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The Earliest Mill

An agreement was made, August 4, 1640, between the town and Richard Knight, in regard to his building and keeping a grist-mill at the Landing; for which the town was to allow him reasonable accommodation. What this “reasonable accommodation” should be, was determined at a town meeting, on the 25th of the same month, by granting him “an hundred acres convenient.” Articles of agreement were mutually subscribed and sealed on the 14th of September. The mill was built and the land promised, conveyed to Knight.

This seems to have been the first mill built in the town. It remained in possession of Goodman Knight several years; but in February, 1646, he conveyed it by deed to Christopher Lawson, of Boston, together with his dwelling-house at the Landing, with several tracts of land lying near, and others more remote — containing in all some more than one hundred acres; and all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging.

This mill was on the south side of the road, opposite the Benjamin Perkins place.

Sayward’s Windmill

September 8, 1642: The town granted to Henry Sayward, a lot of land five rods square on the hill beyond William Fuller’s lot, to set his windmill on; and a way, one rod in width, leading to it. The site of this mill, which was probably the second mill in town, was on the ridge, back of Alonzo W. Shaw’s, and not far from that place; the road way to it leading from the high road to the beach.
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