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A Forgotten Mill

There is a tradition, that, at an early day, a mill was built on a creek, flowing into Brown’s river, a few rods southerly of Eastman’s point, and known as “The old mill creek.” When and by whom the mill was built, no one pretends to know; but there are timbers lying in the creek, partly imbedded in mud, and when the tide is up, covered with water, which have probably lain there many scores of years. About the year 1828, Moses and Benjamin Perkins, owners of the land lying along the borders of the creek, dug some of them out, and found them sound and well-preserved, owing probably to the saltness of the mud and water in which they lay.

It was on the way over the marsh to this mill, that a farmer with his grist of corn on a hand-sled — so the story goes — passed a group of witches, drinking tea off a cake of ice.

Gove’s Windmill

In the account of Queen Anne’s war, it was related that the Indians killed Thomas Lancaster, on his way home from mill. [p. 234.] This was Gove’s windmill, afterwards owned by Edward Gove, grandson of that Edward who undertook to reform the government, in 1683. [p. 103.] It stood where now is the homestead of David Gove, in Seabrook, a little back of the house, on some rocks, still called the mill rocks. There yet remains a stone, on the premises, thought to be one of the mill-stones.

Some years ago, Mr. David Gove took away a stone wall, near the mill site, and found under it a well of good water, some six feet deep.

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