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Plan of Hampton

At the annual town meeting, March 14, 1837, the following vote had been passed: “That Josiah Marston be employed to make a survey of the roads in the town, and to draw a plan of the same, to be deposited with the town clerk, for the use of the town.” Accordingly, all the roads were surveyed by Mr. Marston, assisted by Edmund W. Toppan, who kept the minutes of the survey, and drew a plan of the work, which was lodged with the town clerk. At the annual meeting in 1840, the selectmen were instructed to make such corrections as they might think necessary in this plan, and have two hundred fifty copies engraved, for the families of the town. The selectmen having applied to Joseph Dow, to aid in the revision, it was soon decided that a further survey was necessary, so that all the boundaries of the town and the miles of rivers should be shown upon the map. Mr. Dow was employed to make the surveys and drawings, and to prepare the map for the lithographer. The copies were procured and distributed among the families in 1841.
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