By Charles A. Hazlett — 1915

Chapter XXXIV


Geographical — The First Settlement — Names of Early Settlers —
Documentary History — Witchcraft — Tea Act Resolves —
Revolutionary Soldiers — Soldiers of 1861-65 — Ecclesiastical

HAMPTON is located on the coast, and is bounded as follows: on the north by NORTH HAMPTON, on the east by the ATLANTIC OCEAN, and on the south and west by HAMPTON FALLS. The surface is level and the soil fertile. The area is about eight thousand acres. The population in 1910 was 1,215. HAMPTON is connected by electric railways to EXETER, AMESBURY and to PORTSMOUTH via RYE BEACH.

The Town of HAMPTON was incorporated May 22, 1639, by a “Court holden at Boston.” It had previously been called WINNACUNNET, but the court ordered that it “shalbee called Hampton.”

It embraced, in addition to its present territory, the present towns of NORTH HAMPTON, HAMPTON FALLS, SEABROOK, KENSINGTON, and SOUTH HAMPTON, having an area of about forty-five thousand five hundred acres.

It was originally a portion of MASSACHUSETTS, and remained as such until 1680, when it was joined to NEW HAMPSHIRE.


The settlement of this ancient town dates back to 1638, when the Rev. Stephen Bachiler and a company of adventurous pioneers located upon its fertile lands.

Johnson, in his “Wonder-Working Providence,” which was the first history of NEW ENGLAND ever published, in referring to the settlement here, says:

“Much about this time (1638) began the town of Hampton, in the county of Norfolk, to have the foundation-stone laid, situate near the sea coast not far from the famous River of Merrimack, the great store of salt marsh did intice the people to set down their habitation there, for as yet Cowes and Cattell of their kinde were not come to the great downfall in their price, of which they have about 450 head; and for the form of the Town it is like a Flowere de luce, two streets of houses wheeling off from the main body thereof; the land is fertile, but filled with swamps and some store of rocks, the people are about 60 families, being gathered together in Church covenant, they called to office the reverend, grave, and gracious Mr. Doulton, having also for some little space of time the more ancient Mr. Bachiler to preach unto them also; here take a short rememberance for the other:

“‘Doulton doth teach perspicuously and sound,
With wholesome truths of Christ they flock doth feed.
They honor with thy labor doth abound,
Age crownes thy head, in righteousness proceed
To battle downe, root up, and quite destroy
All Heresies and Errors that drew back
Unto perdition, and Christ’s flocks annoy;
To warre for him those weappons dost not lack.
Long days to see that long’d for day to come
Of Babel’s fall and Israel’s quiet peace;
Thou yet maist live of days so great a sum,
To see this work let not they warrfare cease.'”

This was the “one and twentieth town” settled within the bounds of the ancient County of Norfolk.

In 1636, Massachusetts, with a view of securing the valuable meadows in this vicinity, empowered Mr. Drummond and John Spencer, of Newbury, to build a “bound house” here at the expense of the colony. It was built in 1638, the architect being Nicholas Easton, who subsequently removed to Rhode Island and erected the first English house in Newport. This “bound house” was the first structure erected by whites within the bounds of the ancient town.

The following is a list of the first settlers who accompanied Mr. Bachiler: John Browne, Christopher Hussey, Edmund Johnson, Robert Tucke, Thomas Jones, Robert Saunderson, James Davis, Richard Swaine, Samuel Greenfield, Abraham Perkins, Francis Peabody, Philemon Dalton, John Huggins, Jeoffrey Mingay, Thomas and John Moulton, William Palmer, Thomas Marston, William Eastowe, Lieut. William Hayward, Isaac Perkins, William Wakefield, William Fifield, Moses Cox, Thomas King, Anthony Taylor, Thomas Ward, Silas Fuller, William Saunders, Daniel Hendrick, John Wedgewood, Thomas Chase, William Fuller, Robert Carwell, John Cross, William Sargeant, and Arthur Clark.

The following were here the second summer of the settlement: Robert Page, Joseph Austin, John Philbrick, Walter Roper, William Marston, Joseph Smith, William English, Henry Ambrose, and William Parker.

The following additional settlers are found in 1643: James Davis, Jr., William Marston, Jr., William and Stephen Sanborn, A. Chase, Edward Tucke, Francis Swaine, Thomas Linnet, John Sanborn, William Huntington, and Richard Knight.


Henry Ambrose was granted lands in 1640. He assisted in building the first pound in the town. It stood on the meeting-house Green.

Francis Austin was one of the earliest proprietors of Hampton. He was here in 1741. He had two children, Isabella and Jemima. Isabella married Philip Towle, and was charged with being a witch. George Aborne was here prior to 1650. The name was sometimes spelled Eborne, or Ebourne.

Jasper Blake was here in 1650, when he and his wife had seats assigned to them in the meeting-house. He died in 1673, leaving a widow, Deborah. She died in 1678, and among the articles of her estate which were appraised were a “a pike well headed, 5 shillings; a sword, 5s.; and a gun barrel, 5s.”

Nathaniel Boulter was here in 1644. It is related of him that “he was a quarrelsome, litigous fellow, always in the law, and very unpopular.” What doubtless rendered him peculiarly odious to the inhabitants of Hampton was the fact of his taking an active part against them in the celebrated suits of Mason, which involved the title to the lands in New Hampshire. He died in 1693.

John Brown was one of the first company who settled here. He was here in 1640. He built the first “barque” that was built in Hampton in 1641-42, at the river near Perkins Mill. He was a prominent man, became one of the largest land-owners in the town, was one of the selectmen in 1651 and 1656, and in 1663, was chosen “to see that the boys do not play in the gallery.” He died in 1686.

John Cass came to Hampton, and married Martha, the daughter of Thomas Philbrick, before 1650. He died “suddenly in his bed,” April 7, 1675. His estate, as appraised by Edward Gove and Joseph Dow, was valued at £940, 11s. His property was of more value than that of any person who died in Hampton prior to 1680. The Hon. Lewis Cass was a direct descendant of the above.

Aquila Chase was here in 1640. He was born in 1618, and died in 1670. He was the ancestor of Hon. Dudley Chase, Bishop Chase, and of the Chase families of Portsmouth and New Castle.

Thomas Chase was one of the first settlers who came here the first summer. He died in 1652.

John Clifford and wife came to Hampton prior to 1650. He was a selectman in 1660, and a signer to Weare’s petition to the king in 1683. He had three wives, and died in 1694.

Edward Colcord settled here prior to 1645. A son, Edward, was killed by the Indians in that part of North Hampton known as “Pagetown.” “Ould Edward Colcord died in 1681.” His wife and family having been abused by him, and fearful of their personal safety, had him confined in jail. He gave bonds to keep the peace, and was discharged. He and his wife Ann having complained of each other for fighting, were both bound over to keep the peace, April 22, 1686.

William Cole was one of the witnesses to Wheelright’s Indian deed, and was in Exeter in 1638. He came to Hampton soon after. He died in 1662, aged about eighty years. He was the husband of A HREF=”/hampton/biog/goody.htm”>Eunice (“Goody”) Cole, the reputed witch.

Thomas Coleman was here prior to 1650.

Moses Cox was one of the earliest settlers. In 1657 he lost his wife and only son, John, by drowning. This event is thus related in the town records:

“20, 8, 1657. The sad Hand of God upon Eight persons going in a vessell by Sea from Hampton to boston who were all swallowed up in the osian sone after they were out of the Harbor, the persons wear by name as followeth. Robert Nead, ssurgent, William Swaine, Manewell Hilyard, John Philbrick, and Ann Philbrick his wife and Sarah Philbrick the daughter, Alise the wife of Moses Corks, three sons, who were all Drowned this 20th of the 8 mo 1657.” This was the most distressing event which occurred during the early settlement of the town.

John Cross was one of Bachiler’s friends, who came here in the first company.

Philemon Dalton was one of the fifteen persons to whom Hampton was granted. He came here with his brother Timothy in 1638.

Rev. Timothy Dalton, a brother of the above, came here with Bachiler in 1638, Bachiler being the pastor, and Dalton the teacher, of the church.

James Davis, Sr., came in 1640, and “lived on the landing road.” James Davis, Jr., was also a pioneer.

Godfrey Dearborn came here from Exeter between the years 1645 and 1650. Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn was a descendant. He was a prominent man in the town, and was selectman, representative, etc.

William Fuller came in 1640. Liberty was given him “to come and sitt downe here as a Planter and Smith in case he bring a certificate of approbation from ye magr or Elders.” He was selectman and representative. He was one of the signers to Weare’s petition. By his will he gave to the church at Hampton “my Porter Flagon.”

John Garland came to Hampton before 1653. He died in 1671.

Samuel Getchell came from Exeter here prior to 1645.

Deacon William Godfrey was admitted a freeman in 1640.

Henry Green, Esq., came to Hampton before 1645, and was one of the most prominent men for many years. He was one of the assistant judges who tried the Reverend Mr. Moody. He died in 1700.

Daniel Hendrick was one of the young men who came here the first summer.

Barnabas Horton was also one of the pioneers.

E. Hilliard was here before 1650.

Maurice Hobbs, one of the pioneers, left England in consequence of disappointed love. The course of true love failing to run smooth, he sailed for the Western world, and became an inhabitant of Hampton soon after 1640. He married Sarah, daughter of William Easton.

Lieut. William Howard was one of the earliest settlers, and one of the most prominent men during his residence in the town. He came in 1640. He was the first commander of the militia of Hampton, and was one of the leading business men, being chosen to nearly all the offices, both in church and town.

John Huggens came the first summer.

Christopher Hussey was a son-in-law of Reverend Mr. Bachiler, and came here with him. He was a prominent and influential citizen, and held various offices.

Edmund Johnson was one of the first company of settlers. In 1648 he is chosen to ring the bell, keep the meeting-house clean, and keep out the dogs for a year. His son Thomas was the first white child born in Hampton.

Thomas Jones was one of the first prospectors. He was not here after 1641.

John Legatt was an inhabitant in 1640. He was a schoolmaster.

Thomas Marston was among the married men who came to Hampton the first summer of its settlement. He was a surveyor.

William Marston was also an early settler. He remained here until about 1651, when he removed to North Hampton.

Joseph Merry came to Hampton prior to 1653, and was a carpenter.

Jeffrey Mingay was among the first company of settlers. He is said to have been a very active and useful man, both in church and town affairs.

Robert Page came to Hampton in the second summer of its settlement. He was selectman, representative, and deacon. “He was one of the most enterprising and useful men of his day, so far as his want of knowledge sufficient to write his name would permit.”

Abraham Perkins was among the first settlers. He is described as being superior in point of education to the most of his contemporaries, writing a beautiful hand, and was often employed as an appraiser of estates, etc. He died in 1683.

Isaac Perkins was one of the first settlers. The Perkinses of Seabrooke are his descendants.

James Philbrick was here prior to 1650. He was a mariner, and was drowned in Hampton River in 1674.

John Philbrick came during the second summer of the settlement. He was the first of the name in Hampton.

Thomas Philbrick came here in 1650 or 1651, and is supposed to be the ancestor of the Philbricks in Hampton, Rye, Seabrooke, etc.

“Robert Read, of Boston, is admitted as an inhabitant into the towne to follow his trade of shoomaking.” (Town records, 1657.) He was drowned in 1657.

John Redman was an early settler. In 1684 he was chosen to keep the boys from playing in the gallery. He was an aid to Mason and Cranfield in their controversy with the people.

Edward Rishworth came here in about 1650. He was a son-in-law of Wheelright, and a leading man while here. He removed to Kittery in 1652.

Henry Roby came to Hampton in 1653. He was a leading spirit, and was one of the justices of the Court of Sessions before whom Mr. Moody had his trial in 1684. He was selectman in 1656, 1660, 1665, and 1681. He died in 1688. His descendants reside in this vicinity and in Maine. It is believed that Col. Frederick Robie, the present governor of Maine, is a descendant.

Lieut. John Sanborn, with his brothers Stephen and William, came to Hampton in 1640. His mother was a daughter of the Rev. Stephen Bachiler. Lieut. Sanborn was an active, influential citizen, and was chosen to various positions of trust and responsibility. He was one of the most strenuous opponents of the Masonian claim and of Cranfield’s administration. He was a signer to Weare’s petition to the king in 1683.

In October, 1683, Robert Mason, Sherlock, the marshall, and James Leach came to Sanborn’s house in order to give Mason house possession, when Sanborn not opening the door, Leach by the marshal’s order broke it open, and gave Mason possession. Mr. Sherlock took Sanborn prisoner, when Mason openly told the people “that is what you shall all come to.”

In 1683, Cranfield brought an action against Sanborn for saying, “I question whether ever the King knew of his, the said Edward Cranfield’s, commission or patent.” His four sons — Richard, Josiah, John, and Joseph — were signers to Weare’s petition.

Stephen Sanborn was a brother of John and William, and came to Hampton with them.

William Sanborn, brother of the above named, was also an active citizen.

Robert Shaw came to Hampton between 1646 and 1649. He was a representative in 1651-53.

Among the first votes passed by the good people of Hampton was one imposing a fine for non-attendance at town-meeting, as follows:

“Twelve pence fine imposed on all who neglect to attend the meetings of the Freemen after one-half hour of the time appointed, having had a sufficient warning. August 30, 1639.”

In the following month William Sanborn was chosen bell-ringer.

December 27, 1639, it was voted that “every master of a family provide a Ladder (before the last of May next) whereby he may reach to the top of his House, or they shall forfeit 4 pence a piece.” The constable ordered “to collect it or pay it himself.”


April 6, 1640, the town ordered that “writings be drawn between the town and Richard Knight concerning his building a mill near the landing place.”

At the same meeting a vote was passed to build a “Meeting-House 40 feet long, 22 Feet wide, & 13 Feet high between joynts. A place to be fixed for a Bell now given by the Rev. Pastor, Mr. Batchelder.” The expense of this meeting-house to be defrayed by voluntary contributions.

Ten shillings voted to be given to those who kill a wolf.

In 1647, mention is made of a mill which Timothy Dalton and William Howard undertook to build.

In 1648, a grant of twenty-five acres was made to Abraham Perkins and Henry Green in consideration of their building a mill.

In 1687, Philip Towle fined one shilling for profane swearing by Henry Dow, justice of the peace.

In 1687, “it was ordered by vote that the selectmen shall take care to build a convenient watch-house according to law, and to sett it where the ould watch-house stood, and to provide Powder, bullets, mach-flints, or what els the Law requires for a Perm stock for the soldiers, and to make a rate for the same upon the inhabitants not exceeding £10.”

The constable ordered to keep the youth from playing on Sabbath days.

In the years when the laws were enacted in the assembly they had reference to many things outside of ordinary legislation. Women were forbidden to expose their arms or bosoms to view. Their sleeves must reach to the wrists and their dresses fit high upon the necks. No person worth less than £200 was allowed to wear gold or silver lace, or silk hoods or scarfs.


February 15, 1704, the town voted “that the present Selectmen take care that all the clay walls in the Meeting House that are not ceiled shall be smoothed over with clay and washed with White Lime and made hansom.”

March 1, 1714, a vote was passed imposing a fine of ten shillings on those who vote in a meeting of the Commons without a right.

In 1726, Deborah Brown was given notice by the selectmen to remove from town, otherwise to give security; if not, they will prosecute her “according to Law.”

In 1661, a penalty was imposed on any one “who shall ride or lead a Horse into the meeting house.”


May 17, 1692, “It was voted that liberty is given to so many as are willing to remove the Fortification from about the Meeting House and to sett it between the Minister’s House, the Prison, and the Meeting House in some convenient place, that there may be liberty for any concerned in it to build Houses in it, according to custom in other Forts.” “It was voted that there shall be a House builded in said Fort, at the Town’s charge, of 14 feet wide and 16 feet long, and finished forthwith for the use of it; it shall be improved for a Scout House, or the Watch House removed and made habitable.”


The following is an interesting document concerning garrisons:
“HAMPTON, 11 Oct. 1703.

“I do hereby Direct that you forthwith order a convenient Number of Garrisons for the Town of Hampton, particularly one in the body of the Town, Near the Church, to be of large contents, where the women and children may repayr in Case of Danger, that your soldiers may the better defend the place, and that you command all the soldiers of your Towns to attend thereof till they be finished. Given under my hand the day and year above written.



In 1650, a vote passed to have the bell rung every evening at 9 o’clock throughout the year except Sunday, when it was to be rung at eight.


The Hampton Causeway Turnpike Corporation, incorporated in 1808, distance one and three-quarters miles, cost $14,173.66; discontinued in 1826.


It was called Hampton Academy and was incorporated June 16, 1810.


Eunice (“Goody”) Cole, widow of William Cole, was a fruitful source of vexation to the good people of Hampton for a long series of years. Hated and despised for her ugly and malicious disposition, she was also feared by many on account of her supposed alliance with the devil, who had given her power to inflict whatever punishment or injury she chose upon all who had the daring in any way to offend her. But notwithstanding her reputation of being a witch, it did not prevent the young people of that day from playing upon her many a trick, which the fact of her living solitary and alone afforded them a good opportunity. The story goes that Peter Johnson, who was a carpenter, was a ringleader among her tormenters. At one time he was framing the second meeting-house, when attempting to hew off a chip from a stick of timber, while she was standing by waiting to pick it up for her fire, he struck blow after blow without producing any apparent impression upon the stubborn wood. This caused her to laugh at him, and taunt him with his great skill as a carpenter, which so irritated him that he threw his axe directly at her. It, however, passed her, and stuck in the ground, with the handle upwards. He caught hold of the handle with the intention of taking it up, but in vain. At length after repeated unavailing efforts, he requested her to give him his axe again, and told her that he was very sorry for what he had done. She immediately went and pulled the axe out with the greatest ease.

It is also related that at one time some of the more daring of the young people looked into her windows one evening, when they saw her very busily engaged in turning a bowl with something in it, apparently in the shape of a boat. At last she turned it over, and exclaimed, “There, the devil has got the imps!” That night news came that Peter Johnson, carpenter, and James Philbrick, mariner, were drowned at the same hour from a boat in the river, near the creek now known as Cole’s Creek. The drowning of these men, who were much lamented, increased the fear and hatred of the old woman.

On the Rockingham County records is the following: “At a Quarter Court held at Hampton, in the Province of New Hampshire, 7 Sept. 1680, Maj. Richard Waldron Pres., Eunice Cole, of Hampton, by Authorite, committed to prisson on suspition of being a witch, & upon examination of Testimonys the Court vehemently suspects her so to be, but not full proof is sentenced, & confined to Imprisonment, & to be kept in durance until this Court take further ords with a lock to be kept on her legg. In meane while the Selectmen of Hampton to take care to provide for her as formerly that she may be retained.

“The testimony put on file.”

She lived in a little hut in the rear of the academy, and upon her death the people dragged the body to a hole and covered it up with all speed, and then drove a stake through it with a horseshoe attached, to prevent her from again troubling the good people of Hampton.

The fear of her name would alarm the most courageous or subdue the worst temper from generation to generation.


The persecution of the Quakers in New England during the middle and latter part of the seventeenth century is too well known to be repeated here. This honored town did not escape the fanaticism of the day, as we have recorded evidence that “three vagabond Quakers, Anna Coleman, Mary Tompkins, and Abie Ambrose,” were made fast to the “cart’s tail” and whipped upon their naked backs through the town. This decree was ordered by Richard Waldron, dated “Dover, December 22, 1662.” It was sent to the various constables in the towns from Dover to Dedham, that those Quakers should be conveyed from constable to constable, receiving ten stripes in each town “till they are out of this jurisdiction.” This order was only executed in Dover, Hampton, and Salisbury. In the latter town Walter Barefoot, under the pretence of delivering them to the constable of Newbury, secured them from further cruelty by sending them out of the province.

Hampton men served in the Indian wars 1673-1763. In the King Williams’ war, eighty Hampton men are known to have served.


The first recorded action of the Town of Hampton concerning the War of the Revolution was under date of January 17, 1774, when a series of resolutions were passed called the “Tea Act Resolves.” They stigmatized the tea tax as “unreasonable and unconstitutional,” and, further, that “it must be evident to every one that is not lost to virtue nor devoid of common sense that if they are submitted to will be totally destructive to our natural and constitutional rights and liberties, and have a direct tendency to reduce the Americans to a state of actual slavery.”

At this meeting the following committee of correspondence was chosen: Mr. Philip Towle, Capt. Josiah Moulton, Amos Coffin, Esq., Mr. William Lane, and Josiah Moulton (3d).

“July 18, 1774, Col. Jonathan Moulton, Col. Christopher Toppan, Capt. Josiah Moulton, and Mr. Josiah Moulton (3d) were chosen delegates to the Provincial Congress to be holden at Exeter on the 21st inst. to chose delegates for the Continental Congress.”

August 7, 1775, it was “voted to set a guard of four men each night upon the Beach until the Fall of the year.”

July 29, 1776, four pounds was voted to each man who should enlist, in addition to the bounty given by the colony.


The following is a list of Revolutionary soldiers from this town:

A roll of the company who enlisted under Capt. Henry Elkins and went to the assistance of the Massachusetts colony (the next day after the fight at Concord) as far as Ipswich; the following is a list:

Captain, Henry Elkins; lieutenants, James Perkins and John Dearborn; privates, Simon Sanborn, Edmund Mason, Philip Marston, John Lamprey, Jr., Jabez Towle, Jonathan Marston, Jr., Daniel Philbrick, Jr., John Sanborn, of Epping, Jonathan Moulton, Jr., Amos Knowles, Jr., John M. Moulton, Samuel Hobbs, John Dow, Samuel Marston, Edward Moulton, Jonathan Shaw, Carter Batchelder, John Taylor, Jr., John Sanborn, Abner Sanborn, Joshua Towle, Jr., Joseph Freese, Edmund Philbrick, Nathaniel Foster, Jonathan Knowles, Simon Towle, Daniel Tilton, Simon Philbrick, Simon Philbrick, Simon Moulton, James Hobbs, and James Tuck.

Hampton, April 20, 1775.

The following are the names of the soldiers who went to Portsmouth in October, 1775:

Lieutenants, Cotton Ward and John Dearborn; privates, Abner Page, Joshua Towle, Jethro Blake, Moses Brown, Jacob Palmer, Daniel Tilton, Benjamin Page, Robert Drake, Noah Lane, Small Moulton, and John Dow.

Lieut. Joseph Dearborn served in 1777, and his son in 1775. Sergt. Joseph Freese served in 1775.

The following is a list of those who went to Saratoga in October, 1777:

Colonel, Jonathan Mouilton; captain, John Dearborn; clerk, Josiah Lane; sergeants, John Sanborn, Moses Elkins; lieutenants, John Taylor; corporals, Joshua Towle, Abner Page, and Nathan Brown; privates, Jonathan Philbrick, Abner Sanborn, Samuel Marston, Benjamin Page, Jacob Palmer, Noah Lane, Jabez James, Josiah Mason, Jonathan Godfrey, Jeremiah Ballard, Batchelor Brown, Jonathan Marston, Jabez Towle, Samuel Drake, Jacob Moulton, John M. Moulton, Joseph Nay, James Lane, and Jethro Blake.

The following enlisted in 1781 for three months, for twenty-five bushels of Indian corn per month or money equal thereto: Amos Garland, Thomas Churchhill, Zadoc Sanborn, Josiah Dearborn, Jr., Simon Doe, Jr., William Batchiler, Josiah Dearborn, and Isaac Godfrey.

Samuel Batchiler, Tristram Godfrey, and William Moulton enlisted for the term of six months. On July 10, 1780, the following enlisted for a term of three months: Batchiler Brown, John Dearborn, John Marston, Zaccheus Brown, Amos Brown, Joseph Freese Dearborn, Thomas Moore, Samuel Marston, and Simon Ward.

The names of 174 men are recorded as having signed the association test and of two that refused.


New Hampshire Battalioin, First Regiment, New England Cavalry, Afterwards First New Hampshire Cavalry

G. Dearborn, Troop “M,” December 24, 1861; missed in action October 12, 1863; died in Andersonville Prison July 25, 1864. M.H. Godfdrey, Troop “M,” January 8, 1862; re-enlisted January 5, 1864; died from sunstroke in Virginia July 2, 1864. J. W. Lewis, Troop “M,” January 20, 1862. J. D. Lamprey, Troop “M,” February 17, 1862; November 17, 1862.


H. N. T. Blake, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. W. T. Blake, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. A. B. Blake, Company K, Septermber 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. C. W. Brown, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. C. W. Drake, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. G. O. Leavitt, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. D. Y. Moulton, Jr., Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. D. B. Johnson, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865; J. A. Philbfrick, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. J. G. Mace, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. A. W. Shaw, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865. D. A. Towle, Company K, September 17, 1864; June 15, 1865.


Everitt D. Blake, enlisted for three years, died of disease; G. E. Blake; T. S. Blake; J. C. Dunbar, enlisted for three years; Charles Godfrey, enlisted for one year; D. Godfrey, enlisted for three years, killed in action; C. M. Hobbs; J. Lamprey, enlisted for three years; L.S. Lamprey; J. Locke, enlisted for one year; J. W. Mace, enlisted for one year; J. H. Nudd; J. E. Riley, enlisted for three years; A. M. Stevens; F. W. Stevens, died of disease.

Those serving in other than New Hampshire regiments: J. A. Blake, Massachusetts; J. T. Moulton, 1st Maine Cavalry, lost an arm; J. D. Palmer, 12th Massachusetts, killed in action; Samuel Palmer, Massachusetts; J. Page, Massachusetts; E. S. Perkins, 30th, killed in action; A. J. Philbrick, 2d District Columbia; D. T. Philbrick, 22d Massachusetts, missed in action; G. B. Wingate, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, died in service from disease contracted in Libby Prison, Va.

Hampton contributed 111 men to the army and navy of whom seventy-eight enlisted for three years; thirty-one were in service three years of more; twenty-six were killed or died in service.

In the 1812-14 war, nearly all the Hampton men that served were stationed at Portsmouth.



Joseph S. Gillespie, Company B, June 1, 1861; sergeant, June 13, 1865; re-enlisted; drowned in James River, Va.


Charles F. Dunbar, captain, August 22, 1861; resigned. O. M. Dearborn, second lieutenant, August 22, 1861; 1865. J. C. Dunbar, first sergeant, August 23, 1861; July 31, 1862; disability. Geo. Perkins, sergeant, Augut 23, 1861; killed in action. D. P. Marston, sergeant, August 23, 1861; Marach 11, 1862; disability. J. W. Akerman, corporal, August 23, 1861; second lieutenant, July 28, 1863; resigned. Abram Dow, corporal, August 23, 1861; sergeant, November 5, 1862; disability. William E. Lane, corporal, August 23, 1861; August 23, 1864. J. S. James corporal, August 23, 1861; captain, July 20, 1865. W.H. Blake, August 23, 1861; August 23, 1864; wounded. G. T. Crane, August 23, 1861; sergeant, June 26, 1865; disability. J. N. Dow, August 23, 1861; sergeant, February 20, 1862; died of disease. H. B. Dearborn, August 23, 1861; July 20, 1865. S. W. Dearborn, August 23, 1861; August 23. 1864. W. L. Dodge, August 26, 1861; first lieutenant, October 16, 1864; resigned. James Fair, August 23, 1861; killed in action. June 16, 1862. G. W. Goss, August 23, 1861; sergeant, May 20, 1865; wounded. W. H. Godfrey, August 23, 1861; August 23, 1864. J. F. Hobbs, August 23, 1861; corporal, March 15, 1865; died of disease. G. W. Marston, August 23, 1861; July 20, 1865, David W. Perkins, August 23, 1861; promoted to first sergeant, May 13, 1864; killed in action. J. E. Palmer, August 23, 1861; May 16, 1864; killed in action. S. N. Lamprey, corporal, August 23, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant, August 16,1864; died from wounds. A. J. Towle, second lieutenant; not mustered. J. W. Dow, sergeant, rejected at Concord, N.H.; disability.

Excepting Simon N. Lamprey, who was in Company B, the above went out as part of Company D. Lieutenant Towle was counted out by additions from other places, and not mustered. Sergt. J. W. Dow could not pass medical examination; both served with company three months while at Fort Constitution, N.H., previous to its going to the Third.

John S. James, G. T. Crane, H. B. Dearborn, G. W. Goss, J. HF. Hobbs, and G. W. Marston re-enlisted in 1864. Of the twenty-five, four were killed in action, one died of wounds, two of disease, and two were wounded. Twelve served three years, and three were with regiment at final muster. Ten out of the twenty-five are alive today, only six of which served three years or more.


O. W. Blake, Company D, October 23, 1861; October 25, 1862; disability. A. W. Shaw, Company D, October 23, 1861; November 20, 1862; wounded.


T. H. Dearborn, Company D, sergeant, November 27, 1861; captain, November 27, 1864; resigned. J. Elkins, Company D, musician, November 27, 1861; musician, June 24, 1862; disability. A. J. Davis, Company D, November 27, 1861; November 29, 1864.


W. Dearborn, Company K, December 11, 1861; June 26, 1862; disability.


J. C. Davis, Company B, November 22, 1861; January 17, 1865.


D. Godfrey, Company G, May 17, 1864; October 22, 1864; died of disease.


F. K. Stratton, chaplain, September 3, 1862; chaplain, May 5, 1865; resigned. D. A. Moulton, Company I, corporal, September 3, 1862; sergeant, June 4, 1865; wounded. J. Batchelder, Company I, September 3, 1862; July 30, 1864; missed in action.


J. C. Perkins, Company D, sergeant, September 23, 1862. S. S. Page, Company D, corporal, September 23, 1862; July 8, 1865. P. A. Emery, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 18, 1865, wounded. J. T. Godfrey, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 8, 1865. O. H. Godfrey, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 8, 1865. J. A. Gillespie, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 7, 1865, wounded. P. Heffron, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 8, 1865. O. H. Marston, Company D, September 23, 1862; July 8, 1865. M. Marston, Company D, September 23, 1862; September 19, 1864; killed in action.


D. F. Nudd, Company I, sergeant, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. A. B. Blake, Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. T. Dunbracke, r., Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. J. Elkins, Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. J. L. Godfrey, Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. Charles Godfrey, Company I, October 31, 1862; August 13, 1863. B. F. Goodwin, Company I, October 31, 1862; August 13, 1863. G. W. Leavitt, Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. R. B. Laird, Company I, October 24, 1862; August 13, 1863. J. D. Lamprey, Company I, October 31, 1862; July 1863; killed in actioin. C. G. Perkins, Company K, October 16, 1862; August 13, 1863.


E. J. Hobbs, Company K, sergeant, October 25, 1862; sergeant, August 20, 1863. T. Fisher, Company K, October 25, 1862; June 15, 1863; died of disease. C. M. Perkins, Company K, October 25, 1862; August 20, 1863. J. D. Perkins, Company K, November 13, 1862; August 20, 1863.


O. L. Blake, Company G, January 6, 1865; July 29, 1865. J. W. Mace, Company G, January 7, 1865; July 29, 1865. J. W. Lewis, Company D, September 20, 1864; June 10, 1865.

The war cost the town $41,094. Drafted men paid $4,893 for substitutes.


The Congregational Church of Hampton is the oldest existing church in the state, and was the seventeenth formed in the Colony of Massachusetts. A church in Exeter was formed the same year, but it existed only a few years.

The organization of the church was co-existent with the settlement of the town. In fact, the pioneers were united in church covenant before coming to the new settlement.

The first pastor was Rev. Stephen Bachelor, then seventy-seven years of age, who had been a minister in England for many years. His descendants are numerous in this vicinity.

In the early days of the settlement the church worshiped in a log building which stood near the present academy (on the Meeting House Green). The first recorded action found concerning the erection of a framed church building was under date of April 6, 1840, when the town voted “to build a meeting-house 40 feet long, 22 Feet wide, and 13 Feet high ‘between Joints.’ A place to be fixed for a Bell now given by the Rev. Pastor Batchelder.”

This primitive structure was built by voluntary contribution, and many years elapsed before it was completed. When it was first occupied as a house of worship is not known. The first churches were without pews.

The third meeting-house was erected in 1675, near the site of the old one. By an order of the town all the inhabitants of more than twenty years of age were required to assist in its raising. During Mr. Gookin’s ministry, in 1719, the fourth church edifice was erected. It was first finished with one pew for the minister’s family. Others were subsequently added. The fifth church building was erected in 1797.

The bronze tablets on the boulder are inscribed as follows:

“This boulder near the site of the log meeting-house
of the Town of Hampton built soon after its settlement in 1638.
Three subsequent church buildings were erected on this meeting-house green.”

“The proprietary school known as Hampton Academy was incorporated in 1812.
Its first building which stood on this spot was burned.
The building now used by the school was erected in 1852
and removed to the present site in 1883.”

(on Academy Avenue)


As mentioned before, the first pastor was Rev. Stephen Bacheler, who remained until 1641. In 1639, Rev. Timothy Dalton became associated with Mr. Bachelor in the pastoral office, and upon the latter’s dismissal in 1641, Mr. Dalton succeeded him and was sole pastor of the church about six years, when the celebrated Rev. John Wheelwright became his associate. He was subsequently dismissed, and Mr. Dalton again ministered alone to the little settlement. Mr. Dalton gave to the church and Town of Hampton the property from which the ministerial funds of Hampton, Hampton Falls, and North Hampton were derived.

Mr. Dalton died in 1660, and he was succeeded as pastor by Rev. Seaborn Cotton, a son of John Cotton, the celebrated New England divine. He continued in the ministry until his death, in 1686. After the death of Mr. Cotton the church was destitute of a pastor about ten years. The next regular pastor was Rev. John Cotton, who was ordained November 19, 1696, and continued in the ministry until his death, March 27, 1710. Rev. Nathaniel Gookin was the next pastor, from 1710 to 1734. The next pastor was Rev. Ward Cotton, from 1734 to 1765. He was followed, in 1766, by Rev. Ebenezer Thayer, who remained until his death, in 1792. Soon after the death of Mr. Thayer a division arose in the church, and a majority declared themselves Presbyterians, held the old church building, and called Rev. William Pidgin to the pastoral office, who accepted and was ordained January 27, 1796, and remained until 1807. The minority built a church edifice, and called Rev. Jesse Appleton in 1797. In 1807, Mr. Appleton was elected president of Bowdoin College, and both churches were thus destitute of pastors. They were then reunited, the Presbyterian being merged in the Congregational, and Rev. Josiah Webster installed pastor July 8, 1808, and continued in that office until his death, in 1837. The pastors from that time to the present have been as follows: Erasmus D. Eldredge, 1838-49; Solomon D. Fay, 1849-55; John Colby, 1855-63; John W. Dodge, 1865-68; James Mclean, 1870-72; F. D. Chandler, 1873-75; John S. Batchelder, 1875-78; William H. Cutler, 1878-84; W. Walcott Fay, 1884-86; John A. Ross, 1887-1902; Edgar Warren, 1903-05; Geo. P. Rowell, 1906-08; Inor Partington, 1908-13; J. Seldon Strong, 1913-14.

The present house of worship was erected in 1843, and dedicated in January of the following year.


Methodism was introduced into the Town of Hampton in the year 1835 by the Rev. James M. Fuller, at that time stationed at Lamprey River, Newmarket, who some time in December came to Hampton and preached one Saturday evening in the north schoolhouse, and the Sunday following in the old meeting-house, at that time unoccupied. The Reverend Mr. Fuller was followed in two weeks by the Rev. James H. Paterson, then stationed at Newfields, Newmarket, after which there was no Methodist preaching in town until July, 1836, when the Reverend Mr. Fuller once more visited the place and spoke to the people about “the way of life and salvation.” From July until November there was preaching regularly once in two weeks, the pulpit being supplied by ministers from the body known in Methodism as “local preachers.” Such was the encouragement given to these regular services by the people of the town that the friends of Methodism decided in November to hold a “protracted meeting,” as a result of which may be said to be the beginning of the Methodist Church in Hampton. The society had been worshiping during these months in the old meeting-house above mentioned, a church formerly occupied by the Christian Society, but then owned by Messrs. Fogg and Lamprey. In the spring of 1837 the house was given to the Methodist Society for their use while they should occupy it as a place of worship, and after due repairs it was dedicated to the worship of God, May 22nd, the Reverend Mr. Fuller preaching an appropriate sermon from Psalms xciii. 5: “Holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, forever.”

The church and society being now quite well established it was thought best to move forward a little, and at the session of the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which met at Great Falls, July 4, 1837, Hampton was joined with the Seabrook Station, and received its first regularly appointed ministerial supply in the services of the Rev. E. D. Trickey and the Rev. John Brodhead, who were stationed on the circuit, but as the Reverend Mr. Brodhead confined his labors almost entirely to Hampton from “Conference” until his death, which occurred at his home in South Newmarket, April 7, 1838, he may be said to have been the first Methodist preacher stationed in Hampton. In 1838 Hampton was connected with Greenland, and the Rev. Ed. D. Trickey and William Padman were appointed to the circuit. The Reverend Mr. Padman, however, gave most of his services to the Hampton Church, and during the year there was a revival of religious interest and quite a number of additions were made to the church. In 1839 Hampton was joined with Rye, and the Rev. S. A. Cushing was appointed to the circuit, one to be supplied, and the Rev. A. M. Osgood was appointed by the presiding elder to assist Mr. Cushing on the circuit, and they labored alternately in each place from week to week until January, 1840, when the Reverend Mr. Cushing was released from the circuit, and Mr. Osgood directed to finish the year at Hampton, which he did, with some considerable success attending his labors.

Since 1840, Hampton has been an independent station, and has been served by the following pastors: 1840, A. M. Osgood; 1841, Abraham Folsom; 1842-43, H. N. Taplin; 1844, John F. Adams; 1845, J. M. Young; 1846, C. H. Chase; 1847-48, Henry Nutter; 1849, A. M. Osgood; 1850, Ira A. Sweatland; 1851, Matthew Newhall.

In 1852, Abel Heath was appointed to Hampton Station by the New Hampshire Conference, but being taken sick, and dying before he reached Hampton, the church was without a pastor until Matthew Newhall was appointed to the station to fill out the year. Since then the appointments have been: 1853, James M. Hartwell; 1854-55, John English; 1856-57, John W. Johnson; 1858-59, N. L. Chase; 1860, Joseph Hayes; 1861-62, F. K. Stratton; 1863, S. F. Whidden; 1864, E. Lewis; 1865, N. L. Chase; 1866, A. C. Coult; 1867-68, A. A. Cleveland; 1869-70, G. W. Ruland; 1871, S. J. Robinson; 1872-74, Elihu Scott; 1875-76, J. H. Knatt; 1877-78, J. P. Frye; 1879-80, A. B. Carter; 1881-82, J. F. Spalding; 1882-83; 1884-86, H. B. Copp; 1887-89, W. C. Bartlett; 1890, C. M. Howard; 1891-93, Nobel Fisk; 1893-94, Gilman H. Clark; 1894-96, William A. Prosser; 1898-1904, John W. Bradford; 1906-09, J. B. Felt; 1910-12, W. J. Wilkins; 1912-14, E. C. Clough.

In 1846, during the pastorate of the Rev. C. H. Chase, the society secured a parsonage for its preachers by buying and moving to an eligible location on the Portsmouth road a house standing on the line of the Eastern Railroad, then being built.

In 1848, under the labors of the Rev. Henry Nutter, a building lot was secured at the corner of Ann’s Lane, so called, and the Portsmouth road, and a neat, comfortable church erected, which was dedicated to the worship of God in November of the same year, the Rev. Benjamin R. Hoyt preaching the dedicatory sermon from Heb. xiii. 16: “But to do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” This church, which cost about twelve hundred dollars, served the society as a place of worship without material change until the fall of 1881, when, for the better accommodation of the wants of the society, it was moved to a more eligible location near the village on the Portsmouth road, and thoroughly remodeled and repaired at an expense of $3,100. The house was rededicated to the worship of God January 5, 1882, the Rev. Bradford K. Peirce, of Boston, preaching the sermon from Luke ii. 7: “Because there was no room for them in the inn.”


Excavation for the new Catholic Church at Hampton Beach has been started and it is expected that it will be ready for occupancy by July 1, 1914.

The church will be located on Highland Crest Park, the land being donated by W. J. Bigley of Somerville.

The church will have a frontage of forty-six feet and a depth of ninety-five feet. It will be of frame construction and will cost about $15,000. The seating capacity will be about eight hundred. When it is completed there will be an 8 o’clock mass every week day and two masses on Sunday.

The Rev. Fr. F. P. J. Scott, rector of St. Michael’s Church, Exeter, will be in charge of the new edifice and will stay at the beach all summer, having purchased a cottage adjoining the land for the edifice. Bishop Guertin of Manchester will dedicate the church during the summer season.


The Baptist Church was first organized in 1817, with the following members: Joshua Lane, Abraham Marston, Amos Towle, Jr., Samuel L. Brown, Samuel Nudd, Josiah Dearborn, Joseph Mace, Willard Emery, Jr., Abna Mace, Josiah Shaw, Simon Garland, Samuel Batchelder, Jonathan Philbrick, Abigail Mason, Abigail Lane, Betty Towle, Betty Marston, Elizabeth Nudd, Sarah B. Towle, Nancy Towle, Hannah Blake, Patty Mason, Ludin Shaw, Molly Brown, Sarah Emery, Irene Moss, and Betty Garland.

The first church building was given to the society, and fitted up with common board seats with no backs, and no arrangements for fire in the winter season for some time. A new edifice was erected in 1834, and raised up in 1878 and a vestry added. The society now has a good meeting-house and parsonage, which was erected in 1854.

The following is a list of the pastors from Reverend Mr. Hareman to the present time (1915): Revs. Elias Hutchins, 1838; P. S. Burbank, 1840; Wm. Johnson, 1845; P. S. Burbank, 1846; William P. Merrill, 1848; F. Moulton, 1851; Wm. Rogers, 1853; Wm. H. Waldron, 1856; Wm. C. Clark, 1857; De Witt C. Durgin, 1858; F. H. Lyford, 1870; G. J. Abbott, 1873; L. L. Harman, 1877; 1877; F. P. Wormwood, 1881-85; John B. Merrill, 1885-88; W. A. Tucker, 1888-92; A. F. Schermerhorn, 1892-95; David H. Adams, 1895-99; G. O. Wiggin, 1899-1902; S. D. Church, 1902-03; G. L. Waterman, 1903-09; W. L. Phillips, 1909-13; J. L. Smith, 1913-14.


The church edifice belonging to this society was erected in 1871, and the church was organized in 1877. Elder John H. Longland is the present minister.


In 1706, the town voted “that if the inhabitants on the South side of Taylor’s River shall take care to have their children taught, they shall not be assessed to the schoolmaster or Town from yeare to yeare.”

September 22, 1712, it was “voted to build a schoolhouse, 24 ft. by 20, on the land granted for that purpose by Dea. Dalton, to be finished by the last of April.”

In 1737, it was “voted to build a school-house on the school-house acre in the room of one which was burnt, of the same size, £25 to be paid for building said school-house.”

February 7, 1791, it was voted to build Centre and Bride Hill school-houses. Other schoolhouses were built in 1825 and 1855. In 1873, the East End Schoolhouse was erected at a cost of $5,380, and the house at the center at a cost of $4,485.


Perkins Post, G. A. R.; Woman’s Relief Corps; Rockingham Lodge, Hunto Encampment, I.O.O.F.; Winnecummet Rebekah Lodge; Ocean Side Grange; J.O.U.A.


was incorporated in 1810, and for a long series of years occupied a prominent place among the literary institutions of the state. The union of the academy and high school having a specified course of study was made in 1885. The list of principals are published in the “History of Hampton,” by Joseph Dow. C. T. Ross is the principal.


Hampton is famous as a summer resort, and its hotels are among the best on the coast. There are: HOTEL WHITTIER, C. H. HUBBELL; MASON HOUSE; HAMPTON BEACH HOTEL; SEA VIEW HOUSE, J.G. CUTLER and the CASINO. These are all at the beach except HOTEL WHITTIER, which is pleasantly located in Hampton Village, a short distance from the Eastern Railroad Station.

In 1865, the Hampton Library Association was formed; it was a private association. In 1891 its books were given to the town, forming the nucleus of a public library, which numbers now 4,400 volumes (1915). The Lane Library building was erected in 1910.