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Hampton Union, Thursday, September 3, 1938

“Bill” Elliot — 1938

The wild and hilarious conduct of bandmaster Charles H. Leave and his group of musicians as they went to the races each afternoon and evening along with “Bill” Elliot in his week here, was a great surprise to the thousands of visitors who have watched and listened to them during the past summer, never dreaming of their intense interest in the horses. Just where they picked up those green bottles which tied together they peered through so intensely, is another question and what they saw is the final poser. The fact that they always swerved on the beach sands with their gaze, reaches some doubt about the horses. Anyway, they were full of pep and gave “Bill” an opportunity for some monologue work which was all right.

“Bill” Elliot’s Week ended with an immense crowd giving a great ovation at the final performance Saturday night. Each number of the well balanced program was given a great hand and “Bill’s” selection from his book of poems was not only well rendered but had an appeal from its every day naturalness.

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