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In 1728, a bill, providing for the annual payment of £200 sterling, or £600 in bills of credit, to William Burnet, the newly appointed governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, being before the House, it was passed by the casting vote of the speaker–the three members from Hampton voting in the negative.


Governor Burnet came to New Hampshire in September, but soon returned to Massachusetts, and not long after, died.

Mr. Jonathan Belcher, of Massachusetts, was the next governor, his authority extending over both provinces. On his first visit to New Hampshire, in 1730, he was hospitably entertained by Lieutenant-Governor Wentworth, the most friendly feelings seeming to exist between them. But circumstances, which it is not necessary here to detail, soon wrought an entire change, so that the most bitter opposition prevailed between them. Mr. Wentworth himself was, indeed, soon removed by death; but his friends continued active in the unhappy controversy. His successor in office was Col. David Dunbar, a native of Ireland,–a man most unfriendly to Governor Belcher, and ready to unite with the Wentworth party, in measures to embarrass his administration.

One subject, on which the two parties were at variance, was the question, whether New Hampshire should be annexed to Massachusetts, or entirely separated from it in the administration of its government. The governor and his party favored the former cause, and were consequently not very desirous to establish the boundary lines between the provinces; while the other party wanted New Hampshire to have a separate government; and they were anxious for a speedy adjustment of the lines, and that too, in a manner as favorable as possible to this province. The governor, however, urged upon the Legislatures of both provinces, to adopt measures for establishing the lines. This was done, not so much in accordance with his own feelings, as in compliance with instructions received from England.


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