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Trustees of Hampton Academy

The following lists of trustees and teachers of the school have been carefully compiled from such meager data as could be obtained, no register having been kept; and in some cases, only approximate correctness is claimed.

[* The first permanent board.]

*Rev. Jonathan French, D.D. North Hampton 1811-1856
  Rev. Jacob Abbott Hampton Falls 1811-1820
*James Leavitt, Esq. Hampton 1811-1813, 1820-1837
  Edmund Toppan, Esq. Hampton 1811
  Dr. John Fogg North Hampton 1811-1812
*Rev. Josiah Webster Hampton 1811-1819, 1821-1837
  Richard Pike Newburyport 1811-1812
  Capt. Thomas Ward Hampton 1811-1812
  Hon. Christopher Toppan Hampton 1812-1819
  Capt. Samuel James Hampton 1812-1819
*Capt. Edmund James Hampton 1813-1834
  David Garland Hampton 1813-1819
  Dea. John Weeks Greenland 1820
*Maj. John Lovering Hampton 1820-1836
*Dr. Ebenezer Lawrence Hampton 1820-1852
*Josiah Page Hampton 1821-1831
*Moody Stockman Hampton 1821-1829
*Rev. Ephraim Abbott Greenland 1821-1826
*Col. George Weeks Greenland 1821-1827
*Rev. Luther F. Dimmick, D.D. Newburyport 1821-1860
*Judge Timothy Farrar Portsmouth 1821-1822, 1833-1851
*Francis Vose, ex officio Hampton 1821-1822
  Rev. Charles Burroughs, D.D. Portsmouth 1824-1868
  Rev. Jacob Cummings Hampton and Stratham 1825-1836
  Nathan Crosby, Esq. Amesbury 1828-1839
  Dea. John Wingate Stratham 1826; died before 1833
Dr. Archelaus F. Putnam Portsmouth 1832-1837
  Rev. Bezaleel Smith Rye 1836-1840
  Hon. Amos Tuck Hampton and Exeter 1836-1870
  Thomas Ward Hampton 1836-1861
  Rev. Sereno T. Abbott Hampton Falls 1837-1855
  Simeon B. Shaw Hampton 1837-1871
  Rev. Erasmus D. Eldridge Hampton 1838-1851
  Col. Josiah Dow Hampton 1838-1882
  Matthew Merriam, Esq. Seabrook and Newburyport 1842-1865
  Rev. Solomon P. Fay Hampton 1849-1854
  Timothy O. Norris, A.M. Hampton 1851-1854
  John F. French North Hampton 1851-1860
  Rev. John Colby Hampton 1855-1868
  Rev. Samuel J. Spalding, D.D. Newburyport 1855-1892
  John Dearborn Hampton 1860-1881
  Hon. Christopher S. Toppan Portsmouth 1860-1862
  Joseph Johnson Hampton 1861
  Dr. William T. Merrill Hampton 1861
  Dr. Charles H. Sanborn Hampton Falls 1861-1882
  Rev. John O. Barrows North Hampton 1864-1868
  Rev. John W. Dodge Hampton 1865-1869
  George W. Lane Hampton 1870-1891
  Rev. James McLean Hampton 1870-1873
  Rev. Thomas V. Haines North Hampton 1873
  Christopher G. Toppan Hampton 1879
  John H. Fogg Hampton 1881
  John W. F. Hobbs North Hampton 1887
  Rev. Walcott Fay Hampton (now of Westboro, Mass.) 1886
  Joseph O.Hobbs North Hampton 1887
  Jacob T. Brown Hampton 1891
  Horace M. Lane Hampton 1891
  Jack Sanborn Hampton Falls 1891

Rev. Samuel J. Spalding, D.D., was elected president of the board of trustees, March 25, 1868, succeeding Rev. Dr. Burroughs in that office and holding the position till his death, April 10, 1892. No member of the board has taken greater interest in the academy than hs Dr. Spalding — on no one have the others leaned more heavily. Since the death of Mr. Tuck, long the judicious treasurer, Dr. Spalding has looked well to the financial interests of the institution. In attendance on the board meetings and school examinations, he has been constant, never omitting to send a letter of regret if necessarily absent. Failing health induced him to resign in 1891. Instead of accepting his resignation, the board voted him president for life.

At the same time when Dr. Spalding became president, Dr. Willliam T. Merrill was elected secretary, in place of Rev. John W. Dodge, who left Hampton that year for another pastorate. At the annual meeting of the trustees sin 1892, Dr. Merrill, who still continued secretary, was chosen president, and the principal, Mr. Jack Sanborn, secretary of the board.

[Photo left: Portrait contributed, as a testimonial of respect,
by the Schools and the Knights of Temperance.]

For an updated list of Academy Trustees, click here.

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