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It is not easy for one person to enter into another’s labor and carry out his plan, even though the material be ready at hand. The author of this History died December 16, 1889. Had he lived to complete it, the selection and arrangement from among his papers would doubtless have differed in many respects from the work as now sent forth. The editor can scarely hope to have realized his ideal. And yet, by far the greater part of it was finished by the author’s own hand; and for the rest, having striven to carry it on with accuracy and discrimination, the editor submits it to the public, trusting that no serious mistakes have been made, and that something of value will be found to have been added to the written history of both early and later times.

The task of bringing the genealogies down to date has been attended with much difficulty, both from lack of knowledge of what, among the author’s records, he designed for this work, and what for other purposes; and because of omissions and inaccuracies in the Town Records. These have doubtless been as carefully kept as the generality of town records; but whole decades are passed over with scarcely an entry of birth or marriage; and it must be confessed that errors have been found in the entries made. To supply deficiencies and correct dates has required much time and labor, and it cannot be claimed that all errors have been eliminated; but much pains having been taken to insure accuracy, it is believed that any errors which remain will not essentially mar the verity of the record.

The history is brought down to the autumn of 1892; and any references to the present time are to be understood of that period.

The editor desires to thank all those citizens and friends who have aided in completing genealogies or furnishing historical information. Special acknowledgements are due to Mr. & Mrs, Edward Shaw, Charles M. Lamprey, Esq., Wm. E. Lane and J. Warren Dow, for obtaining facts that required correspondence and pains-taking search. Other helpers are too many to mention by name, but they are gratefully remembered.

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