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The Hamptons Union

September 9, 1915

Eclipsing all other affairs of a similar nature ever held in this vicinity, the first annual Hampton Beach carnival is attracting thousands of guests and daily the beach is being visited by sightseers and vacationists not only from all points in the Merrimack valley, but from many more distant places.

From the mile-long bridge across the Hampton river to Great Boar’s Head on the north, the beach is a blaze of color and the scene presented is one of great spectacular beauty. All the large hotels, the cafes, dry goods stores and other business places, as well as nearly all the private cottages are adorned in the national colors, red, white and blue, many fanciful and artistic designs having been conceived in the ideas followed out by the decorators, in addition to the flags and bunting which is used in profusion, there are myriads of red and green electric lights used advantageously in the decorative outline, all contributing to a scene seldom equalled at any coast resort.

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