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First Graduating Class of Hampton Academy and High School

Class of 1887

1st graduating class
Class of 1887 — After Five Years.
1. George Ervin Garland 2. Annie Elizabeth (Lamprey) Garland
3. Howard Garland Lane 4. Sarah Maria Hobbs
5. Frank Elmer Leavitt 6. Ida Pearl Williams
7. Caroline Belle Nudd 8. Grace Reed Williams
9. Ernest Gowell Cole 10. Alice Sarah Weare
11. Amos Towle Leavitt 12. Eugene Frank Nudd
13. Percy Downing Godfrey 14. William Eastman Philbrick
[Numbers run left to right in top row, right to left
in second row, left to right in third row, etc.]

Five years have now passed over the heads of the first graduates, all of whom will own that the intellectual and moral discipline of the high-school course has largely moulded their lives.

Immediately on graduating, A. T. Leavitt and Philbrick entered mercantile houses in which they still remain. Mr. Leavitt is to-day a salesman with Silas Peirce and Co, wholesale grocers, of Boston, having his home in Wollaston Heights and making a steady advance in his chosen business. Mr. Philbrick went to Lawrence, Mass., and entered the employ of the Beach Soap Company. He now has an interest in the business, does much of the buying, takes a general oversight of the books and personal charge of the correspondence of the firm.

Godfrey went to Minnesota soon after graduating. He studied law at the University of Minnesota, was graduated in due course, took his examinations for the bar and waited for his twenty-first birthday to be formally admitted. Shortly after, he formed a partnership with Hon. Arthur G. Otis, a prominent lawyer of St. Paul. Mr. Godfrey’s marriage and wedding trip home to Hampton followed closely upon his admission to the bar.

Four of the class, Cole, Garland, Lane and F. E. Leavitt, entered the New Hampshire State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, in the autumn of 1887. After one year in college at Hanover and one in the pursuit of mercantile studies in the Commercial College at New Hampton, where he graduated, Lane spent a few months in his father’s store at home, and then went to Thompson, Minn., into the employ of a patent brick manufacturing company, of which Mr. Eugene L. Emery was the head. After Mr.a Emery’s death, that business passed into other hands. Mr. Lane is now secretary and treasurer of the St. Louis River Brown-Stone Co., a large quarrying company, whose office is in Duluth, where he has his home. Mr. Garland remained in college till near the close of the second year, and afterward learned the carriage-maker’s trade in Amesbury, Mass. He then studied three months in the Technical School for Carriage-Builders’ National Association, in New York city; returned to Amesbury for awhile, to perfect himself in practice; married his classmate, Miss Lamprey, who had remained in the sweet ministries of home since graduating; and is now established in business in his native town. Mr. F. E. Leavitt spent two years in college, then went into a store in Boston, and in 1891 took a business trip to California. In April of the present year, he married Miss Gillelan, of the class of ’90 (Academy and high-school), and returned to California, settling as a retail grocer, in Moreno, San Bernardino county. The other college student, Mr. Cole, went through the four years’ course, graduating in 1891. Shortly after, he entered into partnership with Mr. J. A. Lane, whose clerk he had been during several summer vacations. [Chap. XXXII, Lane’s store.]

Misses Hobbs, Weare and Grace R. Williams became teachers — the last of whom has taught three years since graduating and given much time to vocal music; while her sister, Miss Ida P. Williams is devoted to the piano, over the keys of which her fingers have learned to sweep with skillful and loving touch. After teaching one term, Miss Weare returned to household duties, finding time also to study the French language, under a private teacher. Miss Hobbs has taught four years out of the five — one term in Kingston and the rest in Hampton, where she is still engaged.

Mr. Nudd continued to study under the high-school instructors for a time, then took a year’s course in Comer’s Commercial College, Boston and returned to his home at Boar’s Head, in which he is now settled permanently, having married this present summer. [See Genealogies — Nudd (18).] Miss Nudd also, as the only daughter of her father’s house, has remained at home, helping in the management of the Eagle House at Boar’s Head.

Of other relations in life of the class of 1887, we may say briefly, not one has disappointed the hopes of the faculty and friends of the school. A majority are enrolled as church members; all have entered upon citizenship with untarnished names and fair prospects.

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