639 — (October 31) First town meeting of which there is a record.
1643 — Hampton became part of the County of Norfolk, Mass.
1654 — Remarkable hail storm.
1657 — “Wreck of Rivermouth,” eight Hampton people lost their lives.
1675 — King Philip’s Indian War broke out.
1680 — New Hampshire made a royal province.
1687 — Millions of streaked worms in town.
1689-98 — King William’s Indian War.
1701 — Society of Friends erected their meeting-house in that part of Hampton which is now


1702-13 — Queen Ann’s War.
1712 — Hampton Falls (formerly part of Hampton) incorporated a town.
1719 — (December 11) First appearance (recorded) of Northern Lights in New England.
1722-25 — Lovewell’s Indian War.
1723 — Great storm; Meadow Brook created.
1730 — Estates of seven families severed from Hampton and annexed to Rye.
1742 — (November 26) North Hampton (formerly a parish of Hampton, called North Hill)


1744-49 — King George’s Indian War.
1754-63 — The French and Indian War.
1761 — (April 20) First stage from Portsmouth to Boston passed through Hampton.
1769 — (March 15) Most destructive fire in Hampton’s history; mansion of Col. Jonathan Moulton

and two stores destroyed.

1770 — (July 22) Steeple of meeting-house struck by lightning.
1775-82 — Revolutionary War.
1780 — (May 19) “Dark Day,” great darkness over New England.
1789 — (October) Gen. Washington rode through this town.
1810 — Hampton Academy incorporated.
1812-14 — Second War with England.
1817 — First Free Baptist Society in Hampton incorporated.
1840 — No rain fell from May 6th to July 23d. First time the steam engine went through Hampton

(Eastern Railroad).

1844-45 — Granite House built at Boar’s Head.
1850 — (March 18) Severe snow storm, high tides.
1854 — (July 21) Thos Leavitt’s hotel at Boar’s Head burned.
1861-65 — Civil War.
1866 — Colorado potato beetle struck Hampton.
1876 — (June 3) A. T. Wilbur’s gristmill, shingle and box factory burned.
1882 — (January 5) Methodist Church rededicated.
1888 — Celebration of two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Congregational Church in

Hampton (and of the settlement of Hampton in 1638).

1905 — (May) Rev. James McLaughlin became first settled pastor of the Advent Church in



Early Proprietary and Settlement

The land grants of the Council of Plymouth in 1622, to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason, and in 1629 to Mason alone, both included the tract called by the Indians, Winnacunnet . Perhaps the earliest notice of the place is that in the records of the General Court of Massachusetts, under the date of March 3, 1636, where this order is to be found: “That there shalbe a plantacon settled at Winnacunnet & that Mr. Dumer & Mrs. John Spencer shall have power to presse men to builde a house forthw’th, in some convenient place, & what money they lay out about it, shalbe repaide them againe out of the tresury, or by those that come to inhabit there.”

In accordance with this order a house afterward called the “Bound House” was built for the purpose of securing Winnacunnet to Massachusetts, though in fairness to the construction of its charter, the place was apparently outside of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts.

About two years after the settlement of the town of Newbury had been begun near the Parker river, the inhabitants, for some reason “haveing been moved to leave their plantation,” received from the General Court, Nov. 2, 1637, a conditional grant of Winnacunnet, and all who should “remove w’thin one yeare” were to “have three years imunity” from the first day of March, 1638.

About this time, April 3, 1638, Rev. John Wheelwright bought of the Indians a tract of land around Squamscott Falls, and the purchase included Winnacunnet.

Early in that year (1638), two persons at least were residing at Winnacunnet, Nicholas Eastman and a Mr. Godfrey. They remained but a very short time. Where Godfrey went to is not certain; but Eastman was soon after in Rhode Island, where in 1672 and 1673, he was the Governor.

In the autumn of 1638, no permanent settlement having been made at Winnacunnet, and the time allowed to the inhabitants of Newbury for a removal to this place having nearly expired, a petition signed by Stephen Bachiler and seven others was presented to the General Court requesting permission to settle here. Their petition was granted, and in October of that year, in all probability, the settlement of what is now the town of Hampton was begun.

In the early part of the year 1639, the inhabitants were joined by a new band of settlers, with whom came Mr. Timothy Dalton, who was soon associated with Mr. Bachiler in the work of the ministry. Before the year closed the population of the settlement had increased probably to about sixty families. At a town meeting June 30, 1640, grants of land were made to nearly sixty persons.

The General Court enacted, May 22, 1639, that ” Winnacunnet is alowed to bee a towne,” etc., and this order may be considered as the incorporation of the town. During the next fall session of the General Court, the Indian name Winnacunnet was changed to that which the town has had ever since, “Winnacunnet shalbee called Hampton.,”

Hampton was now on the way to growth and prosperity. The little band of pioneers had taken the first steps toward the establishment of new homes in the wilderness, and the first months of suffering and toil had been safely passed.

December 24, 1639, the town granted to the following persons the number of acres denoted by the figures:

Mr. Steven Bachiler, 300 (besides his house lot); Mr. Timothy Dalton, 300; Mr. Christopher Hussey, 250; Robert Swaine, 100; John Cross, 250; Wm. Eastow, 100; John Moulton 250; Thos. Moulton, 80; William Palmer, 100; Rob’t Saunderson, 80; Philemon Dalton, 100; Thos. Jones, 100; Wm. Wakefield, 150; James Davis, 80; Abraham Perkins, 80, (granted Jan. 14, 1640).

In June, 1640, grants were made to others as follows:
Henry Ambrose (granted in October), Francis Asten, John Brabrook, John Brown, Henry Bright, Widow Bristow, Ambrose Carpenter, Richard Carre, Aquila Chase, Thomas Chase, Arthur Clarke, William Cole, Moses Coxe, Timothy Dalton, Jr., James Davis, Jr., ———— Dow, (if he come), John Eldred, Wm. English, Wm. Fifield, Giles Fuller, Wm. Fuller, Samuel Greenfield, Daniel Hewirck, Barnabas Horton, Wm. Howard, John Huggins, Widow Mary Hussey, Edmund Johnson, Thos. King, Richard Knight, John Legat, Wm. Marston, Robert Marston, Daniel Morse, Henry Moulton, Jeffery Mingay, Robert Page, ———- Palmer, Widow Judith Parker, Francis Peabody, John Philbrick, Walter Roper (perhaps at this time), John Sanborn, Stephen Sanborn, William Sanborn, William Sargent, John Saunders, Robert Saunderson, Robert Sawyer, Thos. Sleeper, Thos. Smith, Anthony Taylor, Robert Tuck, 100 acres, Francis Wainwright, John Ward, (if he come), Thos. Ward, John Wedgwood.

For further notice of early settlers see the History of Exeter , many of the earlier settlers of this town having been residents there prior to their settlement here.

Town Officials


Wm. Wakefield, 1639-43; Wm. Howard, 1643-7; Rob’t Tuck, 1647-50; Christopher ;Hussey, 1650-2; Samuel Dalton, 1653-81; Henry Dow, 1681-1707; Dea. Samuel Dow, 1707-14; John Tuck, 1714-30; Dea. Samuel Dow, 1730-1755; Samuel Dow, 1755-6; Joshua Lane, 1756-61; Jos. Dow, 1761-96; Philip Towle, 1796-8; Ephm. Fellows, 1798-1801; John Dearborn, 1801-13; Josiah Dow, 1813-33; Josiah Dow, Jr., 1833-54; John J. Leavitt, 1854-8; J. M. Palmer, 1858-60; John J. Leavitt, 1860-70; D. O. Leavitt, 1870-7; John M. Akerman, 1877-1905; Horace M. Lane, 1906-1907.


Samuel Dow, 1747-55; Christopher Toppan , 1791-4; the Selectmen, 1794-5; Benj. Shaw, 1795-1811; Davis Garland, 1811-14; Josiah Dow, 1814-16; Samuel Dow, 1816-20; Samuel Batchelder, 1820-30; Daniel Towle, 1830-1; Samuel Batchelder, 1831-3; Daniel Towle, 1833-5; Samuel Drake, 1835-6; Daniel Towle, 1836-40; Jonathan Marston, 1840-1; G. W. Lane, 1879-86; Joshua A. Lane, 1886-92 –; H. G. Lane, —1907.


Prior to the year 1823, the board of selectmen consisted of from five to seven members. The complete list may be found in (Joseph) Dow’s History of Hampton.

1823-4 — Daniel Towle, Jona. Marston, 3d, John Dow.
1825-8 — Daniel Towle, Jona. Marston, 3d, Jos. Philbrick.
1829 —- Sam’l Batchelder, Amos Towle, Jr., Josiah Dow, Jr., S. D. Taylor, John Philbrick.
1830 —- Sam’l Batchelder, A. Towle, Jr., J. Dow, Jr.
1831 —- Daniel Towle, Jesse Knowles, J. Towle, Jr.
1832 —- Jesse Knowles, Jona. Towle, D. Marston.
1833 —- David Marston, Jona. Towle, John Johnson.
1834 —- Jona. Towle, Josiah Marston, Jr., Jos. Philbrick.
1835 —- Col. J. Marston, S. B. Shaw, S. Towle, Jr.
1836 —- John Perkins, Jr., S. B. Shaw, S. Towle, Jr.
1837-8 — Simon Towle, Jr., David Page, Ebenr. Lane.
1839-42 – Abraham Fogg, S. B. Shaw, Wm. Brown.
1843 —- Josiah Dow, A. Towle, Jr., Anthony Emery.
1844 —- Abraham Fogg, D. Marston, Jos. Philbrick.
1845 —- David Marston, Jos. Philbrick, John Redman, Jr.
1846 —- Josiah Dow, S. B. Shaw, John Redman, Jr.
1847 —- Josiah Page, S. D. Lane, A. Garland.
1848 —- S. B. Shaw, Thos. Leavitt, Col. J. Marston.
1849-50 – S. B. Shaw, A. Fogg, Ebenr. Lane.
1851 —- David Towle, Jr., J. R. Sanborn, John Palmer.
1852 —- Josiah Page, Jr. R. Sanborn, Dan’l Moulton.
1853 —- Josiah Page, John Dearborn, Moses Leavitt.
1854 —- Josiah Dow, John Dearborn, Edmund Mason.
1855 —- E. P. Young, Jesse Lane, A. C. Taylor.
1856 —- E. P. Young, E. Mason, Simeon Shaw.
1857 —- Jos. Johnson, Jesse Lane, Simeon Shaw.
1858 —- Jos. Johnson, Ebenr. Lane, Dan’l Moulton.
1859 —- Dan’l Moulton, Ebenr. Lane, Oliver Towle.
1860 —- M. S. Akerman, O. Towle, J. M. Lamprey.
1861 —- J. A. Dearborn, A. Fogg, J. M. Lamprey.
1862-3 — Jos. Johnson, O. S. Hobbs, Alvin Emery,
1864 —- Jos. Dow, J. T. Brown, Edmund Mason.
1865 —- J. T. Brown, E. Mason, J. H. Fogg.
1866 —- J. T. Brown, J. C. Marston, S. J. Drake.
1867 —- J. T. Brown, Benj. Hobbs, Jona. Taylor.
1868 —- J. T. Brown, J. C. Marston, S. J. Drake.
1869 —- J. H. Fogg, J. C. Marston, Reuben Lamprey.
1870-1 — Edmund Mason, Jesse Lane, John Dearborn.
1872-3 — J. W. Dow, Dan’l Weare, C. G. Toppan.
1874 —- S. J. Drake, Jos. Johnson, N. S. Locke.
1875-6 — J. T. Brown, J. H. Fogg, W. H. Blake.
1877 —- J. T. Brown, J. F. Marston, W. E. Lane.
1878 —- J. T. Brown, C. G. Toppan, H. J. Perkins.
1879 —- E. P. Young, W. E. Lane, J. R. Marston.
1880 —- J. F. Marston, Jos Johnson, W. E. Lane.
1881 —- J. F. Marston, W. E. Lane, W. H. Blake.
1882-3 – W. E. Lane, J. W. Towle, W. :J. Batchelder.
1884-5 – F. B. Brown, W. E. Lane, S. W. Dearborn.
1886 —- W. E. Lane, G. A. Johnson, S. W. Dearborn.
1887-8 – W. E. Lane, G. A. Johnson, J. B. Brown.
1889 —- W. E. Lane, Sa. A. Towle, J. W. Mace.
1890 —- J. B. Brown, W. E. Lane, C. M. Batchelder.
1891 —- H. M. Lane, J. B. Brown, A. L. Joplin.
1892 —- H. M. Lane, A. L. Joplin, G. W. Palmer.
1893-4 – H. M:. Lane, S. A. Shaw and G. W. Palmer were of the board.
1895 —- W. E. Lane, J. B. Brown, A. L. Joplin.
1896-7 – W. E. Lane, S. A. Shaw, J. B. Brown.
1898-9 – J. B. Brown, C. M. Batchelder, S. A. Shaw.
1900-1 – W. T. Ross, J. B. Brown, Hugh Brown.
1902-4 – W. E. Lane, H. M. Lamprey, C. M. Dearborn.
1905 —- C. M. Dearborn, W. H. Hobbs, H. M. Lamprey.
1906 —- H. M. Lamprey, W. H. Hobbs, F. B. Brown.
1907 —- J. B. Brown, H. M. Lamprey, F. E. James.

Military Account

Revolutionary War

At the time of the outbreak of the great war for the independence of the colonies, Hampton, nearly one and a half centuries old, had been a flourishing community, and took an active and honorable part in the seven years of conflict.

The soldiers who went to Portsmouth, October, 1775, from Hampton numbered thirteen men, who served only a few days. Corp. Joshua Towle of that number served also three months at Peekskill. In 1775, Jonathan Moulton was appointed colonel of the troops guarding the seacoast, and in Col. Wingate’s regiment there were Hampton officers: Capt. Henry Elkins and Lieuts. Thos. Leavitt and Jas. Perkins.

In July, 1776, the following men went to Ticonderoga: Capt. Samuel Nay, David Moulton, John Moulton, Samuel Lamprey (5 mos.), John M. Moulton, John Murphy, Josiah Moulton, 3d, Samuel Marston, Micajah Morrel, Junr., Simon Philbrick, Edmund Philbrick, Jonathan Palmer, Zaccheus Brown, John Drake, Junr., James Hobbs. In an account of the payment of these soldiers there are also the names of Paul Long, Caesar Small and Bradbury Green. Jonathan Palmer died at Ticonderoga in 1776.

Additional at Ticonderoga: Capt. John Moulton, “Coll” Toppan, Daniel and Reuben Lamprey, John Shaw, Simon Sanborn.

At Peekskill: Sergt. John Drake, A. P. Towle, Jas. Leavitt.

September 13, 1776, Lt. Col. Abraham Drake of Col. Moulton’s regiment was appointed to a separate command. In Col. Drake’s regiment Nath’l Batchelder was adjutant, and Thos. Leavitt quartermaster.

September 25, 1776, Capt. Nathan Brown and Ensign Benj. Batchelder were officers in Col. Long’s regiment, stationed at Newcastle, and in November, 1777, marched under orders, to Ticonderoga. Benj. Tuck died in the army, Oct. 20, 1776.

Of the 3d N.H. Regt., for service in New York, eight were from Hampton: Lieut. Josiah Dearborn, Sergt. Simon Dearborn, Sergt. Jonathan Leavitt, Fifer Josiah Moulton, Samuel Drake, John Marston, Thos. Woodman, John Sanborn.

May 6, 1777, Nathaniel Leavitt of Hampton was appointed an ensign in Capt. Weare’s company.

June, 1777, Simeon Marston was a captain and Jonathan Leavitt an ensign in Col. Senter’s battalion for the defense of Rhode Island. Capt. Marston and Lieut. Leavitt were in Col. Peabody’s regiment in the summer of 1778.

The following men served in Capt. Moses Leavitt’s company from Sept. 8 to Dec. 16, 1777: Jeremiah Batchelder, 2d lieut., Daniel Philbrick, John Taylor, Jonathan Towle.

The following Hampton men went as volunteers to Saratoga with Col. Moulton, October, 1777: Adj. Josiah Moulton, Jr., Capt. John Dearborn, Lieut. John Taylor, Clerk Josiah Lane, Sergt. Moses Elkins, Corp. Abner Page, Corp. Joshua Towle, Corp. Nathan Brown, Jonathan Philbrick, Batchelder Brown, Abner Sanborn, Jona. Marston, Samuel Marston, Jabez Towle, Benj. Page, Samuel Drake, Jacob Palmer, Jacob Moulton, Noah Lane, J. M. Moulton, Jabez James, Joseph Nay, Josiah Mason, James Lane, Jonathan Godfrey, Jethro Blake, Jereh. Ballard.

At Cambridge were the following: Capt. John Moulton, Josiah Mason, N. S. Moulton, Theodore Brown, David Moulton, Jeremiah Tuck, James Hobbs, James Tuck, Simon Philbrick, Jabez Towle, Zaccheus Brown, Jonathan Marston, Simon Moulton, Capt. Henry Elkins.

Other Hampton men, or men serving for Hampton, were Amos Brown, John Taylor, John Alman, Daniel Taylor of Exeter, Jas. Kelley of Kingston, Dole Pearson of Kingston, Jeremiah Rollings, John Jack, Jonathan Eaton of Exeter, John Russell of Exeter, Simon Batchelder, Tristram Godfrey, William Moulton, John Lane, Wm. Moulton, James Allard, Jona. Eaton, Benj. Dockram, Chas. Branscomb, John Mann, Jos. French, Sam’l George, Moses Morrill, John Page, John Russell, Nath’l Smart, Elisha Towle, Simon Towle, Thos. More, Isaac Godfrey, Levi Frances, Elisha Towle, Simon Towle, Caleb Kimball, Amos Garland, Thos. Churchill, Zadock Sanborn, Wm. Batchelder, Josiah Dearborn, Jr., Simon Dow, Jr., Isaac Godfrey, John Spring. John Lane was drafted.

Civil War

Hampton took but little part in the War of 1812, and the War with Mexico, but in 1861, when the secession of the Southern States and the attack on Fort Sumter brought on the great struggle of the War of the Rebellion, like the other towns throughout this section of the North, this town made immediate preparations to do her part in the conflict which was to follow, and speedily raised quotas of men and large sums of money to aid in the suppression of the Rebellion, and the preservation of the American Union.

The men she sent, like their forefathers in the Revolution, were sturdy patriots, loyal to their country and to her institutions, not afraid of war and bloodshed, nor if it were necessary to sacrifice their lives that the great cause of Freedom and Union might be won. It is nearly half a century since they marched away to the Southland, many of them never to return, and the people of to-day, citizens of a reunited country, can but little realize what sacrifice they made, and what toil and suffering they endured. But as they see the depleted ranks of the surviving soldiers melting away with the years, and realizing as they do that all which they possess they owe to them because they saved the nation, are proud to honor and revere the soldiers who remain, and their comrades who are sleeping in the quiet of the grave, waiting the bugle note that will summon all to the last great call of their roll.

Hampton’s Soldiers

Second N. H. Regt.: Sergt. J. S. Gillespie, Co. B, (drowned in Va.).

Third N. H. Regt.: Capt. C. F. Dunbar; 2d Lieut. O. Z. Dearborn; 1st Sergt. J. C. Dunbar; Sergt. Geo. Perkins (killed); Sergt. D. P. Marston; Sergt. and 2d Lieut. J. W. Akerman; Corp. and Sergt. Abram Dow; Corp. and Sergt. W. E. Lane; Corp. (later Capt.) John S. James; W. H. Blake; Sergt. G. T. Crane (wounded); J. N. Dow (d. of disease); H. B. Dearborn; S. W. Dearborn; 1st Lieut. W. L. Dodge; James Fair (killed); Sergt. Geo. W. Goss (wounded); W. H. Godfrey; Corp. J. F. Hobbs (d. of disease); Geo. W. Marston; 1st Sergt. D. W. Perkins (killed); J. E. Palmer (killed); 1st Lieut. S. N. Lamprey (d. of wds.); 2nd Lieut. A. J. Towle (not mustered); Sergt. J. W. Dow (rejected at Concord for disability).

Fifth N. H. Regt.: O. W. Blake, Co. D; A. W. Shaw, Co. D, (wounded).

Sixth N. H. Regt.: Capt. T. H. Dearborn (wounded in ’62); Musician James Elkins; A. J. Davis, all of Co. C.

Seventh N. H. Regt.: Wyman Dearborn, Co. K.

Eighth N. H. Regt.: J. C. Davis, Co. B; C. H. Davis, Co. B.

Ninth N. H. Regt.: David Godfrey, Co. G, (d. of disease).

Eleventh N. H. Regt.: Chaplain Frank K. Stratton; Sergt. D. A. Moulton, Co. I, (wounded); J. Batchelder, Co. I.

Fourteenth N. H. Regt.: Sergt. J. C. Perkins; Corp. S. S. Page; P. A. Emery (wounded); J. T. Godfrey; O. H. Godfrey; Jas. A. Gillespie (wounded); Patrick Heffron; O. H. Marston; Melbern Marston (killed); all in Company D.

Fifteenth N. H. Regt.: Sergt. D. F. Nudd; A. B. Blake; Thos. Dunbrack, Jr.; Jonathan Elkins; J. L. Godfrey; Chas. Godfrey; B. F. Goodwin; Geo. W. Leavitt; R. B. Laird; John D. Lamprey (killed); Chas. G. Perkins (served also in the 1sst Maine Cavalry). All except Perkins in Co. I.

Sixteenth N. H. Regt.: Sergt. E. J. Hobbs; Theodore Fisher (d. of disease); Chas. M. Perkins; J. D. Perkins; all of Company K.

Seventeenth N. H. Regt.: Sergt. Maj. Jas. W. Perkins, Regiment not mustered, and he enlisted in 60th Mass., in 1864, for 100 days.

Eighteenth N. H. Regt.: O. L. Blake, Co. G; J. W. Mace, Co. G; J. W. Lewis, Co. D.

First N. H. Cavalry (N. H. Bat., 1st Regt. N. E. Cav.): Geo Dearborn (died at Andersonville Prison ’64); M. H. Godfrey (died from sunstroke in Va. ’64); John W. Lewis; Edwin D. Lamprey, all of Troop M.

First Regt. N. H. Vol. H. Artillery: H. N. T. Blake; W. T. Blake; A. B. Blake; Chas. W. Brown; Chas. W. Drake; Geo. O. Leavitt; D. Y. Moulton, Jr.; D. B. Johnson; Jos. A. Philbrick; J. L. Mace; A. W. Shaw; D. A. Towle; all of Co. K.

Soldiers serving in other than New Hampshire Regiments: Jesse A. Blake, 8th Mass., and a Co. Mass. Vols.; J. T. Moulton, 1st Me. Cav., (lost an arm; John D. Palmer, 12th Mass., (d. in service); Samuel Palmer, Co. I, 26th Mass.; Josiah Page, Co. A, 23d Mass.; Edw. S. Perkins, 30th Mass., (killed); Andrew J. Philbrick, 2d D. C.; D. T. Philbrick, 22d Mass.; Geo. B. Wingate, 1st Mass. Cav., (died in service of disease); S. B. Shaw, John Towle, Co. F., 19th Mass., and Vet. Reserve Corps; Geo. E. Palmer, Co. E., 24th Mass.; John W. Moore, Co. D, 30th Mass., (died in service); Chas. W. Nudd, 69th N.Y.; Thos. L. Perkins, Co. C, U. S. Bat. of Engineers; Geo. W. Towle, Co. F, 47th Mass.; John M. Dow, Co. K, 14th Mass., and 1st Regt. Mass. H. Art.; Jeremiah Hobbs, Co. E, 8dth N. Y. H. Art.; Jacob H. Moulton, 1st Cav. Regt., 2d and 1st Lieut., Adjt., Post Q. M., and Capt., rendered meritorious service.

U. S. Navy and Marine: Everett D. Blake (d. of disease), Geo. E. Blake, Thos. S. Blake, J. C. Dunbar, Chas. Godfrey, Dan’l Godfrey (killed), Chas. M. Hobbs, Jason Lamprey, L. S. Lamprey, John S. Locke, Jos. W. Mace, John H. Nudd, Jos. E. Riley, A. M. Stevens, F. W. Stevens (died of disease in Panama, 1867).

List of non-resident soldiers credited to Hampton; Walter Adams, Geo. Allen, Jacob Becker, Richard Clark, Thos. Daley, Peter Donley, John Duffie, Luke Egan, Garret Farrel, Edw. Flagharly, Frederick Frank, John Garrigan, Geo. Gilsa, Peter J. Goble, Richard Granville, Michael Hallan, Chas. J. Hart, Geo. Hill, Geo. W. Hough, Wm. W. Johnson, Samuel Jonson, Thos. Knights, Henry Lawrence, Joseph Lewis, Jon Loes, John Lucas, Schaler Lyan, Michael McGuire, Wm. Mellen, W. F. Minton, Jeremiah Murphy (killed at Cold Harbor ’64), Theo. S. Nimes, Patrick Nolan, Francis Nugent, Edmund P. Palmer, Jacob L. Pike,* Julius Pradan, Wm. Quinn, David Rees,* Gille Richel, Juel Richel, Stephen Rice (killed at Petersburg, ’64), L. A. Rogers (d. of wds. ’63), Onton Saingele (d. in Libby), Chas. Sanford, Jos. Shannon, Daniel Sheely, James Stuberfield, John Tracy, Wm. Wattear,* John West, Chas. Williams, Peter Williams, John Wilson, Chas. W. Winship, M. J. Woods, Ira E. Wright.

* Deserted.

Hampton is credited with a total of 111 in the army and navy, 26 of whom were killed or died in service.

Church History

First Church

The Interwoven Pastorates — Rev. Stephen Bachiler, 1638-1641; Rev. Timothy Dalton, 1639-1661; Rev. John Wheelwright, 1647-1656; Rev. Seaborn Cotton, 1657-1686.

The first settlers of Hampton were of a strong religious character, and they brought with them to their new homes here a strong religious spirit which early manifested itself in steps taken for the promotion of the religious and spiritual welfare of the community and organization for public worship. With them, too, they brought their pastor, Rev. Stephen Bachiler, styled the father and founder of the town.

The Rev. Mr. Bachiler was a native of England, where he was born about the year 1561. He came to Boston from his native country in 1632, and went immediately to Lynn. There he began his ministry which continued until the close of 1635, not long after which time he removed to Ipswich. With the half dozen or more members who had come from England with him, and with whom he had left Lynn, he undertook to form a settlement at Mattakeese (Yarmouth) on Cape Cod. In 1638 the company was at Newbury, and in the fall of that year settled at Winnacunnet (Hampton). Tradition has it that a meeting-house was built by those who formed the settlement, as soon as they had constructed log houses for dwellings. It was built probably of logs and erected on the Green — near where the Academy afterwards stood, and the site of several meeting-houses built successively at later periods.

In the spring of 1639, “Teacher” Timothy Dalton was associated with the Rev. Mr. Bachiler in the ministry, the age of the pastor being at that time very great.

After Mr. Bachiler’s troubles on account of charges made against him (not proven), and the burning of his residence, he removed to Strawberry Banke (Portsmouth), where he lived from 1647 to 1650, and probably for some time later. He afterwards returned to England, where in the village of Hackney, two miles from London, he died in 1660, in the one hundredth year of his age.

Rev. Timothy Dalton, second pastor of the church, was a native of England, and a graduate of Cambridge in 1613. He came to New England about 1637. Mr. Dalton at the time of his settlement here was more than sixty years old. His ministry continued until his death, Dec. 28, 1661.

The second meeting–house was occupied for public worship probably about the month of June, 1650.

Rev. John Wheelwright (a brief sketch of whose life is given in the Exeter history), the founder and first minister of Exeter, came here from his ministry in Wells, Maine, to assist Mr. Dalton, about the year 1647, and remained until 1656, when he returned to England.

Rev. Seaborn Cotton began his ministry in 1657. He was the son of Rev. John Cotton, the famous Boston minister, was born at sea, while his parents were coming to America, graduated at Harvard in 1651, and was settled at Windsor, Conn., before coming to Hampton. He remained here until his death in 1686.

The third meeting-house was begun in 1675, but it was not completed until several years later.

Rev. John Cotton was the next settled pastor, coming here in 1686, to remain until the summer of 1690. Rev. John Pike came next for a short pastorate which he closed in February, 1692, when he removed to Newbury. Rev. John Cotton returned to Hampton in 1696 for a second pastorate which continued thirteen years and four months until his death, March 27, 1710. Rev. Nathaniel Gookin came soon after Mr. Cotton’s death and remained until 1734.

In 1711, the Falls church was organized, forty-nine members of the old church being dismissed for the purpose.

The fourth meeting-house erected in Hampton was first occupied as a place of worship Oct. 18, 1719.

In 1725, nine persons were dismissed from the church to form one in Kingston.

In 1726, a church was organized and a pastor settled in the town of Rye, and a considerable number of the first members were of the Hampton church.

In the last years of Mr. Gookin’s ministry here, several assistants were engaged to help him in the work, among them a Mr. Gilman, who remained at least seven or eight months, and preachers, hired for three months at a time, until 1734. Mr. Solomon Page and Mr. Ward Cotton were among those who preached here, and the latter succeeded Mr. Gookin, becoming sole pastor on the latter’s death. His first sermon in Hampton was delivered in July, 1731. At the time he became pastor of the church there were 253 members in full communion. About three years afterward, a church was formed in Kensington, sometimes called the “third parish in Hampton.” Succeeding Mr. Cotton, the Rev. Ebenezer Thayers, 1765-1792, was pastor of the church.

No long after Mr. Thayers’ decease, the Presbyterian Schism occurred, and many of the old church seceding formed a new society, of which Rev.Wm. Pidgin became pastor. He was a native of Newburyport, Mass., a graduate of Dartmouth, and was ordained Jan. 27, 1796.

Soon after the schism the Congregationalists began to hold meetings by themselves, their first preacher being the Rev. Mr. Perkins. He remained only a few weeks, and on the 17th of April, Mr. Jesse Appleton came for the first time, continuing to supply the society until his ordination which took place about ten months later. He was a native of New Ipswich, N. H., a graduate of Dartmouth, and received the degree D. D. from both Dartmouth and Harvard.

The society was incorporated with eighty-one members, Dec. 6, 1796. The Rev. Jesse Appleton was ordained Feb. 22, 1797, and in November of that year, the new meeting-house was dedicated.

Both the Presbyterian and Congregational societies had now a place of worship, but parsonage property and ministerial funds were a source of contention and strife between them which continued for some time.

The Rev. Mr. Pidgin continued to preach at the Presbyterian church for a number of years, going after his dismissal here to the church in Minot, Maine.

In the meantime, the Rev. Mr. Appleton was preaching at the Congregational church, but in 1807, he procured a dismissal to accept the presidency of Bowdoin College.

The churches were now without pastors, and in 1808, they united for the observance of worship, and Rev. Josiah Webster was made pastor of the church, continuing his labors with success for more than a quarter of a century. During his ministry in Hampton, 170 persons were received to the full communion of the church.

After Mr. Webster’s death in 1837, the church remained without a pastor for nearly a year. In April, 1838, Rev. E. D. Eldredge, a native of Dunstable, Mass., and a graduate of Amherst, was ordained pastor. He remained until 1849. In January, 1844, a new church was dedicated.

Since Mr. Eldredge’s pastorate, the following ministers have been pastors of the church: Rev. Solomon P. Fay, Sept. 6, 1849-Aug. 29, 1854, removed to Dayton, Ohio; Rev. John Colby, Oct. 31, 1855-Nov. 18, 1863; Rev. Jas. B. Thornton (supply), 1 yr.; Rev. J. W. Dodge (Amherst and Andover), Oct. 19, 1865-Nov. 18. 1868, removed to Yarmouth, Mass.; Rev. Jas. McLean, from Menasha, Wis., autumn 1869, supply for a year, installed settled pastor Dec. 15, 1870-Jan. 30, 1872; Rev. F. D. Chandler, employed nearly two years; Rev. John S. Batchelder, three years; Rev. Wm. H. Cutler, four and a half years; Rev. Walcott Fay, off Michigan, came here from Oxford, Me., ordained Feb. 20, 1884, pastor until Nov. 16, 1886, removed to Bridgewater, Mass.; Rev. John A. Ross, native of Lunenburg, N. S., who began his ministrations in July, 1887, installed June 14, 1892, remained until about four years ago, when Rev. Edgar Warren came to remain about three years, at the end of which time Rev. E. Payson Rowell, the present pastor, came.

A notable event in the history of the church was the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary, August 19, 1888. (See related story elsewhere on the Hampton History Website.)

Free Baptists

In the spring of 1808 when the Presbyterian and Congregational societies were united, and the Congregational church was restored to its former position as the church of Hampton, there were a few citizens who refused to be a party to the union.

They were not strong enough however to colonize until 1814, but in July of that year the dissenters held their first meeting here, Elders Jabez True and Henry Pottle conducting the services. From this time they continued to worship in a house of their own, some of the Little River people uniting with them until a church was built in that village.

In 1817, the First Baptist Society in Hampton was incorporated, and after that the society in 1819 received as pastor Elder John Harriman. He remained a little more than three years, and about 1822, removed to Plaistow.

In October, 1834, a church of twenty-four members was organized at the house of Joshua Lane, and called the “Church of Christ Within the First Baptist Society in Hampton.”

The same year, Rev. Timothy Cole became pastor. He remained until 1838, when the Rev. Elias Hutchins, a native of New Portland, Me., came to remain several years. Succeeding pastors have been: Rev. Porter S. Burbank, 1840 — for five years; Rev. Wm. D. Johnson; Rev. Mr. Burbank, again, 1846 — for two years; Rev. Wm. P. Merrill, 1848 — ; Rev. R. Ashley, 1850; Rev. Frederic Moulton, 1851; Rev. Wm. Rogers, 1853 — three years; (parsonage built in 1854); Rev. Wm. H. Waldron, one year; Rev. Wm. C. Clark, one year, (1857-8 — great revival, twenty-four converts); Rev. DeWitt C. Durgin, (Waterville and Union Colleges), Sept. 8, 1858 — twelve years, very prominent clergyman, Principal of Hampton Academy , President Hillsdale College, Mich.; received degree of Doctor of Divinity from Bates in 1875; lecturer, Rev. Francis H. Lyford, 1870; Rev. Geo. J. Abbott, 1873-1877, died in Oakland, Me., Nov. 3, 1883; Rev. Lot L. Harmon (Bangor Theo. Sem.), Aug., 1877 — nearly four years; later of Pomona, Fla.; Rev. F. P. Wormwood, 1881; Rev. Arthur L. Morey, native of Moira, N.Y., grad. Bates, ’76, and Theological School ’82, came in 1882 — three years; Rev. John B. Merrill, 1885-1888; removed to Epsom; (church remodeled at cost of about $3,100; revival); Rev. Willis A. Tucker, native Guilford, Me., grad. Cobb Divinity School, pastor Oct. 29, 1888-April, 1892; removed to South Windham, Me. Rev. Mr. Wiggin was the next pastor and was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Granville Waterman, who has been here many years.

Methodist Episcopal Church

When Methodism was introduced in Hampton, the Congregational and a Christian society had been in existence for many years. The first Methodist sermon preached in Hampton was delivered in the old North schoolhouse by the Rev. James M. Fuller in December, 1835.

Sometime in the month of November, 1836, preaching having been held at regular intervals of time for several months, the friends of Methodism held their first “protracted meeting,” at which twenty converts were made, and immediately united together in a class. The society worshiped in the small house formerly occupied by the Christian society. In May (1837), the house which had been given to the society, and repaired and fitted, was rededicated to the worship of God, and the Re. J. M. Fuller preached the sermon.

July 4, 1837, Rev. John Brodhead was appointed to preach here, and he labored in Hampton until the following spring, when he died at his residence in South Newmarket. Rev. Wm. Padman was appointed here in 1838. Revs. S. A. Cushing and A. M. Osgood preached here the next year, and in 1840 Mr. Osgood returned for a pastorate of about a year. Rev. Abraham Folsom was appointed in 1841. Through his influence the legal society “The First Methodist Episcopal Society of Hampton” was organized, April 8, 1842. Mr. Folsom died in 1872. In 1842, Rev. Horatio N. Taplin, a native of East Corinth, Vt., came for a pastorate of two years.

Succeeding pastors have been: Rev. John F. Adams, 1844; Rev. Jas. M. Young, 1845; Rev. Chas. H. Chase, 1856; (parsonage procured at expense of about $600); Rev. Henry Nutter, two years; (new church built, cost $1500, dedicated November, 1848) Rev. A. M. Osgood; Rev. Ira A. Sweetland, 1850; Rev. Matthew Newhall, 1851-2; Rev. Jas. M. Hartwell, one year; Rev. John English, 1854 — two years; Rev. John W. Johnson, 1856 — two years; Rev. Jos. Hayes, 1860; Rev. F. K. Stratton, 1861-2; Rev. S. F. Whidden, 1863; Rev. E. Lewis, 1864;a Rev. :N. L. Chase, 1865; Rev. A.C. Coult, 1866; Rev. A. A. Cleaveland, 1867-8; Rev. G. W. Ruland, 1869-70; Rev. S. J. Robinson, 1871; Rev. Elihu Scott, 1872-4; Rev. J. H. Knott, 1875-6; Rev. J. P. Frye, 1877-8; Rev. A. B. Carter, 1879-80; Rev. J. F. Spaulding, 1881-3; Rev. H. B. Copp, 1884-6; Rev. W. C. Bartlett, 1887-9; Rev. C. M. Howard, 1890; Rev. Noble Fisk, 1891-2.

In September, 1881, the church building was removed to its present site near the centre of the town, and , largely through the indefatigable enterprise of the Rev. Mr. Spaulding, thoroughly and tastefully renovated and remodeled, and furnished with a bell, at a cost of thirty-one hundred dollars. The church was rededicated Jan. 5, 1882.

Since Mr. Fisk’s pastorate the following ministers have been pastors of the church:

Revs. G. H. Clark, 1893; W. A. Prosser, 1894-5; D. W. Downs, 1896-7; John Bradford 1898-1903, (longest pastorate); Chas. M. Tibbetts, 1904-6; J. F. Felt, 1906-; came here from Portsmouth, N.H. church, and is the present pastor.

Second Advent Church

The followers of William Miller in 1843, and the doctrine of the second coming of the Lord, found a few sympathizers here in Hampton who embraced the teachings of the new sect. They organized for worship, and held meetings. About the year 1870, new adherents to the doctrines were found here, and in November, 1871, a newly erected chapel was completed. On the 18th of January, 1877, a church was organized, and has grown in prosperity and numbers. The church was supplied with preaching by visiting preachers until May, 1905, when the Rev. James McLaughlin came as the first and present settled pastor of the church. There are about fifty members of the society at the present time.

Professional Men


Robert Tuck, “chirugeon,” 1638-1664.
Dr. Richard Hooper, here in 1684, and during a number of years.
Dr. John Grotle, licensed by General Court, April, 1679, to practise physic and chirurgery in Hampton.
Dr. Benj. Dole, came about 1700. practised until his death in 1707.
Dr. Nathaniel Sargent, 1711(?)-1748(?)
Dr. Edmund Toppan, 1731(?)-death, 1739.
Dr. Clement Jackson, 1731(?)- 1747 or sometime later.
Dr. John Newman, 1740(?)-1747.
Dr. John Weeks, 1748(?)-death, 1763.
Dr. Anthony Emery, about 1750-death, 1781.
Dr. Samuel Page, about 1770-death, 1821.
Dr. Ebenezer Tilton, about 1771-death, 1800.
Dr. ———– Dudley.
Dr. Asahel Dearborn.
Dr. Jonathan French, on school committee in 1801.
Dr. Obed Stearns, 1799-death, 1800, age 29.
Dr. Lucian French, died here March 19, 1828, aged 25 years.
Dr. Ebenezer Lawrence, 1801-1850.
Dr. Robert Smith, here probably in the thirties or forties.
Dr. Henry A. Jewett, here in the forties.
Dr. Geo. G. Odiorne, here in 1848.
Dr. Abram B. Lord, 184(?)-1854.
Dr. F. F. Forsaith, left here in 1854.
Dr. Nathaniel Ruggles, 1854 (?)- 1859.
Dr. Wm. T. Merrill, came in 1854; only resident physician, 1859-1873, and practised until his death.
Dr. Norberto Osorio, 1873-1875 (?).
Dr. Marvin F. Smith, Dartmouth 1882, came May 5, 1888, from Epsom, where he had been in practise several years, and is still in practise in Hampton.
Dr. Chas. P. Jackson, came in 1891, practised several years, and then removed to Florida.
Dr. S. F. A. Pickering, dentist, 1890-1892.
Dr. S. M. Ward succeeded Dr. Jackson, and is still in practice here.
Dr. W. M. Mack, Dartmouth, came here from several practices in this State, among them Exeter and Kingston. He is still practising in Hampton.


Chas. M. Lamprey, a native of Hampton, practised law here many years, until his death several years ago.
Llewellyn Hobbs, Esq., a native of North Hampton, succeeded Mr. Lamprey and is the only resident practitioner of law in Hampton at the present time.

Hampton Business Directory, 1908

Town Clerk — H. M. Lane.
Treasurer — H. G. Lane.
Ch. Board of Selectmen — J. B. Brown.
Postmaster — E. G. Cole.
Churches — Cong.: G. R. Rowell, pastor; F. Bapt.: G. P. Waterman; Meth.: John L. Felt; Advent: James McLaughlin.
Druggists –D. O. Leavitt; E. P. Sanborn.
Hotels — HOTEL WHITTIER, O. H. Whittier, prop.; HAMPTON HOUSE, B. F. Damsell; Hampton Beach: NEW BOAR’S HEAD; HAMPTON BEACH HOTEL, J. L. Leavitt; EAGLE, L. P. Nudd; SEA VIEW, J. G. Cutler.
Insurance Agents — A. Norris, L. F. Hobbs, E. P. Young.
Lawyer –L. F. Hobbs.
Livery Stables — O. H. Whittier.
Manufacturers — Carriage spindles, Marston & True; lumber, S. W. Dearborn, F. B. Brown; lunch boxes, Atlas Mfg. Co., H. B. Drew, pres.
Newspapers — N.H. Coast Bulletin; The Hampton Record.
Physicians — F. W. Smith, S. M. Ward, W. B. Mack, A. L. Thompson.
General Stores — J. A. Lane & Co., E. G. Cole & Co., Mrs. T. N. Chase, E. B. Towle.
Furniture and Undertaking — Hampton Furniture & Burial Co.

Indian Account
General Description
Chronological Events
Early Proprietary and Settlement
Revolutionary War
Civil War
First Church (Congregational)
Free Baptists
Methodist Episcopal Church
Second Advent Church
Hampton Business Directory, 1908