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Some Former Stores

The following advertisement, from an old-time newspaper will give an idea of the country store of a hundred years ago:
Hampton November 30th, 1757, — Just imported And to be SOLD by — Jonathan Moulton, Junr Colonel, afterwards General Moulton.] At his own store, by Wh. or Retail — A Fine Assortment of Braziery — and Cutlery WARE, almost every Thing suitable for — House Keeping. And a large Assortment of winter — and Summer GOODS, suitable for Men’s and Women’s Wear. Also WEST INDIA GOODS, SALT, &c —

  Jonathan Moulton, junr

N.B. I will engage to sell any of the above GOODS as — cheap for ready Cash or any other Good Pay, or three months Credit, as the like are sold any where in this Province. If any person (is) inclined to take a large Quantity, I will give six Months Credit and take Merchantable BOARDS — at Exeter, New Market, Almsbury or Newbury Landings.”

GERSHOM GRIFFITH, born in 1707, is styled “trader.”

COL. Christopher Toppan had a store in his house — the old family mansion, — in the time of the Revolution.

In later times JOHN CARROLL was a trader in Hampton, a considerable time before 1817.

MAJ. JOHN LOVERING, who was in trade in Hampton from 1814 to 1830, had his store about three hundred feet south of the Perry house, on the same side of the street. His brother, THOMAS LOVERING, was at first his clerk; but in 1820, went into trade by himself in a store on the corner by Josiah Dearborn’s tavern (the store Mr. Carroll had vacated sometime before). This he occupied till March 4, 1829, when he removed to Exeter. The store afterwards had several successive occupants, but was moved to another site at least, for a dwelling-house.

RICHARD GREENLEAF’S store was the building afterwards used by David Towle, undertaker and carpenter.

JACOB and ASAHEL MARSTON kept a store near their home (now John A. Nudd’s). Later, ADNA B. LANE had the same building for a store and tailor’s shop.

—– KNIGHT kept a store, where A. J. Philbrick now lives. Sally Quarles, who married Joshua Mace, was his clerk; also, David Moulton.

Some of the other storekeepers were: MOODY STOCKMAN and JOHN M. SEAWARD (near C. G. Toppan’s); JOHN C. FORSAITH (where Oliver Towle lives); JOHN MASON (where John G. Brown Lives); AMOS J. and JOHN A TOWLE, dry goods and groceries, in the present dwelling-house of the latter.

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