Useful websites for New Hampshire voters


There are a few websites with information for voters.

Town website Elections page
There isn't much information here beyond where and when to vote and copies of the ballots that you can download.

In The Know Hampton
An unbiased voter guide for local elections. They also have a page on Facebook here.

Rational Taxpayers of Hampton
The website of the authors of the "Yellow Sheet"

Project Vote Smart is a non-profit, non-partisan research organization that collects and distributes information on candidates for public office in the United States. It covers candidates and elected officials in six basic areas: background information, issue positions (via the Political Courage Test), voting records, campaign finances, interest group ratings, and speeches and public statements.
Ballotpedia is a fact-checked wiki-style online encyclopedia about American politics and elections. It covers U.S. Congress, state executive officials, state legislatures, recall elections, state and local ballot measures, and school board elections. The Wall Street Journal described Ballotpedia as "a nonpartisan organization that collects election data."
The Live Free or Die Alliance is a nonpartisan, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to serve New Hampshire citizens by: providing objective information about issues and candidates, promoting the civil exchange of opinions in a variety of forums, online and in person, and connecting citizens with their elected officials.
OnTheIssues is an American non-partisan, non-profit organization providing information to voters about candidates, primarily via their web site. The organization was started in 1996, went non-profit in 2000, and is currently run primarily by volunteers. The organization's stated mission is to help voters pick candidates "based on issues rather than on personalities and popularity." They obtain their information from newspapers, speeches, press releases, book excerpts, House and Senate voting records, Congressional bill sponsorships, political affiliations and ratings, and campaign websites from the Internet.
New Hampshire Public Radio has a great deal of information on the 2014 elections on this site. If you are following this link after the election go to the home page and click on the News menu to find any upcoming election information that might be available. is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups". They publish original statements and their evaluations on the website, and assign each a "Truth-O-Meter" rating. The ratings range from "True" for completely accurate statements to "Pants on Fire" (from the taunt "Liar, liar, pants on fire") for false and ridiculous claims. This link points to the New Hampshire section of their website.
WMUR, New Hampshire's largest television station, has good coverage of local, state and national elections in New Hampshire.
OpenCongress is a comprehensive, nonpartisan source for what's happening in the United States Congress. Their website makes it easy to follow legislation in Congress, from bill introduction to floor vote, as well as profiles for senators and representatives. You can use the site to learn more about issues you care about and connect with others who share similar views.