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Such fragmentary information as can be obtained concerning the service rendered by Hampton men during the war, is here appended:

In Congress at Exeter, Aug. 24, 1775:
“Voted — That Coll Jonathan Moulton be colonel of the Third Regiment of Militia in this colony & Christopher Toppan Esq. his Lieutt Colol & John Lane Esq. his first Major.” Colonel Toppan declined.

In 1775, there were, belonging to Hampton, of
Males, under 16 years, ……………………190
Males, from 16 to 50 yrs., not soldiers, 147
Males, over 50 years, ……………………… 62
Males, in the army, …………………………..20
Females, ………………………………………440
Negroes & slaves for life, ……………………3
Total, …………………………………………..862
Firearms, fit for use, ………………………192
Powder, priv., 943/4; pub. stock, 50, — 1443/4lbs.

“After the battle of the 17th of June (1775), Col. Poor’s regiment was ordered to the seat of war. Capt. Elkins’ company — the last to leave — being on duty at Hampton was not ordered off until Aug. 1.”

Soldiers who went to Portsmouth in October, 1775.

Lieut. John Dearborn … 2 days
Lieut. Cotton Ward … 2 days
Abner Page … 2 days
Benjn. Page … 2 days
Robt. Drake … 10 days
Jethro Blake … 2 days
Noah Lane … 2 days
Moses Brown … 2 days
Jonath. Moulton … 2 days
Jacob Palmer … 5 days
John Dow … 5 days
Daniel Tilton … 5 days

Corpl. Joshua Towle, 19 days & 3
mos. at Peekskill.

In 1775, “Joshua Wingate, of Stratham, was appointed Colonel of forces in the harbor” (Piscataqua), and “Jonathan Moulton, of Hampton, was appointed Colonel of the troops for guarding the seacoast.”

In Colonel Wingate’s regiment were Hampton officers: Henry Elkins, a captain; Thomas Leavitt and James Perkins, lieutenants; stationed at Pierce’s Island.

March 23, 1776:
“Voted, to choose a committee to agree with Coll Toppan for the Purchase of Seven Cannon belonging to him, now at our Batterys at Piscataqua Harbour, not to Exceed Twenty pounds for each cannon, and that Mr. Sherburne and Coll Evans be the Committee for that purpose to make report to the Commtee of Safety.”

In Committee of Safety, April 11, 1776:
“Ordered the Receiver General to pay Christopher Toppan Esqr one Hundred and Ninety Pounds for 8 six Pounders at £20 and for Two Ditto at £15.”

A list of men that went to Ticonderoga in July, 1776:

Samuel Nay, Captain

David Moulton
John Moulton
Samuel Lamprey, 5 mos.
John M. Moulton
John Murphy
Josiah Moulton, 3rd
Samuel Marston
Micajah Morrel, Junr.
Simon Philbrick
Edmund Philbrick
Jonathan Palmer
Zaccheus Brown
John Drake, Junr.
James Hobbs

In an account of the payment to these soldiers, there are also the names of Paul Long, Caesar Small and Bradbury Green. Jonathan Palmer died at Ticonderoga in 1776, after serving 5 months; 18 years old.
Additional at Ticonderoga:
Capt. John Moulton, 5 mos. & 15 days at Portsmouth.
Paid Coll. Toppan £3 12s.
Paid Daniel and Reuben Lamprey, £4 10s.
Paid John Shaw, £1 10s.
Paid Simon Sanborn £4 10s.

At Peekskill:
Sergt. John Drake, £1 16s. in 1776 “towards hiring to go to Peekskill the first time.”
Abraham P. Towle, £1 16s. ditto.
James Leavitt, 3 months.

Sept. 13, 1776. “Lieut. Coll Abrahm Drake of Col. Moulton’s Regt is appd to take the command of the Regt made up by detachments from Coll Wentworth, Col Moulton’s & Coll Bartlett’s.”

In Colonel Drake’s regiments, Nathaniel Batchelder was adjutant and Thomas Leavitt, quartermaster.

Sept. 25, 1776, a regiment was organized of the companies at Portsmsouth (then reenforced), and placed in command of Colonel Long. Hampton officers: Nathan Brown, captain; Benjamin Batchelder, ensign. This regiment was stationed at Newcastle; and in Nov., 1777, marched, under orders, to Ticonderoga.
In Sept. ’76, to additional regiments were raised for the continental army in New York, in which Nathan Sanborn was a captain.
In Dec. ’76, still another regiment for New York — Josiah Dearborn, a lieutenant.

May 28, 1776. The Committee of Safety “ordered Coll Moulton to dismiss the Guard of four men placed at the Boars head.”
Dec. 14, same year, “ordered the Receiver Genl to pay Coll Jona Moulton £23 12s. 8d. to discharge the Roll of a Guard kept on the Sea Coast.”
The state paid the selectmen of Hampton £4 8s. 9d. in the year 1776, for the defense of the coast.

Benjamin Tuck, Jr., died in the army Oct. 20, 1776.

In a detachment of twenty-six men out of the 3d N. H. Regiment of militia, for service in New York, eight were from Hampton, as is shown by the muster and pay roll, signed by Col. Jonathan Moulton, muster-and-pay-master, and dated Dec. 18, 1776. Travel to New York is reckoned at £2 10s. for each man. One month’s pay in advance, as follows:

Josiah Dearborn, Lieut., £5 8s.
Simon Sanborn, Sergt., £3 8s.
Jonathan Leavitt, Sergt., £3 8s.
Josiah Moulton, Fifer, £3 4s.
Samuel Drake, £3
John Marston, £3
Thomas Woodman, £3
John Sanborn, £3

May 6, 1777. “Appointed Nathaniel Leavitt of Hampton, Ensign in Capt. Weare’s company.”

  [Committee of Safety.]

June, 1777. — Simon Marston was a captain, and Jonathan Leavitt, an ensign in Col. Senter’s battalion, for the defense of Rhode Island.
In the summer of ’78, Captain Marston and Lieutenant Leavitt were in Colonel Peabody’s regiment in Rhode Island.

Served in Capt. Moses Leavitt’s company from Sept. 8 to Dec. 16, 1777:

Jeremiah Batchelder, 2nd Lieut.
Daniel Philbrick
John Taylor
Jonathan Towle

Hampton men who went as volunteers to Saratoga with Coll. Moulton, October, 1777:

Adju. Josiah Moulton, Jr.
Capt. John Dearborn
Lieut. John Taylor
Clerk, Josiah Lane
Sergt. John Sandborn
Sergt. Moses Elkins
Corpl. Abner Page
Corpl. Joshua Towle
Corpl. Nathan Brown
Jonathan Philbrick
Batchelder Brown
Abner Sanborn
Jona. Marston
Samuel Marston
Jabez Towle
Benja. Page
Samuel Drake
Jacob Palmer
Jacob Moulton
Noah Lane
John M. Moulton
Jabez James
Joseph Nay
Josiah Mason
James Lane
Jonathan Godfree
Jethro Blake, 2/3 time.
Jereh. Ballard, 1/3 do.

Jan. 22, 1778. “Ordered the Receiver General to pay the Roll of Col. Jona Moulton, for a guard at the beach, amounting to £53.
Also, to pay the Roll of sd Moulton for his company of Volunteers that marched to Saratoga to Reinforce Genl Gates last fall, amounting to £533 15s. 8d.”

Aug. 6, 1778. Each of the following named men acknowledged the receipt of £10 lawful money from the town of Hampton, and engaged to go to Providence, under command of General Sullivan:

Jona. Garland, Ens.
John Garland
Thomas Moore
Josiah Dearborn
Joseph Freese
John Marston
Jona. Marston, 3d
James Sanborn
Simon Ward
Jabez James
Josiah Towle
John Drake
Samuel Marston
John Batchelder
James Hobbs
Eliphalet Towle
Jeremiah Tuck
Amos Garland

May 29, 1779. — £180 to the selectmen of Hampton for 18 volunteers in the Rhode Island Expedition in 1778.

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