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Vaughan’s controversy with his superior was productive of no good to himself. On the contrary, as we have seen, it opened the way for his own removal from office. John Wentworth was his successor. His commission was published near the close of the year 1717. He was born in the province, and had been a member of the council. For more than five years after he was appointed lieutenant-governor, he had but a small share in the administration; but in 1723, at the departure of Governor Shute for England, he was left at the head of the government. This was during the war with the Indians, known as Lovewell’s war. So prudent was his management in this war, that his course was approved, and he gained the affections of the people.

In May, 1727, Mr. John Redman, a representative from Hampton, having resigned on account of age and feebleness, the House, “Considering the great age and Infirmness of the Said Mr John Redman Tho he hath been a Serviceable member of this house–Resolved–That according to his Request he be Dismissed.” Capt. Joshua Wingate was chosen his successor.

The date of Mr. Redman’s birth is not known, but he was married in 1667, and was probably over 80.

After the death of King George I, in June, 1727, the assembly of New Hampshire, chosen about five years before, was in consequence dissolved, and writs for a new assembly were issued in the name of George II, his successor. The new assembly met about the middle of December. The members from Hampton were Nathaniel Weare, Esq. (of the Falls parish), Capt. Joshua Wingate and John Sanborn, the first of whom was chosen speaker. An act was passed and approved by the lieutenant-governor, by which the existence of that and of succeeding assemblies was limited to three years, the magistrate at the head of the government having power to dissolve the assembly sooner than that, if he should deem it expedient. In consequence of a controversy between the two Houses, Lieutenant-Governor Wentworth prorogued, and soon after dissolved, the assembly.

A new assembly being called, it was found that nearly all the former members had been reëlected. They again made choice of Nathaniel Weare for their speaker. The lieutenant-governor negatived the choice and ordered a new election. The House adjourned from day to day without transacting any business. At length, on the ninth day of the session, the House passed a resolution, that they regarded it as an infringement of a privilege that they had always enjoyed, for the lieutenant-governor to disallow their choice of speaker, considering it “their undoubted right to choose their speaker, and that the confirmation thereof is only of course.” They further resolved-most of them having been members of the late assembly, of which Mr. Weare had been the speaker-that they must justify him in his proceedings in that assembly, believing that he acted uprightly, and for the good of his country, and they still had confidence in him as a suitable person for the office to which they had elected him. But as Mr. Weare was then desirous to be released from serving as speaker, they would grant his request and choose another person to fill the office.

Andrew Wiggin, Esq., was then chosen speaker, and the choice was approved by the lieutenant-governor; but throughout the session there was a want of harmony between him and the House.

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