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Compiled by John M. Holman, Hampton History Volunteer

Lane Memorial Library

Hampton, New Hampshire

[Photographs courtesy of
“Trolleys To The Casino, Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway”

By O. R. Cummings, January 1, 1969]

Stock Certificate #99 of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway, 1908.

Ready to leave Exeter for Amesbury in 1900 is No. 18, the RPO car of
the EH&A. Herbert Pierson, conductor, is at the left,
and Nicholas Walsh, motorman, at right.

Possibly acting as a pusher, the mail car No. 18 is shown with a
snow plow on Water Street, Exeter, near the Town Hall.

The Exeter-Amesbury RPO car at Whittier’s Junction,
Hampton, about 1901.

The postmark of the Exeter & Amesbury
RPO (Railway Post Office).

Mail Car 18 at Salisbury Plains. The clerk is making
deliveries to the boxes on the pole at left.

No. 14 or 16, the mail car, and No. 8 of the EH&A at Smithtown Square.

Serving as a shed on a Hampton farm is the body of the
EH&A mail car, No. 18.

E. H. & A. St. Ry. Car No.8

The Kitchen of the Hampton Diner

EH&A No. 8 in Market Square,
Amesbury, about 1901.

Serving as the kitchen of the Hampton
Diner in Hampton Village is EH&A No. 8.
(Razed in 1966)

Smashed to smithereens by a bulldozer, the
remain of EH&A No. 8 are shown during the
demolition of the Hampton Diner in 1966.

[See also, Trolley Car #8 Leaves Hampton for Last Time — 1966]

E. H. & A. St. Ry. Car No. 6

The Little Stone House

Trolley car No. 6 is now a home c. 1935.

[See: End of the Line for Trolley Car …. It’s a home!]

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