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Squamscott Patent included the territory which now forms the town of Stratham. On this territory lived Capt. Thomas Wiggin, one of the magistrates of Massachusetts and for many years a judge of the courts of Salisbury and Hampton, at Dover and York. Living upon his farm, which lay not within the limits of any town, he was not liable to taxation till his case was made a subject of special legislation. It was then ordered by the General Court, that the dwelling-house of Capt. Wiggin, together with the lands and other property pertaining thereto, should belong to the town of Hampton, and be assessed by the selectmen thereof, in all rates, according to law, any custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding; and that for the time past in which he had paid no taxes, he should now allow the sum of five pounds only, and pay the same into the public treasury. This connection with Hampton continued about thirty-five years, from May 1657, to November 28, 1692, when it was transferred to Exeter.

Capt. Wiggin appears, by this act, to have been subjected to the same liabilities in regard to taxation, as if his property and his own residence had been within the limits of the town. Several years afterward, some changes were made, in practice at least, if not by law. The town voted to free him from paying for his farm such rates as were made for particular town charges, and for the house bought for the use of the minister; but he was still to pay for his farm and stock all rates made for the minister’s maintenance, and all country and county rates, as formerly. Hence it may be inferred, that his connection with the town was regarded as temporary rather than permanent, and on this account he was not required to pay any taxes, whose benefits would be in future only.

In the spring of 1663, the town, in accordance with the reserved right to order both the sweepage and feedage of the several commons, voted that, for the present year, three cows, or one horse and one cow, might be pastured on the cow common, for each share.

The selectmen having appointed William Fuller, John Sanborn and John Redman, to take notice of any breaches of the regulation about the making of staves, the town confirmed the appointment, gave the men appointed discretionary power to remit fines and to determine how many staves any man might make; also imposed a fine a ten shillings for each tree felled for staves without permission of the commmittee.

At the same meeting, Thomas Parker, shoemaker, was granted liberty to come into the town to follow his trade, though, for some unknown reason, nine prominent citizens entered their dissent.

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