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By Liz Premo, Atlantic News Staff Writer

Atlantic News, Friday, August 19, 2005

[The following article is courtesy of Atlantic News]

WINDOW TO THE PAST — Lynn Davis (left), a relative of the founder of the Briggs Carriage Company of Amesbury, Massachusetts, is pictured here with Connie and John Holman, who presented her with a ventilation window from the original Briggs Trolley Car #8.
[Atlantic News Courtesy Photo by G. Scott Briggs]

The ventilating window from Car #8 now hangs on the wall of Lynn A.Davis,
a Briggs Carriage Co. member, in Patchogue, NY

Special to the Atlantic News

HAMPTON — John and Connie Holman of Hampton recently attended the Briggs Family Reunion, which was held in Colchester, Vermont.

The final event of the weekend included a recitation of the history of the Briggs Carriage Company of Amesbury, Massachusetts, builders of carriages and later, trolley cars.

Many Briggs cars were purchased by the Exeter Street Railway and the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway Company.

John, a Hampton History Volunteer at the Lane Memorial Library in Hampton, presented the Briggs history, accompanied by photographs and other visuals.

The Holmans then presented a special gift to Lynn A. Davis, a relative of the Briggs company founder. The gift was an original ventilating window from Briggs Trolley Car #8, formerly the kitchen of the Hampton Diner.

Measuring about a yard long and about eight or so inches wide, the well-preserved window features a patterned frosted glass pane secured in a wood frame.

Previously, a bell from Briggs Trolley Car #6 had been given to Lynn by the Holmans. The bell was rung to officially close the Briggs family reunion program.

Two Special Angels

By Lynn A. Davis

Atlantic News, Friday, September 2, 2005

[The following article is courtesy of Atlantic News]

To the Editor:

There are times in one’s life that “moments” happen — you know them. They are the special times, places, events, people that come in to your life and then your life is changed, forever.

I have been very fortunate to have several of these — one just recently. It has changed my life forever. I met John and Connie Holman.

Your community has been fortunate to have them for a lifetime of goodwill, service and love for their neighbors and friends. I have been touched by them only recently and have only one regret — that I could have been one of you “Hamptonites” and known them for my lifetime.

They recently attended my family reunion and made a wonderful impression with their kindness, knowledge and generosity of spirit.

Please treasure them each and every day. They are truly two of the most special angels walking with us through life.

To my angels — may I be so fortunate as to be self-interested enough to hope that you are with me and my family for a long time to come.

To the community — you have been blessed. Let John and Connie know that on occasion for me. Enjoy them.

Lynn A. Davis

Patchogue, NY

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