Hampton Union, Thursday, August 25, 1938

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

Designed by Hazle Leavitt Smith

The largest throng in the history of the town estimated at close to 100,000 people, witnessed the 2-mile long Hampton Tercentenary parade on Wednesday which included decorated floats, special tercentenary features and several bands and marching units which left High street for Hampton Beach at 1 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon by way of Lafayette road to Winnacunnet road to the East End School house where the marching units were taken by special busses to Cutler’s, Sea View House where they resumed their place in the line of march.

Just previous to starting on their way, the high-spirited horses of Roby Jewell of Stratham, hauling the 50 year old piece of fire apparatus entered by the Town of Exeter, ran wild and bolted from the line of march, down a five foot embankment onto the athletic field on the Hampton Academy grounds and dashed across the street smashing into the front porch of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Merrill, doing considerable damage. The driver, Guy Kelsey, of Stratham, was slightly injured although the horses were uninjured. Considerable damage was done to this old piece of fire apparatus which dates back to 1853.

Past Commander Marvin Young of Hamptons’ Legion Post 35 was marshal of the parade and was mounted along with his aides. All wore medieval costumes of another era with slit sleeves and leather jerkins and wearing plumed hats. A motorcycle escort preceded them.

Directly following was Norman Leavitt of North Hampton, also mounted, wearing a Colonial costume and carrying an old American flag. Opposite was John Howe of Hampton Beach dressed as a British soldier. Ted Wright’s Band of Newburyport which has played here at Tercentenary events was next.

The first of the decorated floats followed and depicted the Landing of Stephen Bachiler with Rev. Herbert Walker as Father Bachiler. On this float also were John Hayden, a descendant of Stephen Bachiler, Russell Merrill and little Joan and Robert Walker, grand- children of Rev. Herbert Walker also Roland Janvrin, Jr.

The Hampton Methodist church float depicting “John Wesley Founds First Sunday School at Savannah, Ga., 1736-37,” with the pastor, Rev. Calvin Warburton as John Wesley, Mrs. Letitia Marston North Hampton, as Mrs. Wesley. Others on float were Mrs. John Elliot, organist, Pauline Moore, Donald Brown, Marjorie and Barbara Brown, Jewell Sherburne and Phyllis Blake.

St. Patrick’s parish of Hampton Beach, prize winning float in the section for churches, depicted Jesus standing in a fishing boat on the green sea of Galilee, Francis Fogarty of Manchester in the role of Christ. With him were two fishermen, Robert Whitney and William Flanagan and in the distance hovered two angels, Matilda and Bernadette McCool of Hampton Beach.

The Hampton Beach Precinct float, depicting John Greenleaf Whittier’s vision of Hampton Beach, with Paul Perras as the poet sitting on the rocks while Barbara Butler, June Bogrett, Audrey Peters, Laura Filley, Lucy Ann O’Dea, Donald Beede, and Dionne Hill played in the sand,

The replica of Hampton Academy in minute detail was next. This float entered by the trustees received the prize for the school section of floats.

The old stage coach from Intervale seldom seen in the past century drawn by four horses, was next and this unusual sight attracted much attention throughout the entire route.

A group of children in pilgrim costume with old fashioned baby carriages followed. Barbara Garland was preceded by John Brooks of Hampton. Also were Dorothy Henderson, Edward Henderson and Alice Stone [Storm?] of North Hampton. All were In Colonial costume. Edward Rinfret of Exeter, in old time costume mounted on his roan raised by him, was next.

The Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America, Troop 177, led by Asst. Scoutmaster Orville Gauthier, was next in line with standards of Daniel Webster Council and American flag being carried by members at the head of the line.

The Frank E. Booma Post American Legion band of Portsmouth, led by Ed Ross, flanked on either side by Miss Jackie (Eileen) Woods [the singing voice of “Cinderella” in the 1950 Walt Disney movie] and Miss Ruth Gelbert dressed in kilties, acted as drum major and major domo.

The Junior Drum Corps of Epping with 37 boys in line led by Thomas Woodman, drill master, George Burnham and Malcolm McKenzie as drum majors and the Almon Pingree (Junior unit) Band were next in their colorful costumes.

The float entered by the Hampton Square and Compass Club followed decorated in white and blue.

The Rebecca Lodge No. 26 of Hampton, outstanding In the parade, depicted Rebekah at the well with Warden Vivian Brown as Rebekah and costumed attendants Mrs. Lawrence Hackett, Noble Grand, Miss Gladys Carter, Past Noble Grand, Miss Louise Tontini and Mrs. Muriel Norton. This float was the prize winner in the Fraternal float section.

Rockingham Lodge I. 0. 0. F. No. 22, Hampton, depicted a lodge scene, banner 1848, Hampton Falls 1888, Hampton Academy 1896 and their present home. In the following carriage were the oldest members, J. Frank Marston, 93, John P. Blake, 87 and oldest Odd Fellow in length of membership, and Amos K. Blake, 87. On the float were James Creighton, Forrest Creighton, Sumner Falls and Frank Stevens.

An old carry-all “Going to the Hampton Monday Club” was next with Miss Irene J. Trefethen, Mrs. Margaret Noyes, Mrs. Freda Coffin and Mrs. Alice Thompson, all past presidents of the club in old-time costumes.

The Hampton Beach Community church was next, depicting “Rock of Ages” with Shirley Stickney, the sole rider, dressed as in the famous painting.

Hampton’s Town float (Happy Birthday) which received the prize in the town floats was decorated in yellow and white with the Queen of the Tercentenary, Miss Betty Tobey, Miss Columbia (Miss Shirley Arnold) and Miss Eleanor Palmer, runner up in the Queen contest on either side. Children forming a court and attendants were Winifred and Carlene Barron, Donna Rita Moore, Janet Winchester, Betty Nudd, Ann Janvrin, John Janvrin and Murray Johnson gathered about a birthday cake eating ice cream. All were in costume.

The State Highway department float depicting a model of the covered bridge over the flume at the White Mountains made to scale, with Joseph Greenough and George Bailey in charge, was next in line.

Whittier’s last days at Hampton Falls was depicted on the next float with fireplace and old desk with G. White as the poet seated in a chair 150 years old.

A replica of the “Little Red Schoolhouse” at North Hampton entered as a Town float was next. This school, built in 1820 was destroyed by vandals in 1875. Paul W. hobbs, driver, was in charge.

The Danville Town Float was an old one-horse shay of Calib Towle, who came from Hampton in 1760 with his direct descendants, Forest and Louise Griffin riding in the shay.

East Kingston Town float showed time typical home, a log cabin, of a pioneer settler even to the old well and the flowers in the yard. On this float were Miss Ann Rowell as mother, children Dorothy Miron and Charles Knight with Frederick Holmes as father.

Old open car, license 1911, was next in the parade and it was typical of that period.

The Portsmouth Order of Red Men including Sachem Joseph Lovely Massasoit, Lodge No. 26, Leslie Gardner as Medicine Man and Brave Hanson of Wonalanut Council of Kittery, Maine were among those present.

An old fashioned 1900 automobile was entered by the Rollins Brothers from Exeter. “Diana” was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Lowther, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ramsdell, Betty Parker and Blake Rawlings in costume.

The Exeter Brass Band with lively tunes with leader Crowley came next.

The Old One Horse Shay (200 years old), driven in turns by Ed Broyn and Frank S. Mason, both of whom took part in the 250th celebration was unique.

Selectmen of Hampton and their special guests, followed by the Selectmen of North Hampton, Kensington, East Kingston and Kingston, were next in modern automobiles.

The local A & P Store [The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company] entry was next. It was a decorated car.

The Hampton Fails Garden Club with a garden scene and Miss Dorothy Janvrin was very lovely.

The Hampton Garden Club with log cabin and well sweep and garden, driven by Frank Fogg who also drove in the 250th parade, following.

The Hampton P. T. A. carryall, with Mrs. A. T. Waldron, president, Mrs Helen Brown, secretary and Shirley Ann Brown, came next.

The Hampton Mothers’ Circle float was next with an attractive home scene complete with an old cradle, braided rugs and old chairs with the mothers and children in costume. On this float were Mrs. Ruth Snider and daughter Joan, Mrs. Dorothy Wiggin and daughter Sally Ann, Mrs. Wilma White and son Charles, Mrs. Etta Murray Towle and son Allen.

Ellsworth Leavitt of North Hampton, on an old high wheel bicycle in beaver hat, high leather boots and large collar of the Clay and Harrison period, was next.

The prize in the Historical Division went to Kingston for their presentation of Josiah Bartlett, the first governor of New Hampshire, and his white wigged counselors. In the role of Governor, Edward H. Derrah presided over the group composed of Edward Colcord, Simeon P. Clark, Warren H. Tucker, C. Chase Rowell and Eldredge Atwood.

The Kingston Fire Department showing the old and the new came next with nearly a score of firemen from Kingston drawing a hand tub which was followed by Engine No. 1 of Kingston.

The Spizzerinktum Chicken Farm with the largest poultry population in New Hampshire with baby chicks, was next.

The Town of Kensington float depicting “Ye Old Shoe Shoppe” where John Blake whose grandfather made Blake’s Famous Pig Boots 150 years ago, was the sole occupant. Mr. Blake forsook the trade 45 years ago.

American Legion Post 35 Colors were carried by Commander Joseph Ferguson and the American Flag was carried by Past Commander Henry Fleming. The guards were Dean B. Merrill and Charles Davis.

These were followed by the Exeter Junior Drum Corp of Almon Pingree Post with Manuel St. Laurence, drill master, leading The American Legion float “For God and Country” in red, white and blue, attractive with flags of various sizes flying in the breeze, was occupied by Joseph Ferguson, the son of the Commander, Stanwood Brown, Miss Louise Newcomb, Natale Leek, James Eastman, Eugene Moaratty, Millard Dalton and Harold Keene.

The Hampton Beach Property Owners Protective Association with an all pink float depicting a home scene, won the trophy in the Miscellaneous Division. Here Mrs. Ethel Powers Uhlig rocked a 100-year old cradle as Mrs. Martha D. Greene sat at the ancient spinning wheel while Marion Hensen and Theresa Leslie wound yarn. Owen J. Boston of the Bench posed as the father looking on at the scene.

Miss Marilyn Perkins and Miss Dolorees Gauron dressed as pages from the Flying Triangle Ranch of Hampton Beach, were next.

A very attractive float from the Seabrook, N. H. Gladiola Farm, which was prettily decorated with gladioli had as its only occupant Miss Charlotte Eaton

The small colonial coach with Chares Edward Cove representing Edward Gove, the first to lead an armed uprising in America against English rule, was accompanied by Lewis Temple, Evelyn, Edward amid Betty Ann Goodwin, all descendants.

Beckman’s Band of Seabrook and replica of the original Gov. Weare birthplace which originally stood on the Gove Road. It was made by Harry Brown, assisted by his grandfather Alfred Newell Dow. It was exceptional in that every room in the house was painted amid papered with fireplaces and draperies at the doors and windows. This was a white frame house with green blinds, and was next in line.

The Hampton Chamber of Commerce float depicting three generations of progress was depicted by Hobbs as an Indian squaw. A Colonial log cabin with Billy Cushing in colonial costume, and a modern house of the Cape Cod type with Rachel Burnham as the modern girl was very attractive in its natural settings of trees etc. The log cabin on this float was made by Robert Cushing and the chairman of the float committee, Mrs. Daniel Cushing.

Decorated floats followed including Exeter and Hampton Electric Company, Exeter Banking Company “Why Daddy Saves”, Emery’s decorated automobile was next, resplendent in blue trimmings decorated with pink gladioli. Miss Priscilla Emery and Charlotte Odiorne were seated on the fenders in front in pink costumes holding sprays of the flowers.

Hampton and Seabrook Gas Co, was next with their beautiful large truck completely decorated in white and red.

A pair of twin marked oxen, 6-months old, owned by Archie York of Kensington, drawing a small farm cart attracted much attention. This unusual sight was greeted all along the line of march with cheers.

H. P. Hood and Company with two milk trucks were followed by the Brown’s Farm float. Passengers aboard this float were the 7th generation.

The men in old fashioned costumes carrying fire buckets and bags were from the Hampton Department and were William Thibido, Marris De Merritt, Arthur Fellows, Clarence Shaw and Pearl Bayers.

The U. S. Coast Guard with a surf boat manned by Coast Guardsmen was followed by the “Gondola from Fort William and Mary to Durham, thence to Bunker Hill was entered by Paul W. Hobbs of North Hampton, Maurice Kierstead dressed as a fisherman riding in the stern.

The first Model T Ford, no windshield open type of 1903 vintage on a truck was next attracting wide attention.

The entire Hampton and Hampton Beach Fire Department headed by Chief George Lamott was one of the largest single entries in the parade, Engines 1, 2 and 4 and Ladder truck driven by firemen made a fine showing. Fire men and apparatus from Exeter covered the Hampton Fire Station while the Fire Department from Ring’s Island and men covered the Hampton Beach station.

The prizes were judged by Mayor Frank A. MacMasters of Nashua, N. H., Mayor George E. Dalrymple of Haverhill, Mass., and Mayor F. V. Manning of Lynn, Mass.

The prizes, silver loving cups inscribed, were presented at the band stand at Hampton Beach by Judge John W. Perkins, chairman of the General Committee for the Tercentenary.