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Hampton Men in the War — Part II

July 17, 1779. — To Lieut. Jona. Leavitt, £33 6s. for one month’s advance pay for the R. Island service.

“State of }
New Hampshire }
North Hampton,
July 25th, 1779.

Sir; I have received Orders from the Honourd Committee of Safety to Raise six Able Bodied effective Men in this Regiment for the Defence of the Forts at Portsmouth. You are therefore without loss of time to raise or draught one Able Bodied Man out of your Company for said service for Two Months (unless sooner discharged) from his joyning the Company now there under the command of Colo Dame and you are to make return and send the Man to Collonl Moulton (if he is at Home, if not, to me), to be musterd. These Soldiers are to have thirteen Pound Ten shillings pr Month and two shillings pr Mile Travel from there Homes to Portsmouth to be made up in the Role.
N. B. He need not cary his arms or accoutrements as there is sufficient in the Forts.

  Abraham Drake, Lieutt Collonl

To Capt. John Dearborn, Hampton.”  

[A copy from the original.] John Lane was drafted.

March 27, 1780, the town voted “To give the back rates of all those young men that went to sea and were taken with Capt. Moses Brown.”

April 13, 1780. “Ordered the Naval Officer of the Port of Piscataqua to permit Ezra Johnson to Export for New Meadows [Topsfield] in the State of Massachusetts Bay forty Bushels of Indian Corn &c. &c.”

July 13, 1780. The selectmen paid an order of £270 lawful money to Samuel Drake, Jun. drawn on them by

in part payment
of their bounty to serve
three months in the army
for Hampton.
Samuel Marston
John Marston
Zaccheus Brown
Batchelder Brown
Simon Ward
Joseph Freese Dearborn
John Dearborn and
Amos Brown.

At Cambridge:
Capt. John Moulton, 2 months.
Josiah Mason, —- 41/2 months.
Nathan Smith Moulton, 41/2 months.
Theodore Brown, —- 11/2 months and 18 das., at Portsmouth.
David Moulton, 41/2 months.
Jeremiah Tuck, 3 months in 1775 and 4 months at the island in 1776.
James Hobbs, 41/2 months.
James Tuck, 7 months in 1775 and 4 months at the island in 1776.
Simon Philbrick, 41/2 months.
Jabez Towle, 7 months in 1775.
Zaccheus Brown, 41/2 months.
Jonathan Marston, 7 months in 1775.
Simon Moulton, 41/2 months.
Capt. Henry Elkins, 7 months’ service at Cambridge.

The town charged the state with 13,008 pounds of beef, delivered to Captain Giddings in 1780, between July 19 and November 3.

Jan. 11, 1781 — A resolve to raise 1354 able-bodied men to serve in the army during the war or for three years, including those already in said service from this state — Hampton, 16.
July 4, 1781 — 650 men besides officers &c. — to be held in readiness to march in a week after they shall be called for by the commander-in-chief, for the defense of the United States. Out of Colonel Moulton’s 3d regiment, 35 men.

Proportion for £1000 — Hampton, £10 9s. 2d. — Apr. 17, 1784.

A considerable number of soldiers’ receipts, on the town records, give the names and wages of Hampton men, or men serving for Hampton. Some of them show the depreciation of the currency. At different dates, from 1778 to 1783, receipts are given, as follows:
By Amos Brown —- £46 4s for 7 months’ service.
By John Taylor, 3d – £46 4s. for 6 months’ service.
By John Alman —- £46 4s. for 7 months’ service.
By Daniel Taylor of Exeter, — $8500, for 6 months’ service.
By James Kelley of Kingston, — 40 silver dollars and 3500 paper dollars for 6 months’ service.
By Dole Pearson of Kingston, — 40 silver dollars and 1615 paper dollars for 6 mos. service.
By Jeremiah Rollings —- £2400 —- for 6 months’ service.
By John Jack — June, 1780, $605. in part; July, 1780, $600. in part, for 6 mos. service.
By Jonathan Eaton, of Exeter — 18s. 8d. on account of being a soldier for Hampton.
By John Russell, of Exeter — £16 7s. 6d. in money & Clothing and a note of hand for £28 12s. 6d. in full for three years.
By Samuel Batchelder }
By Tristram Godfrey } — £18 each for 6 months, in defense of Rhode Island.
By William Moulton }
By John Lane, May 4, 1779, — $80. in part for service in Rhode Island at £30 per month:
By John Lane, — Dec. 6, 1779, £9 in full for 2 mos. at Portsmouth.

  “Hampton, March 20th, 1781.

“Then Recd of the Select men of Hampton, two Hundred and Seventy Pounds Lawful money in full for a Suit of Cloths said town promised my son Jeremiah Tuck for twelve Months Service in the year 1777. Recd by me.

  John Tuck.”

Rec’d £6 11s. 4d. — also note for £7 10s. — “being in full Satisfaction for money the Parish of Seabrook paid Jonathan Eaton as a Continental Soilder, who is now Deemed a Soilder for the Town of Hampton by the Committee of Safety During the war.

  Elisha Brown
Winthrop Gove.”

There being some dispute to what towns certain soldiers belonged, it was decided that the following belonged to Hampton, viz.: Wm Moulton, James Allard, Jona Eaton.

Names of soldiers hired by Hampton:

Benjn Dockham,
James Allard,
Jona Eaton,
Wm Moulton,
Chas. Branscomb, April 13, 1781.
John Mann, 6 mos.
Jos. French, 6 mo.
Saml George, 3 mo.
Moses Morril, 3 mo.
John Page, 3 mo.
John Russell, 1782.
Nathl. Smart, July 19, 1782

By Elisha Towle — £15 in part for wages and bounty at £30 per month.
By Simon Towle — £15 in part for wages and bounty at £30 per month.
By Thomas More — £15 in part for wages and bounty at £30 per month.
By Isaac Godfrey — £15 in part for wages and bounty at £30 per month.
By Levi Francis — 70 silver dollars and note for 60 silver dollars.
By Elisha Towle — £3, in full for service as soldier in Portsmouth.
By Simon Towle — £3 in full for service as soldier in Portsmouth.
By Charles Branscomb — 250 silver dollars in full for 3 yrs. service.
By Caleb Kimball — 50 silver dollars.

By Amos Garland }  

By Thomas Churchill }
By Zadock Sanborn }
By William Batchelder }
By Josiah Dearborn, Jun. }
By Simon Dow, Jun. }
joint receipt of note to each for twenty-
five bushels Indian Corn per month,
“which when paid is in full for 3 months’
service in the army.”

By Isaac Godfrey} July 16, 1781.

“In Committee for }
settling depreciation. }
Exeter, April 8, 1783.

By the Books it appears that Hampton hired in May, 1777 Seven Soldiers to serve in the New Hampshire Line, Continental Army and gave them Twenty six Pounds each. — And four Men to serve eight months and gave them Eighteen Pounds each. — And Two Men in June, 1777, to serve eight Months, and paid them Twenty four Pounds each. — And in March, 1778, Three men for Two years, viz.: paid Isaac Mitchel one Hundred & Twenty Pounds –; paid Eleazer Ferginson Ninety Pounds — in Novr 1779 Forty Pounds, and five pounds three shillings & sixpence in Sundries at the regulated prices — paid Joseph Burley in Mar. 1778 Ninety Pounds.
The Honble Court have not allowed any depreciation to the above Soldiers, and the Town has no credit for the above Sums.

  Attest Josiah Gilman Jun. (one of the Comtee)

1777, April, Hampton hired James Allarad for 3 years and gave him Thirty Pounds.
1778, May, John Spring for Three Years and paid him Thirty Pounds.”

  (From the Original, in Town Clerk’s office.)

At the adjourned annual town meeting, March 21, 1791, “Voted: to allow Lieut. Nathaniel Leavitt thirty-one pounds in full, on account of a bounty he paid Asa Crosson as a Soldier for sd town, but afterward was taken away by claime of Richmond.”


Inhabitants, 866,
Blacks, 5,
Houses, 137.
Barns and other Buildings, 146.

Acres of Land, 6857.

* * * * * * * * * *


Service of Hampton Men in the Revolutionary War

The following record is gathered from New Hampshire Stare Papers — Revolutionary Rolls, I, II, III. A few names of men outside the present limits of the town, whose families were and in some cases still are of Hampton, are recorded (as in Chap. XIV); and as residences are not all given in the authority cited, it is quite possible that we have mistaken the identity of a few men of other towns, bearing Hampton names. Probably the full part this town bore in the Revolution will never be known; certainly our rolls are not yet nearly complete, as is shown by the single record (Vol. 1; p. 556), that in March, 1777, of the men to be raised to fill up the Third regiment, Jonathan Moulton, Esqr., Colonel, Hampton’s quota was one hundred sixty-seven.

The names following are of men enlisted at different times, under Captains Henry Elkins, Samuel Nay, Richard Weare (of H. F.), Moses Leavitt (of No. H.), Winthrop Rowe (of K.) and others, for service at Portsmouth and as coast guards, and at various points in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York:

Josiah Barker, Jr. Christopher Gould Edward Brown Moulton
Samuel Barker, Serg’t James Johnson Jeremiah Moulton
Henry Batchelder, Fifer Nathaniel Johnson Thomas Moulton
John Batchelder Amos Knowles Coffin Page
Nathan Batchelder Jonathan Knowles Daniel Page
Jonathan Blake Levi Lamprey Benjamin Palmer
Levi Blake, Corp’l Simon Lane Jonathan Perkins
Philemon Blake, Serg’t Joseph Leach Moses Perkins
John Brown Simon Leavitt, Drum’r John Philbrick
Joseph Brown Richard Mace Joseph Philbrick
Simon Brown, Serg’t Caleb Marston James Sanborn, Jr.
Philip Burns David Marston Nathaniel Sanborn
Joseph Dearborn, Corp’l David Marston, Jr. Benjamin Shaw
Jeremiah Dow Ephraim Marston Ichabod Shaw
Nathaniel Emery Jeremiah Marston Josiah Shaw
James Fogg Josiah Marston Simeon Shaw
Jeremiah Fogg Levi Marston Samuel Smith, Serg’t
Jonathan Fogg Matthias Marston Levi Stickney
Joseph Garland Thomas Marston Amos Towle
Jonathan Godfrey, 3d Benjamin Mason Daniel Weare

Of, or for Hampton:

Isaac Adams Josiah George James Moulton
Samuel Ayres Samuel T. Gilman Simeon Moulton
Ebenezer Blaisdell Aretas Leavitt Jonathan Seavey
Roberts Bushly Nathaniel Leavitt Levi Seavey
Caesar Clough George Long John Smith
Samuel Conner Nathaniel Marston Jacob Taylor
John Coombs Cato Moulton Edmund Wade

(End of Chapter 14)

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