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At the same meeting, it was voted that the cow commons should be cleared of mares and colts, and that no person should put any cattle upon the commons, unless he owned some right in them. Persons having a right , might, if they chose, pasture one horse there instead of two cows. Thomas Marston and Nathaniel Batchelder were chosen to see this order executed. Persons owning no right in the commons, who should put any beast there to be pastured, in violation of this order, were made liable to a fine, even for the first offence. If the committee just chosen should neglect their duty, they were to forfeit 10s.apiece.

At this meeting, too, about seventeen years after what has usually, though rather improperly, been termed the divisonof the cow common, two persons–one of whom was John Sanborn, and the other not known, his name being obliterated from the records–were chosen to join with Samuel Dalton, the town clerk, to ascertain by whom the shares of the common were then claimed, and to whom they really belonged; and as eleven shares had formerly been reserved by the town, to be disposed of afterward, they were also to ascertain how many of these had since been disposed of, and to whom. All claimants of shares were required to make known to the committee within two weeks, what shares they claimed, and any neglecting to do so, would subject themselves to a fine of 20s. each. The committee were also required, after having made a thorough investigation, and having found to whom the shares legally belonged, to cause a record thereof to be made. The constable was empowered and ordered to take by distress all forfeitures arising under this order, and to give an account thereof to the town, with the assurance that he should “have satisfaction for his paines.”

Two weeks afterward, the committee presented their report, which was accepted and placed upon record, as follows:

Owners of the Shares in the Cow Common, March 23, 1663.

Origl rights

and how their titles were derived from the original owners.

Bot of Wm Howard

Robert Page 3 shares – one of which given to John Clifford.

Wm Moulton

John Brown 1 share, bought of Thos Sleeper.

The wid. Bristow

John Brown—1 share.

John Moulton

Henry Moulton 1 share—by the last will of his father John Moulton.

Wm Howard

Wm Godfrey—2 shares bought of Wm Howard.

Wm Cole

Thos Webster one share, bought of Wm Cole.

Walter Ropper

Thomas Marston one share (of three which he bought of Robt Knight.)

Wm Eastow

Thomas Marston one share by the last will of Wm Eastow.

Walter Ropper

Wm Marston Jun two shares bought of Thos Marston.

Henry Green

Abraham Perkins one share, bought of Henry Green.

Henry Ambrose

Wm Fuller 2 shares (of three which he bought of Henry Ambrose.)

Henry Ambrose

Anthony Stanyan 1 share, bought of Wm Fuller.

James Davis Senr

Anthony Stanyan 3 shares, bought of James Davis Senr

Philemon Dalton

Samuel Dalton 3 shares, as sole heir to Philemon Dalton deceased.

The Almes Lot

Samuel Fogg, 1 share bought of John Redman.

Isaac Perkins

Samuel Fogg, 1 share bought of Henry Roby.

Rev. S. Batchelder

Nathaniel Bachelder 1 share bought of John Sanborn.

Stephen Sanborn

Nathaniel Batchelder 1 share bought of Stephen Sanborn.

Thos Moulton

Mr. Dalton or his Relict, 3 shares bought of Thos Moulton late of Hampton.

Rev. S. Batchelder

Thos Philbrick Senr one share bought of Wm Sanborn—before that John Sanborn’s.

Wm English

John Casse two shares bought of Wm English.

Saml Getchell

Thos Dearborn one share bought of Mr. Rishworth & Thomas Leader.

Thos Sleeper

Henry Dow one share bought of Thomas Sleeper.

Henry Dow Senr

Henry Dow one share, by the last will of his father Henry Dow Senr .

Wm Eastow

Morris Hobbs two shares, by the last will of Wm Eastow.

Henry Green

John Marion one share bought of Henry Green.

Edw. Colcord by right from Tho. Jones.

Thomas Chase one share bought of Edward Colcord.

Aquila Chase

Thomas Chase, one share bought of Aquila Chase.

Francis Peabody

Robert Drake 3 shares bought of Francis Peabody.

Ed. Colcord right of T. Jones

Robert Drake 1 share of Edward Colcord, as appears folio 41.

Wm Howard

John Clifford, one share given him by Robt Page (one of those that Page bot of Howard).

Henry Sayward

John Philbrick, late of Hampton, one share bought of Henry Sayward.

Francis Swaine

Thomas Philbrick Junr — one share bought of Henry Green.

Francis Swaine

Nathl Weare, one share given him by Francis Swaine & confirmed by Martha Leveredge, his executrix .

Thos Chase

Robert Smith, one share bought of John Garland.

[Francis Swaine]

Nathl Weare one share more given him by Francis Swaine and confirmed by the wife of Caleb Leveredge as above.

Richard Swaine

Benjamin Swett–2 shares, bought of Richard Swaine.

Richard Swaine

Nathaniel Weare –one share, bought of Richard Swaine.

Wm English

Jasper Blake—one share, bought of Thomas Ward.

Mr. [T.] Dalton

John Knowles—2 shares bought of Emanuel Hilliard—by Giles Fuller.

Henry Dow

Thomas Nudd—one share bought of Henry Dow Senr

2 of the 3 shares to “The Almes Lott”

John Redman—2 shares granted to the lot given to him by the Town.

Wm Marston Senr

John Marston—3 shares bought of Wm Marston Senr .

Wm Marston Senr

Henry Dearborn—one of the above shares—bought of John Marston.

Wm Marston Senr

Abraham Cole—one share bought of Thos Philbrick, who bought it of John Moulton.


Francis Page — one share.


Daniel Dow—one share bought of Nathl Boulter.

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