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Hampton Union

Thursday, June 1, 1950

Prospects for a good season at Hampton Beach this summer were reported as favorable this week, by President Ray L. Goding of the Chamber of Commerce, who pointed to the number of mail inquiries and advance rentals and reservations as an indication that 1950 would be up to last year.

Although pessimism has been expressed by some who feel that employment conditions throughout New England may hurt the prospects of a good season at Hampton, President Goding said today that requests for literature at the Chamber of Commerce office was holding up to last year’s figures and that real estate offices had reported a very favorable picture on advance rentals and reservations.

Come what may, Hampton Beach will look the best it has in many years for its summer visitors with many improvements noted along the entire shoreline.

The opening of the modern toll bridge over Hampton River and the improvements to the entrance of the State Park, give the southern end of the beach an entirely “new look” for the 1950 vacationist. The removal of the toll houses to the Seabrook end of the bridge is expected to alleviate the traffic bottleneck at the junction of Marsh (Ashworth) Avenue and Ocean Boulevard.

The granite curbing and landscaping at the entrance to the new bridge, lend an entirely new and vastly improved appearance at the southern entrance to the beach.

The “face lifting” operation to many of the hotels and business places that was begun last year, has been implemented this spring by the expansion and remodeling of the Hampton Beach Casino and Ocean House, a brand new North Shore Shopping Center and extensive building of summer cottages and cabins.

For over a month, hundreds of young people have been flocking to the Casino where Saturday night dances are being held regularly until the full opening of the season. A new heating system for the ballroom, patterned after those developed during the war to heat large areas in war plants has been installed.

The first thing that catches the eye on the waterfront is the “new look” being rapidly acquired by the central structure on Ocean boulevard, the Casino. John Dineen and his associates have been busy for months with architects, engineers and electricians planning an extensive remodeling of the whole group of buildings within and without.

The new central facade will be illuminated by a three foot high 45 foot long neon-lighted plastic-faced sign. The whole Casino will be lighted by indirect fluorescent lighting.

Additions and changes include a new coffee shop, kitchen equipment and decoration, while at the rear in the bathhouse, new tile showers with non-skid ceramic floors have been added.

Alongside the Casino, the Ocean House, has acquired a new and graceful Colonial entrance, a larger lobby built around a new homey limestone fireplace.

To lessen the congestion sometimes found at the main section of Hampton Beach’s shopping center and to provide nearer facilities for those located at the northern end of the beach, Henry V. Dupuis, has planned and executed a new North Shore Shopping Center. Modeled after similar centers on the Gulf Coast, this series of buildings immediately catches the attention of visitors coming to the beach along the main road from Hampton Center.

Although these two projects present the biggest changes at the beach, there are innumerable business places and hotels that have renovated and remodeled their buildings. The Hotel Allen, formerly the Constance, which was purchased last fall by Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen of Salisbury, Mass. has been redecorated and the Hotel Kentville, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goding, has added on six new rooms in addition to the extensive remodeling project completed last spring.

Other changes at Hampton will be apparent to most of the 1950 summer visitors for the new boardwalk lights which were installed last summer will be lighted this year for the first time. The Town of Hampton will also build four new lifeguard towers for the main part of the beach, to improve the safety facilities along the water front.

President Ray Goding reports that the Chamber of Commerce has signed the 1950 contract with Chuck Hill and his band who will begin daily band concerts on July 1st. The band this year will be augmented by the addition of a Hammond organ which will be installed within the next two weeks. The organ is available for Sunday concerts throughout the month of June.

The Chamber of Commerce will also make a bid for the 1951 New England Music Festival. Local arrangements shave been completed and a representative group of the local Chamber will meet soon with the New England association officials in an attempt to secure the 1951 festival for Hampton Beach.

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