Does This Sound Familiar?

Province of New Hampshire
To the Selectmen of ye Town of Hampton


Pursuant to an Act of Generall Assembly entituled an Act for Granting to His Most Excellent Majesty the Sum of four thousand seven hundred & twenty pounds Bills of Credit on this Province Equall to Proclamation Money, And to an Act in Addition to sd Act for the more equall Collecting Province Taxes etc.

You are in His Majestys Name Required to make a Just & Equall & Impartiall Assessment on all Poles & Estates within sd Town Rateable by Law to the Value of fifty-five pounds one shilling & six-pence like Bills of Credit, and Comitt the Same to the Constable of sd Town Requiring Him to Collect and Pay the Same to the Treasurer of sd Province for the time being at or before the first Day of February next Ensueing, or in Silvor Coyned Money at Six Shillings & Eight pence per ounce, or in Such Species as in sd Act are Enumerated, and at the Prices therein assertained.

You are also Required to make Returne to sd Treasurer of the Constables Name and the Sum he is to Collect & Pay as You will avoyd the Penalty Provided in sd Act in Case of Your Neglect.

Given under my Hand this 10th day of September in the Eighteenth Year of His Majestys Reign Anno Domini 1745.

Geo. Jafrey, Treas.

(Document courtesy Arthur L. Penniman)

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