Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association
65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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Newspaper account of moving the Academy building on January 22, 1883:

Hampton, N.H.

A long-looked-for event, moving the Academy building to a new location, came off Monday, 22d inst. [1883].For some days, everything had been in readiness for the start, waiting only for the opportune hour. It came although the weather was cold and blustering, yet the teamsters from this and the neighboring towns began to assemble, goad and whip in hand, and at 12 o’clock M. eighty pair of oxen and ten pair of large team horses were hitched to the cables that were to draw the building across Ring Swamp to its new home near the town house. After a delay of about an hour, getting things arranged, ropes were fastened to each side for men and boys to help; the word was given to start, and, like a thing of life, it seemed glad to get away from its old home where for so long a time it had been slighted and forsaken even by its friends, and fly away to its new home, hoping if it cannot have with it, its old associates that it may at least gather to itself new friends that will drive away the lonesomeness it has experienced the last few years. The move was a splendid success. In just seventeen minutes from the time the word to start was given, it was upon the sport designed for its home, without a stop or accident to mar the occasion. The only thing to mar the occasion was an individual exhibition which caused many to regret the vote they once cast, and beside convinced them that the rum and elder business was not all in the Democratic party, a fact they must have seen and known before this.

From the neighboring towns there are many who deserve mention for their generosity in helping us move this building. Space forbids us to mention all these generous souls, yet we cannot fail to mention Edmund Morrill of Salisbury, Mass., a man when called upon to do heavy teaming was never known to run away. He came with seven yoke of oxen. After the move was over, the out of town men were invited to the town hall and treated to meats, bread, and hot coffee. The town bell commenced to ring out the glad news to those who were not present at the hauling. The bell on the Academy, which had been still so long, chimed in with it, and for more than an hour they kept up their glad rejoicing.

Those of the trustees who have been active in bringing about this result, deserve great praise for their pluck, when so much was said and done to discourage and hinder them. Also, much praise is due to Mr. J. A. Dearborn, the mover, who so nobly seconded the efforts of the trustees. — States and Union.

The Academy in the late 1800s: The sign on the front of the building reads “Odd Fellows Hall.” The Odd Fellows rented the upper hall between 1883 and 1896. (Courtesy of Harold E. Fernald, Jr. ’49)