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Old Home Day

1638 – Town of Hampton – 1961

Sketch of the Congregational Church

127 Winnacunnet Road

This church and town were founded in the year 1638 by a group of English settlers under the leadership of Rev. Stephen Bachiler. The second and third pastors were Timothy Dalton and John Wheelwright. They were succeeded by Seaborn Cotton, eldest son of Rev. John Cotton of Boston, one of the most distinguished of the early ministers of New England. It is believed that John Cotton himself visited Hampton and preached in our meeting house. Seaborn Cotton was succeeded by his son, also named John Cotton. Other great men of God have proclaimed the Gospel here for 323 years.

The present church building was erected in 1844, and is the sixth meeting house. Its beautiful old pulpit, however, dates from the previous building in 1796. Ancient communion silver belonging to this church may be seen in the Historical Museum in Concord, N.H. The antique violincello in the narthex case was the first musical instrument used in our church. This cello, originally called a bass-viol, was purchased by subscription in 1846 and was awarded to Daniel Hobbs to lead congregational singing. The instrument remained in the custody of the Hobbs and Lane families after the church installed an organ. Mrs. Eloise Lane Smith, fourth generation custodian of this ancient relic presented it to the church in 1952.

Two members of the fifth generation — direct descendants of Daniel Hobbs, Mr. Douglas S. Hobbs and Mrs. Andrew Lane Panyeko will be your guides in the church sanctuary on Old Home Day 1961.

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