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John S. Gilman — Clock and Watch Repairer and Jeweller

He came to Hampton and began business in a small way, in the second story of the old post-office building, in February, 1877. Skill and industry have brought patronage, sos that he was enabled to buy land and build a house, to which he removed in 1883, and where he has since continued to make a comfortable living in his business.

Fred E. Sanborn — Barber

Has now, after several removes, a well-appointed shop, opposite the shoe-shop, where he deftly plies his trade, and receives liberal patronage.

E. B. Towle — Dry and Fancy Goods, and Gentlemen’s Furnishings

Opened his store in the old J. A. Towle building, in June, 1890, and has prospered in the enterprise.

Several stores are kept, through the summer months, at the South beach; the first, in point of time, being that of James Perkins, Jr., deceased, now John W. Locke’s. John M. Palmer has such a store near Boar’s Head. The rest are open but a little while, and kept mostly by strangers.

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